Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Devcon Buys Out Coastal Security, Adelphia, & Guardian




I am selling aluminum products in general. That is, the hurricane
shutters, the screen porches, the glass rooms and high imact windows,
screen enclosures, railings, etc.

The company isn't out of Jax, and yes, the guy I work for has his
license, BBB, and Atlantic Aluminum Association.

Thanks for the good wishes....I do appreciate that....I wish you well
as well...



II imagine the only thing holding you back from #1 was a set of
kneepads ?


pretty much....I wasn't the boss' golfing buddy

Bob Worthy

Crash Gordon said:
For instance if the buying company
doesn't pay you the hold back a year later,

Take a point or two less up front and cash out. Don't screw around with a
hold back because you won't get it. If you didn't loose the customer for
years prior to the sale and than the customer goes south because the new
company screwed up the account, you loose on the hold back. Negotiate it up
front, because chances are the new company cannot handle a certain
percentage of your clientel anyway. It is false hope. The buyer either takes
or leaves the whole thing under your terms. Some one out there will play by
your rules. If you have to sell, the table favors the buyer, but if you
don't have to sell, the table is yours, so run it. Every month you keep it
is to your benefit.

Bob Worthy

I CAN GUARANTEE you that any of the small businesses posting here

I have stayed out of your threads and even tryed to get you to email me to
talk to you about your involvement here, which you obviously chose not to
do. The more I read your continuous flow of vomit, I realize you really
don't know anything about your subject matter. There are laws governing the
size of print on certain items of a contract (the real legal stuff). If you
don't follow the rules, you will be getting a call from the Attorney
Generals office. You may obviously be using information passed onto you
(hearsay) by a rogue salesmanager, whom probably is no longer with the
companies you worked for as well, as a sales tool. The truth of the matter
is that small businesses makes up 95% of the industry and we all have
attorneys to counsel us, to prepare our contracts, have wonderful support
from major organizations and numerous publications to keep us apprized of
the many pitfalls that being in business can bring. Many states require
continueing education, i.e. Florida, where serveral business related hours
of education are mandated for each license renewal. You probably are not
aware of those requirements though. I believe you have stumbled into a very
casual newsgroup. Don't misinterpret the casualness of the group as a
weakness of the persons that are involved. I think you are over you head
here. After all, you are a self admitted sales jockey who is only as good as
his last sale. I personally know the folks at the ADT branchs you mentioned
and you didn't fit into their corporate world, and at P1, you just didn't
speak their language, if you know what I mean. The vast majority of the
folks, in this group, have had many of your type come and go and if they are
like me, have forgotten your name by the next week. I think it is time for
you to find another playpen.

Where's my WEBTV?

The mention of possible sexual harassment, litigation, unreasonable
peers, and having your own personal "grapevine" for industry info are
all old news.
What's next? You gonna tell us how you're a light shade of mauve, along
with being 25% Jehovah's Witness 33% Buddhist 12% Hindu 8% Wiccan 10%
Catholic 50% Hebrew 47% Harri Krishna 19% Greek Orthodox and 22%
Scientologist (but only during a leap year when you are a Rasta lay
minister)?............notice how it doesn't add up right?
Stop using Bass material and come up with something original or get the
flock out of here.


Bob said:
I CAN GUARANTEE you that any of the small businesses posting here

I have stayed out of your threads and even tryed to get you to email me
talk to you about your involvement here, which you obviously chose not
do. The more I read your continuous flow of vomit, I realize you really
don't know anything about your subject matter.
Bob, for the record I DID e-mail you, and received no response back.
By the way, since you KNOW IT ALL, I am glad the e-mail didn't get
through. Things happen for a reason.
There are laws governing the size of print on certain items of a
contract (the real legal stuff). If you don't follow the rules, you
will be getting a call from the Attorney
Generals office. You may obviously be using information passed onto you
(hearsay) by a rogue salesmanager, whom probably is no longer with the
companies you worked for as well, as a sales tool. The truth of the
is that small businesses makes up 95% of the industry and we all have
attorneys to counsel us, to prepare our contracts, have wonderful
from major organizations and numerous publications to keep us apprized
the many pitfalls that being in business can bring. Many states require
continueing education, i.e. Florida, where serveral business related
of education are mandated for each license renewal. You probably are
aware of those requirements though.



