Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Devcon Buys Out Coastal Security, Adelphia, & Guardian



Well, I'm BAAAAAACCCK and I just couldn't resist responding to this
pile of shit.

R.H.Campbell said:
RHC: It's $24.95 by all accounts in reports I've read in SDM

RHC: That's absolute unadulterated crap !

Really? Well I think you're a stupid son of a bitch too.
Many of my clients are quite
mobile, and I'd be doing them no favours by locking them in to a long term
contract that unnecessarily restricts them and costs them needlessly.

You make assumptions and exemplify your stupidity and lack of business
Cripes, if you really believe you're doing your clients a favour by locking
them in, you really have lost all sense of reality !! I see untold horrors
of customers being extorted by these bloody long term contracts, by all
sorts of companies of all sizes big and small. Cripes, I could write a book
on it...

On that I have no doubt. You've gone on FUCKING ENDLESSLY for
YEARs on this stupid bullshit of yours, constantly showing just what a
stupid businessman you are.

But if you did write a book the title of it would be:

"How to run a business without the primary goal of making a profit and
giving your customers everything they never needed or wanted, but
them think that you're the good guy and everybody else is a scam
artist, but
being able to do this depends upon the fact that I've got a pension
income from other sources that other small business competition doesn't
so that I don't have to depend upon this business to make a living for
me and
my family as most other small businesses do and also I don't have to
equity in the business as everyone else does as a retirement cache. And
you can try to jam it down the throat of everyone in a Newsgroup who
give a damn WHAT I do but I'll still constantly bring it up and finally
someone takes exception to my incessant interminable and repetitive
I'll get pissed at them for taking issue with me and accuse them of
being a cheat
and stupid and a scam artist and all sorts of unsavory things, even
* I'm* the one who can't stop bringing up the subject of long term
when no one else does even though I know that what I do isn't the norm
and that
I know that I'm in reality insulting and calling everyone else in the
group crooks,
scammers, cheats, crooked, stupid, and out to get the client, knowing
full well that one month contracts, free service, and holding rates for
5 years isn't what
is standard for the industry and that no one else does it and that
regardless of what I say,
everyone is going to continue to do what they do anyway, but I just
like to jam it down
their throat as much as I can in spite of the fact that I know
eventually someone is going
to get annoyed." " Oh yes, and the same thing goes for my rants about

There could be more but that would require a continuation of the
title on the back cover.

You can change there rates every year.

RHC: More crap ! I give the client a five year written rate guarantee in his

Which simply adds to my point at how stupid a business plan you have.
And with the profit margins I make at $15, I doubt I'll ever raise
my rates ! (In fact, I may end up reducing them if my tax problems continue

Oh now that's simply BRILLIANT!

And another thing, your constant touting of your $15.00 a month, never
to indicate that this is in Canadian dollars. Very deliberately
deceiving, if you ask
me, since most of the people in the Newsgroup and those who visit are
from the US.
This is really taking a direct slap at the simple little dealer out
there, trying to make
ends meet with you implying that $15.00 per month is adequate for
monthly monitoring.

I put that clause in when ADT started their bullshit along the same tone,
all the while hiding behind the fact that they can rate rates based on a
cost of living index once a year. Those idiots will say anything to make a

And you'd do anything and give anything away that is detrimental to
a viable business plan that would make your business as successful as
it could be and
provide a retirment cache. And then you have audacity to complain about
people who are more successful than you are, because they've set a
course that will be most profitable for them yet not unacceptable to
the clientele. You are just about the most ignorant asshole I've ever
come across. You go on and on about this stupid giving everything away
to the customer as if it were an intelligent thing to do. As if the
primary goal of every company should be to base it's business plan on
giving the customer everything and making the least profit as possible.
You go into a potential clients home and offer them everything they
never wanted.Everything they never needed. You brag the fact that
you're so stupid that you give things away to them at your expense. Not
being as stupid as you, they take it. You don't even have the common
sense to know that if you just offered them a standard system, standard
contracts, standard service, if you had any talent at all as a
salesman, they'd be your customer anyway. What do you expect them to do
if you're giving away the store with every system? Of course they're
going to take it if you give it away for FREE. And I mean actually
FREE! If you walked backwards and bent over with you pants down around
your ankles into a gay bar, would you expect them to say Oh ..... no
thank you?

You're customers don't give two shits whether you give your
assets away or not. Any smart business man should ...... but not YOU.
And you,
actually take PRIDE in the fact that you're stupid enough to not make
the profit you
could make. You're the kind of competition that I hope gets thousands
of accounts
cause that's all the closer you are to oblivion. You've yet to
experience the service
problem. Just wait and see what this is gonna cost ya. Likely your
business or at least
set you back a few years. It's comin ...... get ready.
I get a five year contract and don't change rates for

RHC: More crap ! I have a standing offer of 30 times monthly !

