In [email protected] wrote:
| Lead by its nature is contaminated, with lead. And yes I have recycled
| tonnes of batteries as I have replaced tonnes of batteries for many
| people.
So pure lead is contaminated with lead. Now that's a weird way to think
about things. But I'm not surprised it's coming from you.
| So lets look at waynes assertion. My first set of batteries was a
| parallel string set up. Learned a lesson from that. Followed by three
| sets of second hand batteries, well, there was not the cash to do
| better at the time. Big crime according to wayne. Still they got me
| through to where I could buy a single string of batteries at the
| correct Ah capacity. Listen to wayne and you too can do what I did.
All this proves is that you are having better luck with a single string.
But based on your apparent knowledge, it is all about luck. You didn't
try any of the known methods to deal with issues involving two parallel
| Lead by its nature is contaminated, with lead. And yes I have recycled
| tonnes of batteries as I have replaced tonnes of batteries for many
| people.
So pure lead is contaminated with lead. Now that's a weird way to think
about things. But I'm not surprised it's coming from you.
| So lets look at waynes assertion. My first set of batteries was a
| parallel string set up. Learned a lesson from that. Followed by three
| sets of second hand batteries, well, there was not the cash to do
| better at the time. Big crime according to wayne. Still they got me
| through to where I could buy a single string of batteries at the
| correct Ah capacity. Listen to wayne and you too can do what I did.
All this proves is that you are having better luck with a single string.
But based on your apparent knowledge, it is all about luck. You didn't
try any of the known methods to deal with issues involving two parallel