Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Devcon Buys Out Coastal Security, Adelphia, & Guardian


Frank Olson

Sonicduck said:
Frank, Frank, frank, frank....

I have had many customers tell me that they do NOT want fire

I suppose that's true if you sell it as an "option". We don't.

They said by the time the fire department would arrive,
the house would be so far gone that there would not be very much they
would want to salvage. The smelly soot and smoke would contaminate
everything. They said if the fire started, they would rather it burn
the daggone house to the ground than to have to bicker with the
insurance company for partial damages. Of course the people I dealt
with the most were upper class, not the bottom of the barrel folks who
probably don't have homeowners.

System smokes aren't there to protect property. They are foremost life
safety devices. A well designed _monitored_ *system* will provide early
warning of a problem so that the premises can be safely evacuated, and
will mimize the damage to the structure if no one's home. Since it's
obvious you've never actually sold a security *system* (by numerous
comments you've made) you don't understand this fundamental fact.
You've been doing your customers a huge dis-service and I sincerely
doubt ADT (or Bell South) can be blamed for your lackluster job
performance or career to date.

You should also check out a few homeowners policies... particularly
where they mention something called "mitigating your loss". An
insurance adjuster would be asking questions like: "How was the fire
detected?" "How long did it take the FD to arrive on site?" "What
steps did they take to control the spread of the fire?" "What steps did
you take?" The fire department will always try to save as much of the
structure as possible. There will always be incidental damage (from
smoke and water), but that's often easier to deal with (and cheaper)
than replacing the entire structure. I realize you're only "trolling"
for negative feedback, but I believe that constructive crticism in your
case (I don't think you're a "lost cause" like our "Wireless Willy")
will go much further. Take some time to educate yourself before you
open your yap with such ridiculously outrageous comments.

Get with the year 2005, almost to be
2006. Attitudes and people have changed. This industry is steeped in
so much old school mindset that it s sufficating itself. Grow up dude.

The lack of knowledge on your part demonstrates your lack of interest in
learning the skills to properly sell a security *system*. There are
numerous educational opportunities available to you through the Florida
Alarm Association, various distributors, and State sponsored courses.
I'd suggest you availe yourself of a few of them.

ADT selling monitoring for $18.99 ??? Not from corporate.

Maybe a
dealer that is hardup for a customer. I never sold one for $18.95 or
$18.99 even. Nope.

Interesting. Are you saying that an alarm company (including ADT)
wouldn't reduce the monitoring charges for a customer that was paying
*up front* for the equipment and installation? What planet are you from

I used to live in Syberiacuse. I know their tactics well.

Yes... You've made it perfectly obvious where your prejudices lie...


I'm so naive. Thanks for explanation. Yes, that's a tactic I suppose, lordy,
what a minefield out there.

Crash Gordon

I wouldn't ever sign a non-compete, a limited non-disturbance ok, if it was
written correctly. A non-compete could technically keep you from earning a
living should your deal go sour later. For instance if the buying company
doesn't pay you the hold back a year later, so you decide you want to go
back to work (no intention of inteferring with the clients you sold
them)...just go back to business in the alarm field...with an non-compete
you might not be able to. With a non-disturbance you can as long as you
don't mess with the clients you sold them. And even that should have a
specific time limit. And, BTW...make sure your sales contract states the
venue to be your state should there be a problem down the road you want your
state's law to prevail.

| Mike, there have been a couple of instances locally of guys selling out
| then immediately going back under a new name and trying to steal back the
| accounts. It's more common than you might think. If the buyer can prove
| happening, at least it gives him some legal comeback to try to stop the
| theft.
| |
| > Non-compete wouldn't bother me if I was doing something else (gigolo)
| > Why the hell would one sign a non-compete if you were just selling
| > accounts
| > !?!
| >
| >
| I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Crash Gordon

This guy musta been some winner of a salesman.