If you believe that, you going to be in for a big surprise when it gets
to the wire. There's no investor in his right mind that is going to
offer you
anywhere NEAR what your saying unless he's your best friend. But again,
even if it IS so, it can't be expected to happen the same to everyone
If you still have the capacity to think, you tell me what YOU would do
someone came to you and said, OH, yes, I'm pretty new in this business
but my customer base is comprised of clients that only have one month
contracts, with 5 year guaranteed price, and all parts and service free
life. And I want 30 times monthly. But my company is a much better
investment for you than that company over here, in business 36 years,
with 5 year contracts, and collects $95.00 to $125.00 plus parts, per
service call.

Yeah ...... sure! Talk about someone with a dream. You're it, asshole.

perfectly satisfactory given that I wouldn't have half the clients I have if
I chose to lock them in.

JEEEZUS you're dense. Why the hell do you think your have your clients?
Because you're giving them the value of your company with every sale.
THEY don't know what you're doing or how you're doing it , but you're
the accounts because you're giving them little pieces of your business
every sale. No one else is that stupid, THAT's why your getting
These people don't know if you're going to give them any better service
monitoring response than their last company. You're getting them as
simply because you're giving them something for FREE! THAT's WHY! What
the hell kind of salesman COULDN'T do that, for christ sake? You're
doing the
very same thing as the "Free systems" alarm companies do, except
rightly getting their return on the higher monthly monitoring rate.
You're giving
the value of your company away instead. There's no difference between
you do to get a customer and them, except that your stupid.
My clients aren't that bloody stupid ! And NO ONE
around here EVER raises their rates every year unless they've trapped their
clients in a long term committment and the customers have no choice in the must be dreaming !

And again, you must be ...... nope... you ARE stupid if you believe
that any
small dealer would work for 35 years earning a living, supporting his
family and
even though there was a way to set up a retirement nest egg, wouldn't
do it
because he wanted to give it away to his customers. And you're right,
clients are much smarter than you are. You give them what they never
and they're smart enough to take it.( Talking about smart, why don't
you tell
us again how many accounts your going to let your company grow to?
was that again? 300? 500? 700? And tell everyone what I told you
was going
to happen? ) And why does that happen? Is it because you don't "lock"
them into
a contract or is it because you're always there, to give them good
service and to
help them when needed? You're just an ignorant slug if you think that
by giving
away free service, free parts, no agreement, and whatever else you're
not providing
for your companies maximum prosperity, is what's keeping your customers
The only thing that small dealers have to offer, that the Borg can't,
is personalized
service. That's all the customers want.They just want someone to be
attentive to
their problems and respond with care and concern. Suppose you gave away
all the
things that you do now and didn't give them good service? Would they
stay with
you? Suppose you didn't give them all the things you do and had a 5
year contract,
but gave them great service do you think they'd stay with you?
Duhhhhhhhhh ?

I've got many many more accounts than you and in spite of your nay-say
doomsday proclivities, my attrition rate is almost negligible. Anyone
does ........ or has to leave, is free to do so. I've never pursued
anyone because
the left before contract expiration and wouldn't, unless it was a
deliberate situation
depriving me of a substantial amount of money due for past services .
Those that,
for various reasons have fallen in arrears are notified after three
months that their
service will be terminated within 30 days and ....... it is. They're
gone. They get
the certified letter and the account is canceled. Most I'm out is 2 to
three months
of monitoring. The point is, on most residential accounts, that after
two years
or so, if the account goes bad, the cost of collection and the
administrative effort
hardly makes it worth trying to collect. I simply don't have the time
nor do I think
it's worth having a customer that doesn't, won't or can't pay me. Why
anyone want a client like that? If they're not going to pay me while
I'm giving
them good service and while we had a good relationship, there's no
reason to believe
that they're going to like me, or pay me any better if I force them to
pay or force
them to continue to be a client.

If you tried that bullshit around here,
you'd lose your client base in a hurry ! The only people who ever buy into a
long term contract when they aren't paying for a "free system" are either
poor and uninformed shoppers, fools, idiots or both..

Well now that REALLY completes the picture of your outlandish policies.
Obviously, if it wasn't for the fact that people DID buy long term
in your area, you'd have no customers at all. I'd have to agree with
you in
some degree, regarding this ..... though. You're customers ARE smarter
be YOUR customer. After all, it's not every day that some idiot comes
up and
gives them everything they never wanted and is willing to screw himself
and the
evolution of his company, simply to make a sale. And then you prove to
additionally ignorant and hypocritical, by coming here and complaining
your competition underselling and giving things away for FREE.

Ewww Ewww, lookit me! I can give away free equipment an
en en free service en en en deprive my company of equity an an in the
process make you think that all the other companies are ripoffs. Aint I

smat ....err smert ...... er intelllygent? Duh uh huh .....un huh!
They're all crooks ........ but me? NOT ME! I'm jus plain stooopid!

