Maker Pro
Maker Pro

If there's a wifi or wireless connection nearby is it moral to tap inand use it?



rowan194 said:
Not sure about the legalities but IMHO I don't believe it's ethical,
unless it's an obvious invitation (eg, my AP is actually named
"CONNECT2ME" because I plan to offer limited net services for free)

Of course with many routers never changed from the default settings it
might even be possible that a neighbour is unknowingly locking onto
your AP, rather than his!

That was my point.... I wonder how many users both
home or business even bother setting the system off
the default settings. In most cases those settings would
permit access by any other machine within reception
range, I would imagine....


John said:
That was my point.... I wonder how many users both
home or business even bother setting the system off
the default settings. In most cases those settings would
permit access by any other machine within reception
range, I would imagine....
I do, only my laptop's MAC address is allowed on my wireless router



John said:
Just wondering what people's position is on this.

If you have a wireless or wifi internet connection in range
of your laptop or desktop machine and you tap in to use it
is it OK?

I would prolly try it for a bit then quickly log off and never
use it again because to me it would feel wrong to use it.

Yes I use them.

I have just come back from a trip to northern NSW and used one there for
email and a little surfing. And I will be in Geelong and Melbourne in the
next two weeks and will be looking for open wifi connections in both places
for the same purpose.

I use an external antenna to boost the range of my wireless card.

If folk leave their connection open for anyone to use, then I thank them.

Rod Speed

DalienX said:
Rod Speed wrote
Oh nice, you deny not having read it but claim it doesnt exsist...

I said it doesnt exist in any STATE, fuckwit.

There is just one Trespass Act and that is in the NT.

AND that one doesnt say what you pig ignorantly claim below anyway.

That aint a STATE, fuckwit, and has no relevance to
the original poster's question, he aint in the NT, fuckwit.
rod speed = wrong.

Lying, as always. Pity about
which is nothing like you first piece of pig ignorant drivel.

just imposes a DIFFERENT PENALTY for trespass after the
trespasser has been asked to leave, you silly little pig ignorant clown.

Done like a fucking dinner, as always.

Just out of curiousity if anyone did tap into a wifi network they found. Even if they were detected how would anyone know where the
tresspasser lived let alone be able to do anything to them? I do not condone this behaviour at all however all these laws and such
are of no use if you have no idea who is breaking them.

Rod Speed

V© said:
Just out of curiousity if anyone did tap into a wifi network they
found. Even if they were detected how would anyone know where the tresspasser
lived let alone be able to do anything to them?

Depends on what they do and how good the logging is etc.

It wouldnt be that hard to work out who they
are if they used email and net banking etc.
I do not condone this behaviour at all however all these laws and such are of
no use if you have no idea who is breaking them.

That isnt true, the laws do deter some and you can get the
user booted from their ISP if you can work out who they
are, just because they have engaged in illegal activity.


Just out of curiousity if anyone did tap into a wifi network they found. Even if they were detected how
would anyone know where the
tresspasser lived let alone be able to do anything to them? I do not
condone this behaviour at all however
all these laws and such
are of no use if you have no idea who is breaking them.

I was using a wireless network attached to cable last week in USA,
completely open.

I could see from the modem that others outside the apartment were also using
it; when I told the "owner" of the network, they shrugged, and didn't

However I noticed an attempt to set up a zombie on my laptop from outside.

Colin ®

Dogfart said:
However I noticed an attempt to set up a zombie on my laptop from outside.

That's an issue I have always wondered about.

I presume you would need file &printer sharing off and good S/W firewall ,
AV , Browserhijack protection.

What else do you need to do to keep yourself unmolested when using an open
AP like that.


Rod Speed

That's an issue I have always wondered about.
I presume you would need file &printer sharing off and good S/W firewall , AV
, Browserhijack protection.
What else do you need to do to keep yourself unmolested when using an open AP
like that.

That wont stop them logging the traffic on the wireless router etc.

No big deal if you are careful, but could be a problem if you arent.

Colin ®

Rod Speed said:
That wont stop them logging the traffic on the wireless router etc.

No big deal if you are careful, but could be a problem if you arent.