| Sonicduck wrote:
| > Frank, Frank, frank, frank....
| >
| > I have had many customers tell me that they do NOT want fire
| > protection.
| I suppose that's true if you sell it as an "option". We don't.
| > They said by the time the fire department would arrive,
| > the house would be so far gone that there would not be very much they
| > would want to salvage. The smelly soot and smoke would contaminate
| > everything. They said if the fire started, they would rather it burn
| > the daggone house to the ground than to have to bicker with the
| > insurance company for partial damages. Of course the people I dealt
| > with the most were upper class, not the bottom of the barrel folks who
| > probably don't have homeowners.
| System smokes aren't there to protect property. They are foremost life
| safety devices. A well designed _monitored_ *system* will provide early
| warning of a problem so that the premises can be safely evacuated, and
| will mimize the damage to the structure if no one's home. Since it's
| obvious you've never actually sold a security *system* (by numerous
| comments you've made) you don't understand this fundamental fact.
| You've been doing your customers a huge dis-service and I sincerely
| doubt ADT (or Bell South) can be blamed for your lackluster job
| performance or career to date.
| You should also check out a few homeowners policies... particularly
| where they mention something called "mitigating your loss". An
| insurance adjuster would be asking questions like: "How was the fire
| detected?" "How long did it take the FD to arrive on site?" "What
| steps did they take to control the spread of the fire?" "What steps did
| you take?" The fire department will always try to save as much of the
| structure as possible. There will always be incidental damage (from
| smoke and water), but that's often easier to deal with (and cheaper)
| than replacing the entire structure. I realize you're only "trolling"
| for negative feedback, but I believe that constructive crticism in your
| case (I don't think you're a "lost cause" like our "Wireless Willy")
| will go much further. Take some time to educate yourself before you
| open your yap with such ridiculously outrageous comments.
| > Get with the year 2005, almost to be
| > 2006. Attitudes and people have changed. This industry is steeped in
| > so much old school mindset that it s sufficating itself. Grow up dude.
| The lack of knowledge on your part demonstrates your lack of interest in
| learning the skills to properly sell a security *system*. There are
| numerous educational opportunities available to you through the Florida
| Alarm Association, various distributors, and State sponsored courses.
| I'd suggest you availe yourself of a few of them.
| >
| > ADT selling monitoring for $18.99 ??? Not from corporate.
| Yep.
| > Maybe a
| > dealer that is hardup for a customer. I never sold one for $18.95 or
| > $18.99 even. Nope.
| Interesting. Are you saying that an alarm company (including ADT)
| wouldn't reduce the monitoring charges for a customer that was paying
| *up front* for the equipment and installation? What planet are you from
| again??
| >
| > I used to live in Syberiacuse. I know their tactics well.
| Yes... You've made it perfectly obvious where your prejudices lie...


Crash (or HASH) Gordon,

you stated, so eloquently (do you know what that word means? Or

"... System smokes aren't there to protect property. They are foremost
| safety devices. A well designed _monitored_ *system* will provide
| warning of a problem so that the premises can be safely evacuated,
| will mimize the damage to the structure if no one's home. Since it's
| obvious you've never actually sold a security *system* (by numerous
| comments you've made) you don't understand this fundamental fact.
| You've been doing your customers a huge dis-service and I sincerely
| doubt ADT (or Bell South) can be blamed for your lackluster job
| performance or career to date.


My goodness. That first sentence makes me think you are definitely
smoking more than weed. Are you sure your monicker isn't "Crack

You said,

"System Smokes aren't there to protect property".

Ok, dumbo. I'm game. What in the hell are they for? ANY smoke
detector can wake someone up to get them out of the house.

You said,

"....A well designed _monitored_ *system* will provide early
| warning of a problem so that the premises can be safely evacuated,
| will mimize the damage to the structure if no one's home."

Isn't a home property? You just contradicted yourself twice in the
same paragraph. I guess I will believe EVERYTHING YOU EVER SAY FROM

Stay a tech, if you fumble over words this bad, you'd never cut it as a

Also, for your information, I sold more smoke detectors probably than
anyone in Resi Resale. Why? ADT wanted us to learn to program simple
conversions so that they didn't have to send a truck out. It would
have saved ADT money, and I wouldn't have to charge the customer for
the trip charge. The only exception was if the customer had a smoke
detector. ADT didn't want us trying to program the system if they had
one, for liability reasons. I figured it was another $100.00 for ADSC,
and $2 - 4 a month in additional ANSC if I sold them one. I believe IF
you are going to have a monitored security system, then DEFINITELY have
at least one smoke/heat detector. Why? Because in Florida a lot of
residents take a lot of out of town trips. If they are away, the
noisemaker in regular smoke detectors won't do them any good. They
need them for when they are away.

But, that doesn't excuse your ignorance.

Sonicduck....quacking to beat the band

Crash Gordon

You truly are a freekin' idiot arent ya.
I've sold, installed and serviced more alarms than you have ever even
seen...abt 5000 I'd venture a conservative guess.