Long term contracts when they are not being used to pay down equipment are
nothing but an industry scam, pure and simple. And if you believe all your
self serving crap about doing your clients a favour....well....I can't say
anything without making it personal, and I won't do that !!

Well I don't have any qualms at all making it personal when you come
and constantly say that my business practices and the practices of
every alarm
dealer in this trade who has a long term contract, is a scam artist. I
fucking damn
well WILL take it personal. Shove your ignorant self righteousness
right square
up your stupid ass.

Here's another hypocrisy of yours. You're the one that's often said
that ignoring
people here, that are annoying is what should be done. But I guess that
only applies
when it's two other people or when someone takes issue with your
You don't seem to apply that when it comes to wireless willy or cooper
or sonicdick
but OHHH that's alright. You can rant all you want about them. But as
soon as someone
comes back and kicks you in the ass a few times, you go hidey hidey


Well, I'm BAAAAAACCCK and I just couldn't resist responding to this
pile of shit.

RHC: With more no doubt !!

Really? Well I think you're a stupid son of a bitch too.

RHC: You have a right to your opinion; however, the feeling is mutual in
some respects. Those who have little to say about things and have to respond
with personal insults are the ones who can't back up the worth of what they

You make assumptions and exemplify your stupidity and lack of business

RHC: Yeah, right, I ran a small part of a large business venture for 27
years with 60 some employees under my pervue and $850 million dollars worth
of revenues, and I'm the stupid one....:)) Plus I've had two other small
businesses that were both quite successful, and I can't run this
one....hmmmm.... yeah, very good....nice try !

Frankly, I didn't bother to read the rest of your diatribe. I've heard it
before ad nauseum ! And the constant insults just add to the fact that you
are really not worth responding to. It's a free newsgroup ! Say what you
wish; however, your conduct here speaks highly of the worth of your input.
And I care so little about what you think that frankly, responding to your
comments is just not worth the time it takes...

Jim, you are one really classy guy....


I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


Oh, you're just upset that he colourfully tore you a new one.
I agree with almost all of it but would never express it quite so eloquently
And I've heard it from other dealers, wholesalers and suppliers.
So? What's the big deal?
You chose to live in a modest 4 bedroom home in an okay location
instead of small mansion on the river, that's your choice, right?
They make really nice Harley's these days but if you'd rather give that
stuff to your customers, who are we to judge?
I've heard of Silent Knight but I don't think White Night is taken,
man, think of the logo...
remember those old commercials where the knight zapped the clothes
on the clothesline?!?
the knight could ride by zapping ADT yard signs...
I think yer crazy, Bob but those guys sometimes end up as mayors
so it's not like this is a flame or nuthin'


No, I'm not in the least bit upset over anything he says. I would have to
care to be upset ! I hardly call his posts eloquent ...long winded for

Mikey, feel free to run your business anyhow you see fit. Lock 'em up tight
if that suits you and your customers buy it ! I've never suggested my way is
the only way, or the right way for most people. It's just the way I do it,
and it works for me ! And when your company is even close to as big as mine,
come see me for some other revolutionary new ideas that run "against the
grain", or by that time, just watch my son.!!...

As for the rest of your post ???, what have you been smoking



I gather you do not remember those commercials. It was bleach or something.
The white knight gallops along from clothesline to clothesline zapping
like sheets and undies and stuff. The bored 50s stay-at-home moms are
frothing at the mouth as the guy zaps their cothes to whiter than white,
one lucky gal gets the shirt that she's actually wearing zapped, man,
that's the climax of the commercial, you don't remember it !?!?

Anyways... the Knight from White Knight Security & Window Bars
gallops along zapping ADT yard signs... jeeeze, no sense of ha ha



Tell us how you REALLY FEEL......

since you wrote...

Well, I'm BAAAAAACCCK and I just couldn't resist responding to this
pile of shit.

RHC: It's $24.95 by all accounts in reports I've read in SDM
RHC: That's absolute unadulterated crap !

Really? Well I think you're a stupid son of a bitch too.
Many of my clients are quite
mobile, and I'd be doing them no favours by locking them in to a long term
contract that unnecessarily restricts them and costs them needlessly.

You make assumptions and exemplify your stupidity and lack of business
Cripes, if you really believe you're doing your clients a favour by locking
them in, you really have lost all sense of reality !! I see untold horrors
of customers being extorted by these bloody long term contracts, by all
sorts of companies of all sizes big and small. Cripes, I could write a book
on it...

On that I have no doubt. You've gone on FUCKING ENDLESSLY for
YEARs on this stupid bullshit of yours, constantly showing just what a
stupid businessman you are.

