If your Multisim uses the spice platform, Try the model below.
You should be able to copy and paste into you program!
From: C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMetrix-SIMPLIS Elements_810\support\Models\bipolar.lb, line 143
*From Philips SC04 "Small signal transistors 1991" and NS Discrete 1978
* Base resistance not modelled - no info. CBE estimated. Vce(sat) estimated.
.model BF199 npn ( IS=1.61E-15 VAF=35.8 BF=150 IKF=0.0467 NE=1.3552
+ ISE=1.494E-14 IKR=0.001 ISC=1.00E-14 NC=1.5 NR=1 BR=5 RC=10 CJC=5.00E-13
+ FC=0.5 MJC=0.2 VJC=0.8 CJE=5.00E-12 MJE=0.4 VJE=0.6 TF=1.86E-10
+ ITF=0.045 VTF=3 XTF=50 RE=1)