Maker Pro
Maker Pro

History of bulk electronic components suppliers



I got an 800 on my math SAT (but only 720 on the verbal) but that was
before they dumbed it down.
I got the very same scores as you did (800/720) in 1993(the scoring
adjustment came a year or two after that).

Michael A. Terrell

Mark said:
purely out of curiosity, is there anyone who can tell me what happened
to popular electronics mail-order companies of the 1970s like Poly Paks
in the US and BiPak & BiPrePak in the UK? There must have been a trend
that killed them off, and caused other medium sized names to shrink
while a few grew very large? Is there a book on this element of history??

Mark A

Greed. The rent and property taxes got so high they couldn't afford
to stay where they were, and many of the owners were close to retirement
age, so they just closed the business. Another thing that hurts surplus
is JIT manufacturing, and lower quantities of military equipment being
built, to generate more surplus.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

martin said:

That's the prototype of the one they built to change Homer's
diapers. When they say 500 pounds, they mean it. They won't hold an
extra ounce.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Why do you have such contempt for ordinary people and their beliefs?
Are Canadians much different? Do you have similar contempt for
Buddhists and Intuits and everybody else with spiritual beliefs?

One can criticise ordinary people when they believe claims for which
there is absolutely no objective evidence.
The usual criticism is to call them gullible, and point ot that they
are being deluded by religious leaders who make a nice income out of
peddling this kind of rubbish.

I don't believe much of that stuff, but I sure don't feel superior,
much less mocking, to those that do. Actually, I rather envy them
having something bigger than themselves that they can believe in.

What are they believing in that is bigger than themselves? You've
measured a god recently?
Well, what do you believe in? Cartoon animation?

Cartoon animations do exist. Their relation to reality isn't all that
direct, but then again, nobody is being asked to worship them, or to
support missionaries who go out and try to persuade other suckers to
worship them.

Homer J Simpson

I don't mean to bash Canada, a nice place with very nice people, but
when a Canadian claims that the US is "part of the ongoing war on
intelligence and knowledge" I get a little skeptical. This is the same
guy who bashes Americans for being fat but won't say how much he

Guess which country all those Nobels were shared with?

Read the history of the discovery of insulin. Compare with US 'drug

Homer J Simpson

Of course, what you should have said is "I don't care about the original
topic of this thread, I'll reply to make some commentary, and cross-post
it to in addition to the original
sci.electronics.components because I'm more interested in this off-topic
stuff than in commenting in the original newsgroup about the original

Sometims not saying anything is more effective than trying to chime into
every thread.

This thread belongs on and I wasn't the one who
'drifted' it.

Michael A. Terrell

Barry said:
Does that mean that possession of 555's is a felony?

Bill Sloman thinks it should be.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

John Larkin

I got the very same scores as you did (800/720) in 1993(the scoring
adjustment came a year or two after that).

I don't think the SAT is more than some rough indicator. I went to
school with a few true math geniuses, way better than me, and none of
them nailed the math part, after several tries. Taking the SAT mainly
demonstrates one's skill at taking the SAT.


John Larkin

One can criticise ordinary people when they believe claims for which
there is absolutely no objective evidence.
The usual criticism is to call them gullible, and point ot that they
are being deluded by religious leaders who make a nice income out of
peddling this kind of rubbish.

What are they believing in that is bigger than themselves? You've
measured a god recently?

Cartoon animations do exist. Their relation to reality isn't all that
direct, but then again, nobody is being asked to worship them, or to
support missionaries who go out and try to persuade other suckers to
worship them.

Like I said, mean people suck.


Homer J Simpson

Like I said, mean people suck.

I agree. What sort of sick, twisted scum sucking bastards lie to thousands
of people so they can steal from them and live a life of luxury while their
'believers' live in misery? Apart from Republicans that is?


I don't think the SAT is more than some rough indicator. I went to
school with a few true math geniuses, way better than me, and none of
them nailed the math part, after several tries. Taking the SAT mainly
demonstrates one's skill at taking the SAT.

But the verbal part is even worse. In effect it's a measure of your
socioeconomic status. It's a vocabulary test.
I grew up in a roomy middle-class home with lots of books and college-
educated parents, but some kid raised in an inner-city apartment that
contains few or no books (but has of course a television) would hardly
be likely to score as well on that test, no matter how great his
native intelligence.

John Larkin

I agree. What sort of sick, twisted scum sucking bastards lie to thousands
of people so they can steal from them and live a life of luxury while their
'believers' live in misery? Apart from Republicans that is?

Read this

That author discovered, somewhat to his own dismay, that
self-described conservatives, Republicans, and Christians are far more
charitable, and generous to the community at large, than
self-described liberals and atheists. More likely to help others; more
likely to donate time and money to both religious and non-religious
causes; more likely to help strangers and foreigners. The least
generous people are young liberals.

I heard him on a local PBS interview. He's a sincere and committed
statistician who reported what he found.

As usual, your prejudices are at odds with reality.


Homer J Simpson

That author discovered, somewhat to his own dismay, that
self-described conservatives, Republicans, and Christians are far more
charitable, and generous to the community at large, than
self-described liberals and atheists. More likely to help others; more
likely to donate time and money to both religious and non-religious
causes; more likely to help strangers and foreigners. The least
generous people are young liberals.

I heard him on a local PBS interview. He's a sincere and committed
statistician who reported what he found.

As usual, your prejudices are at odds with reality.

No, they aren't. From Halliburton to Henry Hinn I see no liberals.

Homer J Simpson

Read the book.

List all of the liberals running Halliburton.

Republicans fall into two camps. Those who are rich and want to keep it all.

Those who aren't rich and think being a Republican will help.

Which group is larger? Which is more generous?


kell said:
I got the very same scores as you did (800/720) in 1993(the scoring
adjustment came a year or two after that).

Dare I ask how it's possible to score over 100% ? It's not by any change an
attempt to massage the average figure is it ?

Talking of which the average figure someone posted is equivalent to 56% which is
pretty damn lame.



kell said:
But the verbal part is even worse. In effect it's a measure of your
socioeconomic status. It's a vocabulary test.
I grew up in a roomy middle-class home with lots of books and college-
educated parents, but some kid raised in an inner-city apartment that
contains few or no books (but has of course a television) would hardly
be likely to score as well on that test, no matter how great his
native intelligence.

The trouble is that nowhere I can think of is reading books presented as
worthwhile 'entertainment' any more.


John Larkin

Dare I ask how it's possible to score over 100% ? It's not by any change an
attempt to massage the average figure is it ?

A "perfect" score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (the common
college-admissions test here) is 800.
Talking of which the average figure someone posted is equivalent to 56% which is
pretty damn lame.

That depends on how hard the questions are.



John said:
A "perfect" score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (the common
college-admissions test here) is 800.

Where does the /720 bit come from then ?

That depends on how hard the questions are.

Call me a sceptic but I can't imagine them being too hard these days !