But if you did write a book the title of it would be:

"How to run a business without the primary goal of making a profit and
giving your customers everything they never needed or wanted, but
them think that you're the good guy and everybody else is a scam
artist, but
being able to do this depends upon the fact that I've got a pension
income from other sources that other small business competition doesn't
so that I don't have to depend upon this business to make a living for
me and
my family as most other small businesses do and also I don't have to
equity in the business as everyone else does as a retirement cache. And
you can try to jam it down the throat of everyone in a Newsgroup who
give a damn WHAT I do but I'll still constantly bring it up and finally
someone takes exception to my incessant interminable and repetitive
I'll get pissed at them for taking issue with me and accuse them of
being a cheat
and stupid and a scam artist and all sorts of unsavory things, even
* I'm* the one who can't stop bringing up the subject of long term
when no one else does even though I know that what I do isn't the norm
and that
I know that I'm in reality insulting and calling everyone else in the
group crooks,
scammers, cheats, crooked, stupid, and out to get the client, knowing
full well that one month contracts, free service, and holding rates for
5 years isn't what
is standard for the industry and that no one else does it and that
regardless of what I say,
everyone is going to continue to do what they do anyway, but I just
like to jam it down
their throat as much as I can in spite of the fact that I know
eventually someone is going
to get annoyed." " Oh yes, and the same thing goes for my rants about

There could be more but that would require a continuation of the
title on the back cover.
You can change there rates every year.
RHC: More crap ! I give the client a five year written rate guarantee in his

Which simply adds to my point at how stupid a business plan you have.
And with the profit margins I make at $15, I doubt I'll ever raise
my rates ! (In fact, I may end up reducing them if my tax problems continue

Oh now that's simply BRILLIANT!

And another thing, your constant touting of your $15.00 a month, never
to indicate that this is in Canadian dollars. Very deliberately
deceiving, if you ask
me, since most of the people in the Newsgroup and those who visit are
from the US.
This is really taking a direct slap at the simple little dealer out
there, trying to make
ends meet with you implying that $15.00 per month is adequate for
monthly monitoring.
I put that clause in when ADT started their bullshit along the same tone,
all the while hiding behind the fact that they can rate rates based on a
cost of living index once a year. Those idiots will say anything to make a

And you'd do anything and give anything away that is detrimental to
a viable business plan that would make your business as successful as
it could be and
provide a retirment cache. And then you have audacity to complain about
people who are more successful than you are, because they've set a
course that will be most profitable for them yet not unacceptable to
the clientele. You are just about the most ignorant asshole I've ever
come across. You go on and on about this stupid giving everything away
to the customer as if it were an intelligent thing to do. As if the
primary goal of every company should be to base it's business plan on
giving the customer everything and making the least profit as possible.
You go into a potential clients home and offer them everything they
never wanted.Everything they never needed. You brag the fact that
you're so stupid that you give things away to them at your expense. Not
being as stupid as you, they take it. You don't even have the common
sense to know that if you just offered them a standard system, standard
contracts, standard service, if you had any talent at all as a
salesman, they'd be your customer anyway. What do you expect them to do
if you're giving away the store with every system? Of course they're
going to take it if you give it away for FREE. And I mean actually
FREE! If you walked backwards and bent over with you pants down around
your ankles into a gay bar, would you expect them to say Oh ..... no
thank you?

You're customers don't give two shits whether you give your
assets away or not. Any smart business man should ...... but not YOU.
And you,
actually take PRIDE in the fact that you're stupid enough to not make
the profit you
could make. You're the kind of competition that I hope gets thousands
of accounts
cause that's all the closer you are to oblivion. You've yet to
experience the service
problem. Just wait and see what this is gonna cost ya. Likely your
business or at least
set you back a few years. It's comin ...... get ready.
I get a five year contract and don't change rates for
RHC: More crap ! I have a standing offer of 30 times monthly !

If you believe that, you going to be in for a big surprise when it gets
to the wire. There's no investor in his right mind that is going to
offer you
anywhere NEAR what your saying unless he's your best friend. But again,
even if it IS so, it can't be expected to happen the same to everyone
If you still have the capacity to think, you tell me what YOU would do
someone came to you and said, OH, yes, I'm pretty new in this business
but my customer base is comprised of clients that only have one month
contracts, with 5 year guaranteed price, and all parts and service free
life. And I want 30 times monthly. But my company is a much better
investment for you than that company over here, in business 36 years,
with 5 year contracts, and collects $95.00 to $125.00 plus parts, per
service call.

Yeah ...... sure! Talk about someone with a dream. You're it, asshole.
perfectly satisfactory given that I wouldn't have half the clients I haveif
I chose to lock them in.

