Maker Pro
Maker Pro

If there's a wifi or wireless connection nearby is it moral to tap inand use it?



Rod Speed said:
<reams of your puerile shit flushed where it belongs>

you mean this:

You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

You can keep ignoring if you like but you would just be making a fool of

You quite sure you aint one of those rocket
scientist silly little terminal fuckwits ?

Lying, again. You ACTUALLY said

Err, that's the same thing. You're making pointless distinctions again,
and this time your inventing them completely.

"prove who as tapping into it" and "prove your identity"

What's the difference? None, except if your desparate for an excuse to be
profane and abusive.

Unlikely aint the same thing as the absolute you pig
ignorantly claimed, you silly little terminal fuckwit.

it was reasonable to say that they wouldn't be able to prove it, because
they're unlikely to have logging in place.

Only someone desparate to be profane and abusive would argue otherwise

Rod Speed

Err, that's the same thing.

Lying, again.
You're making pointless distinctions again, and this time your inventing them

Lying, again.
"prove who as tapping into it" and "prove your identity"
What's the difference?

You cant actually be THAT stupid.

On second thoughts, since you cant actually work out
the difference between a residential house and a shop,
legally, presumably you actually are that stupid.
it was reasonable to say that they wouldn't be able to prove it, because
they're unlikely to have logging in place.

Lying, again.


Rod Speed said:
<reams of your puerile shit flushed where it belongs>

you mean this:

You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

You can keep ignoring if you like but you would just be making a fool of

Lying, again.

You cant actually be THAT stupid.

err, there's no difference, but let's see what ridiculous pointless
distinction you will try to make in order to be profane and abusive.


Rod Speed said:
<reams of your puerile shit flushed where it belongs>

you mean this:

You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

You can keep ignoring if you like but you would just be making a fool of

You still haven't explained the difference. I'm looking forward to it.

Lying, again.

He's right.

Who, one of your multiple personalities?

Rod Speed

You still haven't explained the difference.

I dont bother trying to explain basic stuff to stones either.

Or the legal difference with a residential house and shop
either as far as entry without knocking is concerned either.
I'm looking forward to it.

Hold your breath.

He's right.


The said:
MS firewall in XP SP2 does outbound filtering.

Since when?

One of the great annoyances about the firewall in XP SP2 is that it only
does incoming filtering - anything can send outgoing data.

Even MS say it doesn't filter outgoing, (just search for 'outgoing'):

You need to use IPSec to filter outgoing on XP SP2.

Otherwise use a third party firewall, (which are far and away better
than anything I'd trust MS to come up with).

IIRC, Windows Vista _may_ have firewall that works in both directions.


Ken Taylor

EnjoyDialup said:
I said that already! but no one seems to be paying attention!

Maybe no-one's thought of it, but it would be really easy to track down the
signal from an interloper.....

(sorry, just stirring! :)

Ken Taylor

EnjoyDialup said:
you miss understand. I pointed out that racing a radio signal is the
easiest way to find the person a week ago!!

no one ever listens to me :'(

I must have misunderstood...........


no one ever listens to me :'(

Maybe its because everyone has added you to their kill file.
Maybe its because your an idiot.
Do you have any ideas why no one ever listens to you?
Try shutting up and put quality over quantity.


EnjoyDialup said:
you miss understand. I pointed out that racing a radio signal is the
easiest way to find the person a week ago!!

no one ever listens to me :'(

I'm sorry, did you say something??? ;-)

Yes I know you said the same thing, but if it's any help I don't think
anyone listened to me either??

Oh, and BTW - I think it may be possible to track the signal from a WiFi
network.... ;-)