Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Capacitor Knowledge Wanted

I guess I just assumed all the disc shaped ones were ceramic. Kinda hard to tell from my photos though. Maybe i'll break out my photography lights and play around with the DSLR modes a bit :p

As for tolerance, what's our tolerance on that? When I use the search filters on websites like Mouser, I see all of the "audiophile grade" ones being rated at 20%, where's others are only %10. Plus, they're only rated for 1000 hours @85c. That's like, not very long.

I'm also a little confused on "snap in" caps, do they fit into normal through-holes, or are they for a special mount of sorts?
Okay, so I've made a rather crude diagram of how the signal flows through the circuit. The red/black goes to the speakers. Everything else is input. Not sure if it's of any relevance, but I would like to know what exactly does what. For the amps, Pin 1 is -(gray/grey/crème/green) and Pin 2 is +(ping/orange/yellow/grellow). Not sure if everything else is corrent +/- wise.inout.jpg
Something I just realized....those cereamic caps, marked "220" should be .022nf, right. But my meter shows them as .22nf, same as a "221" cap. The heck's going on?


No, 22u. Dot towards the negative. I just seem to remember using caps of this shape at one time and they were tants. The shape just doesn't look quite right to be ceramic. I'm not trying to argue that the *are* tants, just was checking out the possibility.

It is NOT a tant and it is 22pF NOT 22uF
and it isn't polarised


Something I just realized....those cereamic caps, marked "220" should be .022nf, right. But my meter shows them as .22nf, same as a "221" cap. The heck's going on?

Meter inaccuracies ?
of course some el cheapo manufacturer may have not followed the standard marking procedure and they really are 220pF
three sig figs instead of two sig figs and a multiplier. Not too uncommon. That's why a capacitance meter is a good investment.
Okay, got some of the replacement caps in today, settled on some Nichicon UFG caps, with a lovely black on gold wrapper.

But something i neglected to ask beforehand...there's one more type of cap, a yellow rectangle of sorts lables "D104J~2P3" (~ representing the logo, so I assume) I can't seem to find any cap decoder charts that use this format.
It is also connected to the same traces as the large caps photoed earlier, like litteraly right beside them.
Umm.....I did a dumb-dumb. I didn't take photos, and my parts tray got messed up...
There's no shcematics for this.
How screwed am I?

Is there a way to just kinda figure it out?
Okay, made some progress. I found a single photo, a close up of just one spot...but since I know all of the ins and outs work the same, I was able to fix a few things using only that small photo. Not much left although I seem to be missing some caps. I counted 8 spots on the board that are polarized, but only 6 polar caps. Hopefully they're just under a pile of clothes on the floor.

As for the schematics...doubt there is any, it is a Ford OEM part after all. But, I did ask the Taurus Club forums and hopefully someone there can get my a diagram or something.