JEEEZUS you're dense. Why the hell do you think your have your clients?
Because you're giving them the value of your company with every sale.
THEY don't know what you're doing or how you're doing it , but you're
the accounts because you're giving them little pieces of your business
every sale. No one else is that stupid, THAT's why your getting
These people don't know if you're going to give them any better service
monitoring response than their last company. You're getting them as
simply because you're giving them something for FREE! THAT's WHY! What
the hell kind of salesman COULDN'T do that, for christ sake? You're
doing the
very same thing as the "Free systems" alarm companies do, except
rightly getting their return on the higher monthly monitoring rate.
You're giving
the value of your company away instead. There's no difference between
you do to get a customer and them, except that your stupid.
My clients aren't that bloody stupid ! And NO ONE
around here EVER raises their rates every year unless they've trapped their
clients in a long term committment and the customers have no choice in the must be dreaming !

And again, you must be ...... nope... you ARE stupid if you believe
that any
small dealer would work for 35 years earning a living, supporting his
family and
even though there was a way to set up a retirement nest egg, wouldn't
do it
because he wanted to give it away to his customers. And you're right,
clients are much smarter than you are. You give them what they never
and they're smart enough to take it.( Talking about smart, why don't
you tell
us again how many accounts your going to let your company grow to?
was that again? 300? 500? 700? And tell everyone what I told you
was going
to happen? ) And why does that happen? Is it because you don't "lock"
them into
a contract or is it because you're always there, to ...

read more »



Ok, I get it now, but sometimes your humour is "oblique" to say the

BTW, while we're talking about your not agreeing with my business approach,
how about you tell me how you handle your Medical Alert business. You
install leased equipment, so it costs you perhaps a couple of hundred
dollars to install it, then you lease the pendant for $40 a month. What
happens when the old doll croaks after six months ? Do you sue the estate
for the balance of your contract, or take compassion on the family, and just
go out and remove the hardware ? So six months, you make....6 times $40 less
your cost of installation AND removal leaving you exactly ...what ? And how
do you handle the Elizabeth Frye societies of the world who give the same
service for free ???

So I spend (for example) $500 worth of equipment AND labour in one day and
walk out with $1000. Say, the client leaves after 6 months (which probably
happens less often than a aged client of yours dies), and I have only made
an additional $54 of profit on those same six months. So I walk away with
$554....Who's kidding who ?

Now I realize this pricing example may be taking things out of context a
bit, Your clients don't die all that often, and my clients don't leave me
that often....again, no flame intended, so things would level out over time.
However, don't throw stones while you live in a glass house.

But I would be curious how our business approaches differ that much. Neither
of us has "guaranteed longevity" (especially your business customers, most
of whom likely have one foot in the grave already...:)))
Mine usually stick around for five to ten years...

Do I think you're crazy ? No ! I don't know the details of how you do it,
but I don't condemn you for your business approach. Try to think "outside
the box"....



R.H.Campbell said:
Frankly, I didn't bother to read the rest of your diatribe. I've heard it
before ad nauseum ! And the constant insults just add to the fact that you
are really not worth responding to. It's a free newsgroup ! Say what you
wish; however, your conduct here speaks highly of the worth of your input.
And I care so little about what you think that frankly, responding to your
comments is just not worth the time it takes...

YOU'VE heard it before?

What about the rest of the people in ASA that have been listening to
your garbage about contracts and ADT for fucking YEARS! WHAT? Do you
think that you've got a free license to repeatedly pound this group
with your ridiculous brain farts and no one is supposed to object to
it? You're work experience is truly indicative of your asinine business
plan, designed to destroy any equity any alarm dealer would accumulate
in his business. That's EXACTLY what any one with large corporate ideas
would consider acceptable. Piss on the little guy. Who cares about what
the small dealers do or can't do.

And you're not responding because you can't. You know Goddamned well
what I've said is the truth and you don't have one excuse for doing
what you do in this group and to alarm installers long term business
plans and reputations. There's no more reason for you to have to direct
end users away from alarm dealers in their area, then there is for Paul
to constantly post his wireless tripe. You give a piece of your
business away with every sale you make and you expound endlessly that
what your are doing is right and that every other alarm company who
uses long term contracts is scaming their customers. You're wrong and
your attempt to misdirect people who come here, away from dealers who
don't conform with your view of the world will be met with what ever
opposition you deem necessary.

Jim, you are one really classy guy....

You're fucking - A right, I am.

Especially compared to a sleeze bag in sheeps clothing, like you.

Speaking of class..........
Have you unlocked any panels for end users lately that have owed their
installers any money?

Oh ...... that's right ......... you wouldn't know ....... would you?

Have you been the cause of some end user not using a dealer in his area
because of your misguided business advice? What's that again? How do
you say it?

"Any one who "locks in" their clients with a long term contract is"
......... what was that you called them? Oh ...... that's right. It
doesn't make any difference. Long time in business. Loyal customer
base. Giving great service. You don't give a shit about that. What's
important is that you get your fucking long term contract obsessions
aired and to hell with how it affects anyone else or reflects on good,
honest, and hard working dealers who've worked a lifetime building
their businesses.

Speaking of Class acts.............. that ought to fit right in at the
bottom of the list.


