Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with wiring colors on old headphones


Phil Allison

Dave Plowman (Nutcase )
Highly unlikey with AKG.

** Irrelevant.

Only ONE ear unit is involved.

On this design, the leads plug into the

** This * steaming great * RETARDED fuckwit did not read what I wrote.

" As someone who does repairs for a living - I learnt LONG ago to expect
the unexpected. Murphy RULES !!!!! "

.... Phil

Phil Allison

"William Sommerwanker"
"Meat Plow"

If the "lunatic jerk" you're referring to is yourself... I'd say everyone
this group.

** Ain't it just amazing !!

If you go after ONE troll, the rest of the cunts come in and gang up on

So you gotta take the WHOLE lot on, all at once.

What a bunch of gutless, fascist pricks they are.

..... Phil

Phil Allison

"Dave Plowman (Nutcase)"
Phil tends to be rude to everyone. And everything to him is black and

** My colour vision is perfect.
But I do know out of phase headphones ain't as obvious to all as he
suggests, or are to him.

** Not with a ** MONO ** signal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As many others here, with far more insight than a jerk like you, have

...... Phil

Dave Plowman (News)

As many others here, with far more insight than a jerk like you, have

Most people around the world agree you're a prat - so why suddenly believe

Phil Allison

"Dave Plowman (Nutcase)"
Phil tends to be rude to everyone. And everything to him is black and

** My colour vision is perfect.
But I do know out of phase headphones ain't as obvious to all as he
suggests, or are to him.

** Not so with a ** MONO ** signal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As many others here, with far more insight than a

FUCKING JERK like you, have agreed.

...... Phil

Meat Plow

"William Sommerwanker"

** Ain't it just amazing !!

If you go after ONE troll, the rest of the cunts come in and gang up on

So you gotta take the WHOLE lot on, all at once.

What a bunch of gutless, fascist pricks they are.

You don't have what it takes to take on me. I rip you apart
anytime you fly off the handle with your vulgar, threatening
reply traps.

You are the epitome of the word Troll.

Meat Plow

"Dave Plowman (Nutcase)"

** My colour vision is perfect.

** Not with a ** MONO ** signal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As many others here, with far more insight than a jerk like you, have

I tend to agree with a lot of technical things you reply with. But when
you star suggesting people take a bullet to the head that crosses the
border for even a Teflon skinned person like me.

Meat Plow

"Meat Plow"

That's my nick name you sheep-shagging nutjob, don't wear it out.
** This trolling asshole is a narcissistic psychopath.

Oooooooooo the IRONY
He knows nothing and understands even less.

Oooooooooo the IRONY
I want the lunatic jerk kicked right off usenet.

done it, ruin a perfectly good irony meter.

Who will help me ?

Nobody. But I have sent your death threats to Let's see
how they feel about you thinking you can threaten anyone you wish with no


Meat said:
You don't have what it takes to take on me. I rip you apart
anytime you fly off the handle with your vulgar, threatening
reply traps.

You are the epitome of the word Troll.

Fighting a battle of wits does not help you much, especially when
your aponent is unarmed!


Meat Plow

" As someone who does repairs for a living - I learnt LONG ago to
expect the unexpected. Murphy RULES !!!!!

Provide one believable and undeniable strand of evidence that you repair
electronics for a living. Having a hyper-antisocial personality like
yours would get you fired from any employer. And working for yourself,
the same personality disorder would send prospective customers running
for their lives never to return.

So unless you have some proof, I say you are a liar.

Meat Plow

It's an example of 'free mental health care' in Oz.

I have relatives on my mom's side living in Sidney. None of them act
like the psychopathic Phil Allison. Just exactly the opposite. One even
being a well known local radio personality.

Phil Allison

"Meat Plow"

** This FUCKWIT troll needs to be kicked off usenet.

Who will help ?

...... Phil

Phil Allison

"Meat Plow"

** This FUCKWIT troll needs to be kicked off usenet.

Who will help ?

...... Phil

Phil Allison

"Meat Plow"

** This FUCKWIT troll needs to be kicked off usenet.

Who will help ?

...... Phil

Phil Allison

"Meat Plow"

** This FUCKWIT troll needs to be kicked off usenet.

Who will help ?

...... Phil

Wolfgang Allinger


A voice speaking to you from inside your head is a tad alarming for
anyone with schizoid tendencies.

Now I understand your special problem. YMMD

Become unplugged. Best pull the usenet-plug. THX

Saludos Wolfgang

Ian Jackson

Martin Brown said:
A pair of headphones with incorrect phasing is about as obvious as
being hit on the head with a brick. Amplifier to mono and try listening
to something. If you have it right the sound source will appear to be
very close to the middle of your head and if not it will be in
different places or spread out depending on the frequency.

If you can't tell the difference you don't deserve a hifi system.

You could always look at the cables at the transducer end.
With headphones and a correctly-phased mono signal, the sound 'image' is
indeed slap-bang in the middle of your head. However, I find that mono
signals sound dead compared with stereo, and when listening for a long
time, this centre-of-the-head sound can start to become very tiring.

I find that reversing the phase of one of the headphones produces a much
wider audio image, and is generally much easier to listen to. I can only
hope that the purists will forgive me.

Phil Allison

"Ian Jackson"
I find that reversing the phase of one of the headphones produces a much
wider audio image, and is generally much easier to listen to. I can only
hope that the purists will forgive me.

** All you have to do is un-link the common ground - it leaves the two
transducers in series and out of phase.

Heaps of schems have been published to turn mono into a phoney stereo using
phase shift across the audio band - so one of them is worth a try too.


A voice speaking to you from inside your head is a tad alarming for anyone
with schizoid tendencies.

..... Phil

Martin Brown

"Ian Jackson"

** All you have to do is un-link the common ground - it leaves the two
transducers in series and out of phase.

Heaps of schems have been published to turn mono into a phoney stereo using
phase shift across the audio band - so one of them is worth a try too.

On this topic did anyone else see the NHK broadcast a few months back
about a digital version of binaural recording that alters the phase
frequency response of the high end of close miked material to extend the
stereo sound stage vertically. The trick works by tweaking the frequency
phase relationship to match what the ear expects from a wave incident at
a given angle. It just sounded odd on loudspeakers.

The demo was of church bells meant to sound high up but I didn't get to
hear it on headphones so I wonder if anyone else did. My Japanese isn't
that good so I might be slightly misrepresenting what was said. It was a
gee-whiz science programme so the explanation wasn't very detailed.

Martin Brown

Ian Jackson

Phil Allison said:
"Ian Jackson"

** All you have to do is un-link the common ground - it leaves the two
transducers in series and out of phase.
Yes, that's the easiest way to do it.

I suppose it's also the best test to do when checking that you actually
have got the phasing correct. Just dab the common connection on and off.
The difference will be very obvious, and instant.