Smokes are life/safety and not property saving devices (although they may
serve that function)

And you must be the one smoking crack as you're not responding to what I
said, rather someone else's post.

| Crash (or HASH) Gordon,
| you stated, so eloquently (do you know what that word means? Or
| Trogladite?
| "... System smokes aren't there to protect property. They are foremost
| life
|| safety devices. A well designed _monitored_ *system* will provide
| early
|| warning of a problem so that the premises can be safely evacuated,
| and
|| will mimize the damage to the structure if no one's home. Since it's
|| obvious you've never actually sold a security *system* (by numerous
|| comments you've made) you don't understand this fundamental fact.
|| You've been doing your customers a huge dis-service and I sincerely
|| doubt ADT (or Bell South) can be blamed for your lackluster job
|| performance or career to date.
| My goodness. That first sentence makes me think you are definitely
| smoking more than weed. Are you sure your monicker isn't "Crack
| Gordon"?
| You said,
| "System Smokes aren't there to protect property".
| Ok, dumbo. I'm game. What in the hell are they for? ANY smoke
| detector can wake someone up to get them out of the house.
| You said,
| "....A well designed _monitored_ *system* will provide early
|| warning of a problem so that the premises can be safely evacuated,
| and
|| will mimize the damage to the structure if no one's home."
| Isn't a home property? You just contradicted yourself twice in the
| same paragraph. I guess I will believe EVERYTHING YOU EVER SAY FROM
| Stay a tech, if you fumble over words this bad, you'd never cut it as a
| salesman.
| Also, for your information, I sold more smoke detectors probably than
| anyone in Resi Resale. Why? ADT wanted us to learn to program simple
| conversions so that they didn't have to send a truck out. It would
| have saved ADT money, and I wouldn't have to charge the customer for
| the trip charge. The only exception was if the customer had a smoke
| detector. ADT didn't want us trying to program the system if they had
| one, for liability reasons. I figured it was another $100.00 for ADSC,
| and $2 - 4 a month in additional ANSC if I sold them one. I believe IF
| you are going to have a monitored security system, then DEFINITELY have
| at least one smoke/heat detector. Why? Because in Florida a lot of
| residents take a lot of out of town trips. If they are away, the
| noisemaker in regular smoke detectors won't do them any good. They
| need them for when they are away.
| But, that doesn't excuse your ignorance.
| Sonicduck....quacking to beat the band

Mark Leuck

My goodness. That first sentence makes me think you are definitely
smoking more than weed. Are you sure your monicker isn't "Crack

You said,

"System Smokes aren't there to protect property".

Ok, dumbo. I'm game. What in the hell are they for? ANY smoke
detector can wake someone up to get them out of the house.

No wonder you aren't a salesman anymore

Stanley Barthfarkle

Also, for your information, I sold more smoke detectors probably than
anyone in Resi Resale.

Resi Resale is the easiest job in the building, and while you might have
sold a few smokes, your numbers were awful. You couldn't cut it at ADT in
the easiest job available. The gal who took your place is doing twice as
much ANSC, and she's fairly new.

Crash Gordon

And she's probably a Belgian midget with acne and a mustache.

| > Also, for your information, I sold more smoke detectors probably than
| > anyone in Resi Resale.
| Resi Resale is the easiest job in the building, and while you might have
| sold a few smokes, your numbers were awful. You couldn't cut it at ADT in
| the easiest job available. The gal who took your place is doing twice as
| much ANSC, and she's fairly new.



You think you know so much. I doubt seriously if ANYONE took my job.
Who would want to drive from West Palm Beach to Ft. Pierce everyday and
points in between? From Palm Beach?

They might have hired someone to take my slot, but not working the
territory where I was assigned. Why do you think I left? For your
information, my boss at ADT will gladly tell you he had no problem with
my numbers or work ethic.

You really don't know what the heck you're talking about. When I put
pressure on my boss to switch me closer to home (due to the fact that
another top salesman was considering moving to the newly created
"Custom Home Division", he started giving me crap. I left because of
that and because a beautiful woman working there blew me in for asking
her out. She claimed it was harrasment evidently, when all she had to
do was say know. I don't hold any grudges against ayone there, but I
do think my boss made a mistake. It had to hurt his commissions when I
left. No doubt. The price of gas kept going up, and I got tired of
watching slackers make nearly as much as me, but I was spending twice
as much time and gas as them. After 7 months of that, I figured I
deserved a spot closer to my home. My boss evidiently didn't agree.

I will say I must be a pretty darn good salesman though, since I
convinced unemployment to reverse their first finding that I was
ineligible. I won my unemployment appeal, and that to me says a lot.
I never claimed more than a week because I started working for Bell
South Security immediately. The grapevine would have told BS if I was
a good salesman though, and the grapevine must have HELPED me get in
the door at BS.

