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How to slowdown capacitor discharge

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I suppose it is possible that the short cranking provided all the energy to run that motor for that long. But that is a very small motor. On the other hand, there are so many fake videos out there, I do not trust any of them.

If you want to no how much effort it takes to produce useful power, just go the gym and hop on a treadmill or elliptical. They will show you how much energy you are expending in Watts. (At least the ones around here do.)

The ideas i have in mind is more than hand crank ...i watched something like bedini motors etc which is quite cool but i don't have the material and tools to make one of those...such as neodymium magnet, the motor, the coil, and some powertools to drills those stuff.
Don't waste your time. The Bedini motor is yet another impossible perpetual motion machine. It does not work and anyone who claims it does is lying, probably to get some money out of you.

Think about it. If any of these things was actually real, wouldn't all have them running our homes and our cars?

Don't waste your time. The Bedini motor is yet another impossible perpetual motion machine. It does not work and anyone who claims it does is lying, probably to get some money out of you.

Think about it. If any of these things was actually real, wouldn't all have them running our homes and our cars?

Well i never try i i never know...but still i feel like going to make it at least i know where is the flaw of the machine...who knows there is a better idea to improve to make it better...just like the simple joule thief, step up voltage...i found there is a good mini transformer that can power up 220 v 3 watt LED is quite efficient and doesn't take so much battery charges to power it. At 1 volt its still can make around 70volt AC...i m definitely satisfy and keep this idea when i go to a remote places this will be a good use with 1 piece of AA battery ...i can bring 10 of them in my pocket and have a good lighting for few days
Or, you could run the LEDs directly off the AA batteries and get about twice the life out of them. Converting to a higher voltage then converting to a lower voltage loses energy in both directions.

If you studied physics, you would know before you try. You cannot get energy out of nowhere. The things that are commercially available actually represent the most efficiency you get in a cost effective way. If they were not, someone else would be selling something better.



Hop - AC8NS
I believe you can learn by doing, but I also believe in learning from the experience of others, and to temper this with good theory that explains results and successfully predicts future results. That is the scientific method, and it is how this forum works. Life is too short to chase an idea without some solid and tangible base to support the reason for the chase.

It is clear (to me at least) that the OP, @dante_clericuzzio, has almost no understanding of electricity or physics or chemistry or virtually anything else that requires an understanding of the scientific method. It is truly a waste of time to try to "educate," or even "inform," anyone who has to first "try it" before they will "believe it."


and with that good last post from Hop
I will close the thread

there is no point wasting time discussing pointless pursuits
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