Sure, I am aware that certain things on a contract must be a certain
legal size or Larger. You seem to be trying to sweep the fact that
there are MANY things on a contract that are "glumped" into the
contract that are as small as possible, and utilizing as many technical
words as possible. The contracts I had people sign, I went over them
as much as possible, never lied to anyone, and from experience, I can
tell you and anyone else (heavy emphasis on the "anyone else), that
MOST people and most salespeople do not take the time to read the two
or three legal size pages on the BACK of the agreements BEFORE THEY

I believe you have stumbled into a very casual newsgroup. Don't
misinterpret the casualness of the group as a weakness of the persons
that are involved. I think you are over you head here. After all, you
are a self admitted sales jockey who is only as good as his last sale.
I personally know the folks at the ADT branchs you mentioned
and you didn't fit into their corporate world, and at P1, you just
speak their language, if you know what I mean. The vast majority of the
folks, in this group, have had many of your type come and go and if
they are
like me, have forgotten your name by the next week. I think it is time
you to find another playpen.


Bob, once again, I think you are just spewing your own sour grapes
here. You'd like nothing better for me and anyone trying to educate
the buying public to "go find another playpen, so we don't corrupt or
correct your little PAYPEN. I have news for you, I doubt very
seriously you know the branch at ADT, and the people there on any
significant type of basis. Number 2, if Bell South Security at the
Coconut Creek Branch could have gotten my sales installed in a TIMELY
manner, I WOULD PROBABLY STILL BE THERE. Let me say it another
way....I AM THE ONE THAT RESIGNED..........

I'm not spewng sour grapes, I got out of the industry. I turned Brinks
down twice to go sell for them, and I am happy selling aluminum. I
make way more money, drive less, and have better hours. The language
Bell South speaks is to take their sweet time installing, and drag a
salesman's commissions out as long as possible. The sales agreement,
when you are hired says they will pay you for UP TO 30 DAYS after you
leave, IF YOU LEAVE VOLUNTARILY. It says they will pay you for
SHOULD have stayed and got fired, but I wanted to get on with my life.
I was also tired of having to drive from West Palm Beach to Coconut
Creek to turn paperwork in, and getting lied to. So, you're right, I
LIED....more than once. I DON'T REGRET RESIGNING.


Crash Gordon

I already cashed out with a good deal, got screwed (not with hold back), now
cashing back in. :)

| | > For instance if the buying company
| > doesn't pay you the hold back a year later,
| Take a point or two less up front and cash out. Don't screw around with a
| hold back because you won't get it. If you didn't loose the customer for
| years prior to the sale and than the customer goes south because the new
| company screwed up the account, you loose on the hold back. Negotiate it
| front, because chances are the new company cannot handle a certain
| percentage of your clientel anyway. It is false hope. The buyer either
| or leaves the whole thing under your terms. Some one out there will play
| your rules. If you have to sell, the table favors the buyer, but if you
| don't have to sell, the table is yours, so run it. Every month you keep it
| is to your benefit.


Nah ! Not really ! After awhile, his pompous tirades wear me down that's all
(cripes....he's almost as bad as I am sometimes..). I don't ever make things
personal, or for that matter, take things personally; that's just childish,
and certainly not productive for any reason.

It's likely the only thing we'll ever agree on is gun control !! (now THAT
issue TRULY lights my fire, but this the wrong newsgroup for that......)

C'est la vie....


Wow, Bob. Who lit your fire? I know Jim is a jerk but I never noticed
you letting him get to you before.

Robert L Bass

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?


about fire arm control.I didn't renew my license and I have been waiting for
the last 4 month to see if they would do a thing...

what a waste of money...