Logging is one thing - it's the data stream that I wonder about. Capture
that and I'm rooted.

So what you are saying is that with a secure PC as I described it should be
safe if I screw the F/W down tight and watch it.

And also assuming the AP is not set up as a honeypot to do data capture.

Correct ?



Rod Speed wrote:

That aint a STATE, fuckwit, and has no relevance to
the original poster's question, he aint in the NT, fuckwit.

Haha.. translation: That law doesnt exsist... except in nt now lets
fight about wether or not NT is a real state.
Lying, as always. Pity about
which is nothing like you first piece of pig ignorant drivel.

just imposes a DIFFERENT PENALTY for trespass

Oh a different penalty now, thats pretty clever for a law you claimed
doesnt even exsist...

Your in idiot rod, you say the law doesnt exsist, yet it clearly does
And I happen to know the trespass act is in force in all states.
How do i know? I'm a bouncer, its my job to enforce this law.
You can pull links to NT law out of your ass all week for all i care,
try looking up civil laws, and national laws.. as for me? I'm over it.

Deadly Ernest

That was my point.... I wonder how many users both
home or business even bother setting the system off
the default settings. In most cases those settings would
permit access by any other machine within reception
range, I would imagine....
Ok, firstly it would be a very rare average user
who ended up looking at this NG, and an even rarer
average user who knew how to set up security on a
wifi properly. Many wifi systems are such that any
attempts to reset them will result in non operation
until they are set up properly, a difficult task for
most average users. Thus most find that they work
out of the box and go back to the default settings
when any difficulties arise. Thus leaving them open.

What I would like to see is the wifi router manufacturers
make them with a special thumb drive included. All the
wifi routers that I have dealt with were all adjustable
via a web page within the router and a usb link. You
enter your network details in the router, add in a base
word for coding algorythm to be based on. then the router
uploads adjustments to the thumb drive. You then plug
the thumb drive into each machine to be allowed access
and run the program on it. The thumb drive then updates
the relevant parts of the computer seciruty setting to
match the router based on the new algorythm. Very simple
to do - similar to the old MS ICS disk process. Then
you would have easy set up security for each network that
any dunce can use.


DalienX said:
You have not read the trespass act rod.
If you leave your house unlocked and someone comes in thats not illigal
just immoral.
They are not breaking any laws unless you tell them to leave and they
dont. Then its trespass.

I would b worried bout Australian law, if that's the case for a private
property. I mean look at it, anybody can walk into anybodies house and if
the door is open one can walk in and he can never be charged for doing that
'cos it's "not against the law". Oh, man that freaks me out.


Damian wrote:

I would b worried bout Australian law, if that's the case for a
private property. I mean look at it, anybody can walk into anybodies
house and if the door is open one can walk in and he can never be
charged for doing that 'cos it's "not against the law". Oh, man that
freaks me out.

Thats why you should always lock your door.
That way you can get them on break and enter.

Damien McBain

DalienX committed to the eternal aether...:

snip url that dun work
rod speed = wrong.

On this occasion, no.

Trespass is a tort (like negligence & contract), law created in the courts
by precedent. There is no state or federal legislation (law created by

The Real Andy

Just wondering what people's position is on this.

If you have a wireless or wifi internet connection in range
of your laptop or desktop machine and you tap in to use it
is it OK?

I would prolly try it for a bit then quickly log off and never
use it again because to me it would feel wrong to use it.

I leave my wifi open. You cant get into my PC, but you can use my
wifi. If you want to use it, i have no issue. If you abuse it, i will
shut you out. If you chew out all my bandwith, i will probably close

Abuse it and loose it.


Damien said:
DalienX committed to the eternal aether...:

snip url that dun work

On this occasion, no.

Trespass is a tort (like negligence & contract), law created in the
courts by precedent. There is no state or federal legislation (law
created by parliament).

I dont care who made it, the point is its there.
Which rod tried to deny.

Damien McBain

DalienX committed to the eternal aether...:
I dont care who made it, the point is its there.
Which rod tried to deny.

He's arguing that there's no "act" and he's correct. You said "read the
trespass act", and of course there isn't one, just a heap of case law.