Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with wiring colors on old headphones


Phil Allison

"Ian Jackson"
Phil Allison
"Ian Jackson"
Yes, that's the easiest way to do it.

I suppose it's also the best test to do when checking that you actually
have got the phasing correct. Just dab the common connection on and off.
The difference will be very obvious, and instant.

** Precisely.

..... Phil

Dave Plowman (News)

A voice speaking to you from inside your head is a tad alarming for
anyone with schizoid tendencies.

Please remove your headphones immediately.

Dave Plowman (News)

On this topic did anyone else see the NHK broadcast a few months back
about a digital version of binaural recording that alters the phase
frequency response of the high end of close miked material to extend the
stereo sound stage vertically. The trick works by tweaking the frequency
phase relationship to match what the ear expects from a wave incident at
a given angle.

Not new, IIRC. I remember hearing a binaural recording of a man being
shaved and having a haircut. Could just about feel the comb on the head.

Martin Brown

Not new, IIRC. I remember hearing a binaural recording of a man being
shaved and having a haircut. Could just about feel the comb on the head.

What was new was that they could take close miked material and use
digital processing to move it around the binaural sound stage at will.

The old way involved microphones inside a headlike dummy with ears.

Martin Brown

William Sommerwerck

I find that reversing the phase of one of the headphones produces
a much wider audio image, and is generally much easier to listen
to. I can only hope that the purists will forgive me.

The late J Gordon Holt described the effect (for him) as cleaning out
everything inside his end.

How bothered you are by it depends on how sensitive you are to "phasiness".

There is nothing wrong with listening to mono with reverse polarity. But if
you listen to stereo that way -- you will, indeed, have the purists down on

William Sommerwerck

Phil Allison said:
"Ian Jackson"
** All you have to do is un-link the common ground -- it leaves the
two transducers in series and out of phase.

If the signal is mono, you'll have pretty much nothing left to listen to. If
it's stereo, the mono components will be cancelled, the L- and R-only
components retained, with components in-between subjected to varying degrees
of attenuation.

And, yes, Phil, whether or not you like it, what I've just said is 100%

Rich Grise

Tim said:
Only tangentially related, and mostly useless:

Amateur radio folks like building direct conversion receivers (i.e., mix
down to baseband). They're simple, hence little, and they work pretty
well. Their biggest problem is that they have no audio image rejection
at all -- listening with a 7040kHz oscillator, you'll hear a signal at
7040.5 just the same as one at 7039.5.
That's the _second_ biggest problem - the biggest is that they're an
unlicensed transmitter.

Hope This Helps!
On this topic did anyone else see the NHK broadcast a few months back
about a digital version of binaural recording that alters the phase
frequency response of the high end of close miked material to extend the
stereo sound stage vertically. The trick works by tweaking the frequency
phase relationship to match what the ear expects from a wave incident at
a given angle. It just sounded odd on loudspeakers.

Was this some kind of dummy head recording or some kind of ambisonics
(Gerzon) WXYZ recording ?
** If both ear phones work but are wired out of phase, the AA cell click
test produces a sound that seems to be originating outside the head on both
sides. Mono speech or music sounds much the same.

The effect is far MORE pronounced than with typical stereo speakers in a

Puking two speakers with front panels against each other is a quite
easy way to check polarity. If the polarity is correct, you will hear
some low frequency sounds emitted from the combination. If the
polarity is wrong, you will hear only mid- and high pitch sounds,
since the low frequency air is moving between the cones of the

With headphones, you either get "in head" or unrealistic sound
depending on the phasing of headphones.

Sennheiser did the wiring correctly by keeping all four wires separate
and connected to a 4 pin DIN plug and by adding a 4 pin DIN to 6.35 mm
plug adaptor.

As a kid, I was really pissed of by the convention of using common
returns in headphones. I was testing frequency diversity reception of
the same broadcast programs on two different shortwave bands with two
receivers. Unfortunately, the other receiver was of AC/DC type with
the full 220 Vac in the chassis. Thus I had to rewire the phones so
that one side could (potentially) siting on 220 Vac, and the other
side sitting close to ground potential.

After this alteration, I had no problems with this arrangement.

No problems, no problems, no problems :)

Martin Brown

Was this some kind of dummy head recording or some kind of ambisonics
(Gerzon) WXYZ recording ?

Digital alteration of the phase and amplitude response with frequency
applicable only to sounds with reasonably complex harmonic content.

The demo was a church bell that was made to ring up then down on axis,
left then right as in a ping pong stereo demo and finally at the corners
of a rectangle. It just sounded odd on loudspeakers.

If my memory serves I think they said that sounds coming from above have
slightly more high frequency components and a phase lead. The adjustment
fools the brain into putting the sound where it "belongs".

Martin Brown

Meat Plow

Fighting a battle of wits does not help you much, especially when
your aponent is unarmed!


I don't consider this a fight or battle. If it offends you simply ignore
my posts.

Meat Plow

No one will lift a finger to help you, Phyllis.

I will. Phil, just forward my posts to [email protected]
with complete headers. That's really all you can do unless
you plan a trip to Ohio to blow my brains out. Here's some
friendly advise, buy a one way ticket.

Meat Plow

"Meat Plow"

** This FUCKWIT troll needs to be kicked off usenet.

Who will help ?

..... Phil

For the fifth time, send email with headers of my posts
you find offensive to [email protected]. I'll be happy
to help you get me kicked off Usenet Phil.

Phil Allison

"John Fields"

** Do you know what " meat plow " refers to ?

..... Phil

William Sommerwerck

Why do you want to take a sad song and not make it better?
Phil's not so bad, he just has zero tolerance for bullshit and
responds vehemently when he sees it.
What's wrong with that?

Lots. There's no point or need to "respond vehemently". A simple statement
of the facts is enough.

It doesn't help that Cliffy refuses to admit his own errors.

Phil Allison

"John Fields"

** Correct.

Hard to imagine a more appropriate " handle " for a usenet troll

- ain't it ?

.... Phil