[email protected] wrote:
| On 17 Aug 2008 20:05:35 GMT,
[email protected] wrote:
[email protected] wrote:
|>| The very first battery bank I ever set up was a parallel string affair
|>| and I did just that. Total waste of time.
|>And I presume you would never, ever, do that (install a parallel string) again,
|>even though you don't know any of the physic behind it, simply relying on your
|>experience of the end results of the way you did it, without really knowing if
|>the problems were from the parallel aspect or the way you did it.
| George says that he would never use paralleled batteries again because
| the practice led to failure. And yet we know from his other writings
| that he's on his 5th set of batteries, and that others get longer life
| out of the very thing he rails against - paralleled GC batteries.
| Therefore, the failures must be due to at least some other issues.
| Here are some clues in his own words: "I float my 840Ah batteries at
| 15 volts(PL40) This makes the batteries bubble quite well"
But would he know exactly what gas these bubble contain, and where this gas
ends up?
| "I will tell you that the reason I subvert my regulators three stage
| default setting..."
| It seems that George always knows best, and believes that the
| manufacturer's recommendations don't apply to self-titled "power
| consultants". Instead, he prefers to invest in a proper 3-stage
| controller, but "subvert" its features. Neither does he believe in
| reducing voltage for float, even though he claims that his batteries
| are fully charged most days by noon. Which would mean that they spend
| many hours most days "bubbling quite well" at >10% higher voltage than
| recommended. Not that I take his word about anything, it's far more
| likely that he's chronically short, and raised the voltage limits in
| order to prevent the controller throttling supply.
| As well, George believes that there's hidden capacity in some
| batteries. The maker of his batteries specifies a low-voltage cut-out
| of 11.5V.
| Suncycle Operation and Maintenance Manual.pdf
| Yet recently in one his infamous deezine demonstrations, George
| recommended discharging the subject batteries well below 10.8V in
| order to hide his errors at applying Peukert's exponent.
| All things considered, it's no surprise that Ghinius George Ghio holds
| the record for most dead batteries, and the cause has little or
| nothing to do with parallel strings.
He should recycle his leftover lead, if it's not too terribly contaminated.
Sounds like he probably has a lot of it.