R.H.Campbell said:
But I would be curious how our business approaches differ that much. Neither
of us has "guaranteed longevity" (especially your business customers, most
of whom likely have one foot in the grave already...:)))
Mine usually stick around for five to ten years...

Do I think you're crazy ? No ! I don't know the details of how you do it,
but I don't condemn you for your business approach. Try to think "outside
the box"....

What an obtuse jerk you are.

You don't know the details because unlike you .......


T*H*A*T*'S W*H*Y !!!!!!!!!!!


Many a truth is said in jest. I've seen feuds flare up over
nothing in here and I'd regret us taking that route so I like
to soften my stance with humour. But I really can see you on
that horse.

I would like to be making more money, Bob and if I could,
I'd charge more. I charge what I think the market will bear. It's
pretty much a given you could charge more, I can't.
Hence the jibes. I can't sit here and
listen to you jump all over the "free" systems when you provide
"free" service. To me, free service and cheap monitoring over
a 10 year period is a very similar business model.

And yes, my attrition is horrible... I've had units in for less than 2


And I assure you Mike that I meant no disrespect when I asked those
questions. I truly wonder how you do it sometimes. I do consider you a
personal friend in the business. I was a bit concerned that I might have
across a bit too "heavy" in my post to someone I respect.

I know it often seems strange that I can offer free service and 100%
warranty, but in actual fact, it is built in to my rate...$2 a month per
customer for service, and $1 a month for warranty. The original rate model I
used at startup suggested these rates and it was some years before I was
comfortable with them. However, detailed records I have kept tell me I'm far
ahead of the game. I pay myself (sort of) $1700 a month to service my 850
accounts and pay myself (again sort of) $850 a month to warranty all my
systems. I have few trouble calls besides batteries and customers changing
doors or windows. Last year was my biggest year's worth of expenses when I
had five panels destroyed by lightning strike. This year so far, nothing of
the sort. And the real benefit is that I can offer my clients a truly worry
free alarm system, without them having to worry about the usual limitations
and fine print clauses !! My profit margins are more than high enough for
me, and most of what I would get if I raised my rates would simply go to
Revenue Canada.

I actually welcome service calls because I get a rare chance to schmooze
with my customers. And frankly, with my son doing most of the heavy duty
stuff now, I still want to stay involved on the installation side. I know
you've met David, and he is turning out to be a valuable asset to the
company. He's one of the best installers I've ever seen, and he is fabulous
with people. He's even starting to show me better ways to do certain things,
and that's always a good sign when the student is starting to show the
teacher new tricks. I think I will have no difficulty turning over my
company to him knowing it's in good hands.

Hope to see you again in person sometime soon....perhaps the Xmas party at
the station. Hope all is working out OK on your side

All the best


mikey said:
Many a truth is said in jest. I've seen feuds flare up over
nothing in here and I'd regret us taking that route so I like
to soften my stance with humour. But I really can see you on
that horse.

I would like to be making more money, Bob and if I could,
I'd charge more. I charge what I think the market will bear. It's
pretty much a given you could charge more, I can't.
Hence the jibes. I can't sit here and
listen to you jump all over the "free" systems when you provide
"free" service. To me, free service and cheap monitoring over
a 10 year period is a very similar business model.

And yes, my attrition is horrible... I've had units in for less than 2

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


I think what might be saving your ass is that electronic stuff is so
reliable these days. I've had a similar pleasant surprise in that
transmitter batteries (which I replace) are lasting much longer than I'd
budgeted for, trouble is, I don't use the extra free time constructively :)

I'm reluctant to be so forward with my numbers but I think my model works
pretty good, I just think we're worth more :)


mikey said:
I think what might be saving your ass is that electronic stuff is so
reliable these days. I've had a similar pleasant surprise in that
transmitter batteries (which I replace) are lasting much longer than I'd
budgeted for, trouble is, I don't use the extra free time constructively :)

I'm reluctant to be so forward with my numbers but I think my model works
pretty good, I just think we're worth more :)
Hey Mikey, I might suggest that you talk with Tom, about marketing your
product, and skills. Tom is just about the best sales person I've come
across in a long, long time.
Why don't you give him an E-mail or a call and see if he can throw you
some ideas on how to get you "over the hump"

I don't know how long you've been doing this, but there are definite
"hills and valleys" that, if you're not aware of them by previous
training or experience, you can get really stuck in the valleys. This
is pretty common in this industry since most people come into it from
the installer level. For the most part, anyone having prior business
and sales, education, training or experience can usually get around
these obstacles. I've been questioned constantly through the years
about how I can run a company with so many accounts with so few
resources. It's always the installer based people who ask.

Give Tom a shout, I think you'll be surprised at what he's
accomplished. He's a great guy to know and always willing to help

To Tom:




Where's my WEBTV?