I would have suceeded at Bell South (Hell South), but I was hired at a
time when I had 3 different sales managers to report to in two months,
and when I finally cleared the cobwebs, my jobs were being pushed back
two months. I found out this week that one of my jobs I had turned in
2 months ago just got installed. I resigned and am in an entirely
different business now, and make MORE money, drive less, and it pays
WAY more.

Thanks for yur concern,


Frank Olson

Mark said:
Back to selling used cars eh?

Haven't you heard?? The "Sonicduck" is that new fangled battery powered
toilet bowl cleaner that uses sound waves to loosen those "icky"
klingons. Judging from his posts, he's their top sales guy.


Frank Olson, (the largest skin mass this side of the Mississippi)

Haven't you heard?? The "Sonicduck" is that new fangled battery
toilet bowl cleaner that uses sound waves to loosen those "icky"
klingons. Judging from his posts, he's their top sales guy.


F'rank....frankly speaking...

your MO is obvious....trying to protect your job you can
keep ripping people off....I'm not impressed with your diatribe. I've
heard better responses from pre-K.

I'm sure you've frank'n'fitted a lot of systems out there...and people
get what they pay for unless you are doing the job.

sonicduck....saying quit trying to Frankanize everything.....

Stanley Barthfarkle

The weekly sales reports for you show piss-poor performance overall. Your
best week was barely to quota, and you were mostly way under. Average for
the last 3 months you were there was 42% to quota- you were about to be
fired anyway. I'm not sure how you could pay bills with those numbers. Good
thing for the car allowance, huh?


You are way off base Barf-farkle....

I was 130+% to quota the last month I was there....that is what the
weekly statistics that were given out to us onecould
believe I was gone if you want to know the truth. The HR woman didn't
even show up for the unemplyment appeal. She knew they boo-boo'd. I
wasn't about to get fired. I was above 2/3's of the other sales
people. The only thing holding me back from being #1 was driving from
West Palm to Ft. Pierce everyday. My boss just ASS-umed I would keep
doing it undefinitely....but I guess he was wrong.

Your math sucks, butt particle....err....I mean Spasticbarfarkel


I guess there is more than one idiot on these boardlets.

No, I am not selling cars, or kirby's. Both are superior products to
your crappy dollar store security systems though.

For your information, I sold one unit of my new product Saturday, spend
a half hour, and made $1500.00. A much better payout than selling
ripoff security systems. The paperwork was less obtrusive, easier to
pitch, the drive closer to home, and I garnered about 4 more
appointments on my own for next week. I'll sell this for a good while,
I think.

so Alarm puss....Frank'ncrap, and keep your day's all you'll ever know...


Sonicduck said:
I guess there is more than one idiot on these boardlets.

No, I am not selling cars, or kirby's. Both are superior products to
your crappy dollar store security systems though.

For your information, I sold one unit of my new product Saturday, spend
a half hour, and made $1500.00. A much better payout than selling
ripoff security systems. The paperwork was less obtrusive, easier to
pitch, the drive closer to home, and I garnered about 4 more
appointments on my own for next week. I'll sell this for a good while,
I think.

so Alarm puss....Frank'ncrap, and keep your day's all you'll ever know...

Is that the hurricane shutters? What other items are they selling?
Business has to be good with all the damage from the last couple of years
worth of hurricanes. Is there any licensing involved in that type
construction in FL? Are you with the bunch out of Jax? Good luck.

Frank Olson

Sonicduck said:
F'rank....frankly speaking...

your MO is obvious....trying to protect your job you can
keep ripping people off....I'm not impressed with your diatribe. I've
heard better responses from pre-K.

I'll have you know I graduated from Kindergarden... With Honours.

I'm sure you've frank'n'fitted a lot of systems out there...and people
get what they pay for unless you are doing the job.

Nope. People get what the pay for when the freakin' salesman knows what
he's talking about and can answer their questions/concerns honestly
instead of trying to "baffle 'em with bullshit". 40% of quota... My,
my... You really are some peace of work!!

sonicduck....saying quit trying to Frankanize everything.....

Personally, I wouldn't buy anything from a "duck" and that includes ones
named Sonic, Donald, Howard or Daffy...

Mark Leuck

Sonicduck said:
You are way off base Barf-farkle....

I was 130+% to quota the last month I was there....that is what the
weekly statistics that were given out to us onecould
believe I was gone if you want to know the truth. The HR woman didn't
even show up for the unemplyment appeal. She knew they boo-boo'd. I
wasn't about to get fired. I was above 2/3's of the other sales
people. The only thing holding me back from being #1 was driving from
West Palm to Ft. Pierce everyday. My boss just ASS-umed I would keep
doing it undefinitely....but I guess he was wrong.

I imagine the only thing holding you back from #1 was a set of kneepads