John Larkin
On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:00:48 -0700, John Larkin
On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 08:57:50 -0700, Jim Thompson
Cajuns live mostly in southwest Louisiana and a bit over the line into
Texas. They are certainly not hillbillies, who live in east-central
USA, like Tennessee and West Virginia.
Montani Semper Liberi!
What does that mean? I don't speak hillbilly.
It's Latin... "Mountaineers Are Always Free"... the WV state motto.
Hillbillys aren't from West Virginia, they're from Arkansas.
...Jim Thompson
If I can't understand their accent, they're hillbillies to me. I guess
that includes New Hampshire.
Do you still have your accent? I somehow escaped from New Orleans
without much evidence... people think I'm from New Yawk or something.
Four years in Massachusetts killed my southern accent.
...Jim Thompson
My wife's from Boston, or actually a bit down the coast. She's usually
speaks intelligibly (she is a Speech Pathologist, after all) but
whenever she goes back there for a week or two she comes back saying
"cawh" and "ment-al" and weird stuff like that for a while.
Going from the hoots and hollers to MIT must have been a strange
transition. I have a book, "Up The Infinite Corridor" that talks about
MIT, how kids that were the smartest student in the history of Cedar
Rapids go there and find themselves cold, lonely, and at the bottom of
the intellectual heap, and too often commit suicide as a result.
I went to Tulane, where they honor the "Gentlemen's C"...pay your
tuition, show up for finals, don't get the Dean's daughter pregnant,
and you'll pass.