Thanks for the compiment, Jim. I am wide awake but unlike you I am
actually working. Not everyone can post to the newsgroup from their
yacht like you do.
Throw the skipper hat away (why do old men with boats ALWAYS own one of
those silly ass captain hats?), grab the drill, and get your old ass up
here to work.
59 weeks of vacation per year is wayyyyyyyyyy too much for you.

Mikey is always welcome to drop me a line, but he's Canadian and they
don't have phone service yet up there. Being that smoke signals are
chinese to me that leaves him emailing me letters where he abuses the
letter U.

Now this is just an assumption based on what I have read from Mikey's
posts, but it appears what would best help Mikey would be a leasing
A leasing company would allow Mikey to move more systems without a risk
of chargeback, by making the system more affordable to the client via
payments, and would provide him with enough upfront capital to purchase
equipment in bulk, as well as spend on additional advertising.
Will some clients end up paying more for their system? Yes. But those
would be the very same customers who wouldn't be able to take advantage
of Mikey's service without time payments.
Rather than charging $200.00 for the install (or whatever it was he
charges) along with a $40.00 per month service fee he could charge
$1200.00 for the install, have the customer finance that system thru
the leasing company, and charge a monthly service fee of around $15.00.
Between the lease, and the service payments the client would be paying
roughly $45-$50.00 per month total, without having to come up with that
$200.00 install fee upfront.
The leasing company would in turn pay Mikey the $1200.00 he's charging
for the system (usually within 3 days from date of install), and Mikey
would retain all monthly service payments (smaller yes, but the volume
will adjust the total company RMR to more than what he currently
The leasing company profits from it's factor, and doesn't take any of
Mikey's cabbage.
It's the identical concept to what our industry does with zero downs,
but our industry doesn't offer much out there where funding is
I have quite a few leasing companies that would fund on medical systems
so if Mikey is interested I'd be willing to give him the info, and
offer him a few marketing ideas.

Note to Mikey (you stupid fucking canadian anti-war liberal peeing in
the snow tree hugging moose humper):
Everything I posted was an assumption so don't kill me on the dollar
amounts, nor on the assumption that you don't already know everything I
just said. And don't pay mind to any of these fuckwads who tell you
that zero downs are the devil. Their yapping about full-perimeter, or
mini systems has no place in your field. You sell a receiver and a
transmitter. Either way, Good luck, and hope this was some help.


Jim said:
Hey Mikey, I might suggest that you talk with Tom, about marketing your
product, and skills. Tom is just about the best sales person I've come
across in a long, long time.
Why don't you give him an E-mail or a call and see if he can throw you
some ideas on how to get you "over the hump"

I don't know how long you've been doing this, but there are definite
"hills and valleys" that, if you're not aware of them by previous
training or experience, you can get really stuck in the valleys. This
is pretty common in this industry since most people come into it from
the installer level. For the most part, anyone having prior business
and sales, education, training or experience can usually get around
these obstacles. I've been questioned constantly through the years
about how I can run a company with so many accounts with so few
resources. It's always the installer based people who ask.

Give Tom a shout, I think you'll be surprised at what he's
accomplished. He's a great guy to know and always willing to help

To Tom:




Funny you mention Tom. Yep, I recognized the marketing expertise within days
of wandering in here.
How do you think I've lasted this long? I hit him up for some advise years
ago. I can't remember all the details but there was some juicy stuff, and
lots of it, much of which I put in to practice. He may not remember though
but I am very tolerant of that sort of thing as I deal with it on almost a
daily basis. Now I'm a tad worried about you too. I hit you up for some
idears as well... The newsletter was one I put in to use but unfortunately I
let it slide... some of my gals really enjoyed it too.
I am actually doing quite well and bag some retirement homes from time to
time. I just subscribe to the credo: "If your warm and happy in a pile of
shit, keep your mouth shut"


This from a guy who calls his president "bush".
I had to read that fucking lease idear paragraph about 6 times,

Hmmmm, it's clever but not competitive at single user level but
for bigger systems, I'd look to put together a package
for retirement homes. The last leasing outfit I talked to we're bored
with my numbers... a referral would be great, give them my
contact info if you like, I have a quote to put together now as a matter
of fact. They can't afford 5K let alone 20K. You can have them e-mail
to, even smokesignals@ and I'll get it.

Where's my WEBTV?

mikey said:
This from a guy who calls his president "bush".
I had to read that fucking lease idear paragraph about 6 times,

2 things:
# 1-You couldn't get bush in a fucking greenhouse.
# 2- I apologize for writing it in English as that language is alien to
you moose humpers.
Hmmmm, it's clever but not competitive at single user level but
for bigger systems, I'd look to put together a package
for retirement homes. The last leasing outfit I talked to we're bored
with my numbers... a referral would be great, give them my
contact info if you like, I have a quote to put together now as a matter
of fact. They can't afford 5K let alone 20K. You can have them e-mail
to, even smokesignals@ and I'll get it.<

It's VERY competitve even for small resi applications, Mikey. I'll
email you some names of companies who will touch the stove on Monday
(or whenever I figure out what you email addy is).
I also have a few new marketing programs you might be interested in.

Frank Olson

Where's my WEBTV? said:
2 things:
# 1-You couldn't get bush in a fucking greenhouse.

He's standard wallpaper fare in hundreds of Porta-Potties up here though.

# 2- I apologize for writing it in English as that language is alien to
you moose humpers.

English we understand. Now "Ameriglish"... That's different. For that
we need to hike down to the local Walmart and buy a "Dikshunary".


much obliged, paawdner
I can't play now, have to go to work and that damn igloo door is frozen


mikey said:
Funny you mention Tom. Yep, I recognized the marketing expertise within days
of wandering in here.
How do you think I've lasted this long? I hit him up for some advise years
ago. I can't remember all the details but there was some juicy stuff, and
lots of it, much of which I put in to practice. He may not remember though
but I am very tolerant of that sort of thing as I deal with it on almost a
daily basis. Now I'm a tad worried about you too. I hit you up for some
idears as well... The newsletter was one I put in to use but unfortunately I
let it slide... some of my gals really enjoyed it too.

Can't let the Newsletter slide or it loses it's value. I've been
sending out my
Newsletter for so
long now, I've lost track. I send it once every quarter. A single sided
page, no frills
no color or pictures. Just in four newspaper columns format with a
heading. I start
typing and in about an hour I've got to start editing it to keep in on
one page. Some
things I write about are seasonal, such as being careful in shopping
malls and
parking lots. Locking doors and lighting etc. Since I've been writing
it for so many
years now, I sometimes go back on 10 year old issues and pick an
article to update.
I pull statistics out of the trade magazines and articles out of the
local newspapers,
that apply to my clients. It's a way to inform them about such things
as VoiP and
DSL hookups and about things such as medical alerts for their parents
and the home
theater and residential computer networking I can do for them. I always
put a
paragraph in about my boating experiences just to add a little personal
You can't imagine the response I get from this. People drop me notes
their checks, wishing seasonal good tidings, and when ever I go to
their homes,
they've always got a comment about the boat or something that I've
written about.
In a few cases, I've been requested to send my newsletter to members of
household who've moved away and live in other areas.

In your case, there's got to be a Gazillion things in the local papers
regarding the elderly that you could write about. Subscribe to a
magazine or two to pull information from and just write briefly about
and give the source or where more info can be obtained, telephone
etc. You'd be surpprised how quickly a single page will fill up with

I used to schedule talks at the local library, regarding household
I'd bring control panels set up on boards and show people what they
expect if they were looking for a security system for their home.
your name around town and some additional work too. In your medi alert
business, I'd be making constant efforts and making arrangements to
at retirement clubs. Make it an annual thing. Bring some handouts and
giveaway pen's or flashlites with your name on it.

I'm sure that there's got to be some census information available
either at
some public office or the library regarding the demographics of elderly
In the US we have a directory available in libraries that lists people
by a
multitude of factors. Once getting their address, there's lots of ways
you can
market to them. Leave brochures in doctors offices. Just drop them off

occasionally. Find cardiologists and other doctors that would have
who would need your serivices. Just leave it on the magazine tables.
be surprised how many people will pick them up.

I used take note of where the well-to-do areas were, and put door
on their mail boxes or door knobs, as I was passing by. I did that for
because mailing and yellow pages didn't work. In your case, with the
alert, keep in mind that if you market to only elderly people, most
they just don't have the money and wouldn't think of asking anyone
for it. It's actually to their children and relatives, that CAN
afford to get
it for parents, etc .... for THEIR convenience, and peace of mind,
would be an important source of your business.

I think the most important thing I can say about advertising is to
budget it,
don't elimiate it just because you're not getting an immediate
response. Just
set aside a specific amount a month and make sure you spend it. And
it constant. People may not use it the first 20 times that they see
it, but
once they see it constantly, it's in their mind the next time they or
else mentions it and they know right where to look to find you. Small
paper, co op with someone who deals with elderly, like insurance
or other companies providing services to the infirm. Local private EMS
companies would be an example.

I am actually doing quite well and bag some retirement homes from time to
time. I just subscribe to the credo: "If your warm and happy in a pile
of shit, keep your mouth shut"

I could just never not keep trying to get that next sale. Keep in mind
you only have to try 5% harder than the next guy to put you in the
80% of successful businesses. And don't be afraid to test the market
occasionally by asking for more money. If you miss a job or two,
of price, you can always revert. If you don't try, you'll find that
getting a lot of work and not making any money. Balance your work load
by the prices you charge. That works for me. You don't have to give
the store to get business.

That's just my .... off the top of my head...... take on it. You may
already be doing some or all of it. but I thought it may help