Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Bypass Telco's NID box?


Crash Gordon®

Firstly, I never claimed to be a phone guy. Although I can hold my own with inside wiring as I worked for MaBell in the 70's for 2 years.

What I did say was I haven't met but a handful of telco guys that understand line seizure. In 20+ YEARS every problem that the telco guys have tried to blame on us was NOT our fault...not one. Yet WE had to go out and fix the problem caused by telco guy cutting us out of the loop. It's really a NO BRAINER for a telco guy to do this right...ask homeowner to unplug RJ...troubleshoot...fix the telco problem...ask homeowner to plug back in. At the VERY LEAST it would be nice for a courtsey call from the tech. That's hard?

Pension? I don' need no steekin' pension.

Crash Gordon®

And...actually over the course of the years I have had 4 telco techs apply for jobs. One guy I hired was pretty good tech but he had more damn excuses for not being on time. The other one I hired I shouldn't she musta been smoking dope because she never knew which side of her dikes was up. She lasted 1 week. The other 2 that applied weren't even worth considering.

Robert L. Bass


Did you notice that "Paul" has just indicated he's signing off? Now all of
a sudden there are a series of anti-alarm installer flames posted here by
this character. Hmm....

Odds are this is Paul's latest persona. I never believed he was from
Belgium anyway.


Yes, and I also don't believe he is "signing off" for good. That would mean
he won't spout his drivel anymore; somehow, I don't think that is going to
happen....:)) Did you notice when the RFI posts no longer get any responses,
he starts on about monitoring as well...anything to raise the ire of the

PS: Welcome back from Brazil. The newsgroup was almost deserted of posts of
any kind until you returned.


Robert L. Bass

Yes, and I also don't believe he is "signing off"
for good. That would mean he won't spout his
drivel anymore...

Anything to get a rise out of the regulars. I never attack the guy because
that is what feeds him.
somehow, I don't think that is going to happen....:))
Did you notice when the RFI posts no longer get
any responses, he starts on about monitoring as
well...anything to raise the ire of the group.

You've got him right. Now let's see if you can resist the urge to argue
with him. :^)
PS: Welcome back from Brazil. The newsgroup
was almost deserted of posts of any kind until
you returned.

Thanks. I'm glad to be home, even if the US is slowly becoming my second
home. Before the next time we go I'll have the 'Net connected in our condo.
VoIP, laptop, fax and a phone and I'm in business. Best of all, I'll be
able to stay up to date with the newsgroup. I'm sure that will make Jiminex
and the MM happy. ;^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

alarman said:
We don't care cause we still get paid so it makes no difference to us
where the NID is located. To be honest, I prefer not finding it, No
NID to work from, no need to work!!!! I just go to the next job, tag
out to engineering that the NID is not accessible.

Yup, that sounds about par for the phone "techs" I've seen. Why work when
you can pass the buck along, eh?
You may have your horror stories about NetTechs but let me tell
you, that alarm techs are by far the worst of anyone to mess with
phone lines. We wouldn't have to cut so many alarm off the system
had you install it right and didn't screw the whole thing up.

No sale. In my experience, telco techs simply don't understand how line
seizure works. (And don't want to learn anything new, even if it relates to
their job.) They will leap at the chance to blame the alarm for ANY trouble
on the line, in many cases without even isolating the inside wiring from the
NID. I have been on countless service calls to repair what the telco has
"fixed", only to find the trouble is on the telco side; before the NID, with
all premises wiring disconnected. Sometimes it's just a shorted jack, or a
cheap phone. What do these chimps think the RJ31X is for anyway??
PTT's (God bless them all we really didn't treat them right) could
run circles around any of your wiring. All you who make it sound
like alarm guys know phones are yanking your own toothpick. Look
guys, when was the last time you heard of a phone company tech
looking for a job with an alarm company?

Of course! Why would a telco tech want to work for an alarm company? They
would have to learn new concepts like line seizure, series circuits, fishing
wires, (no, slappy, you can't just staple em to the baseboard. No you can't
make a surface run up the side of the house.), showing up on time, and
sticking with a job until it's done. It's much easier to keep that cush
telco job.
But we get stopped by you
guys all the time wanting to know what's need to apply for an entry
level job with us.

No doubt. Those that can't cut it as alarm techs need to eat too.


Group Moderator

Best of all, I'll be able to stay up to date with the newsgroup. I'm sure
that will make Jiminex
and the MM happy. ;^)
Robert L Bass

Mike Said:
I will be happy when you breathe your LAST BREATH. You are an oxygen thief.
I have been saving my urine for years to water the grass on your final
resting place.

Robert L. Bass

Michael Sabodish of Matawan, NJ blathered:
I have been saving my urine for years...

Wrong newsgroup. Besides we already assumed as much.

Let me tell you Crash, you are full of it. What you said is why we
look at you alarm guys as wannabe-technicians. You guys are never
wrong in anything are you? 20+ years and you say you never had a
single case where you screwed up a phone line and the NetTech was right
to cut you off the loop? Thats bull up to your ears. We make
mistakes, all of us, and if I see something our tech did screwy, they
will hear about it. I can tell you about mistakes we make that will
make your hair curl. You alarm guys simple talk the shit like you never
do anything wrong. That's why you get what you get from us.

I also don't think you understand what it takes to trouble shoot a
phone line. You are only looking at the wire you installed from the
NID to the alarm and back. We have to look at every circuit, including
yours. To unplug the alarm Rj is to forget that there are wires going
to and from it that can be the problem. Your simple explaination is
another one of those things you think is correct but not so simple
anymore, is it?

I read the post on the NID and you alarm guys keep saying all this crap
about what to do and screw the phone company or they won't do it. The
guy who actually did something about the NID said he had no problem
with the phone company moving it and the cost was not so bad. That
makes what you guys say plain old bull.

If all you who want to get on our case for charging for out labor, tell
me what you charge per hour to add equipment or do service. You guys
have one lousy house on a street with one phone line to the alarm yet
you think you are the master technicians of the communications world.
We have hundreds of lines with various operations on that street and
they all work unless you mess with it, now who's pulling who's leg?

alarman said:
Let me tell you Crash, you are full of it. What you said is why we
look at you alarm guys as wannabe-technicians. You guys are never
wrong in anything are you? 20+ years and you say you never had a
single case where you screwed up a phone line and the NetTech was
right to cut you off the loop? Thats bull up to your ears. We make
mistakes, all of us, and if I see something our tech did screwy, they
will hear about it. I can tell you about mistakes we make that will
make your hair curl. You alarm guys simple talk the shit like you
never do anything wrong. That's why you get what you get from us.

I also don't think you understand what it takes to trouble shoot a
phone line. You are only looking at the wire you installed from the
NID to the alarm and back. We have to look at every circuit,
including yours. To unplug the alarm Rj is to forget that there are
wires going to and from it that can be the problem. Your simple
explaination is another one of those things you think is correct but
not so simple anymore, is it?

I read the post on the NID and you alarm guys keep saying all this
crap about what to do and screw the phone company or they won't do
it. The guy who actually did something about the NID said he had no
problem with the phone company moving it and the cost was not so bad.
That makes what you guys say plain old bull.

If all you who want to get on our case for charging for out labor,
tell me what you charge per hour to add equipment or do service. You
guys have one lousy house on a street with one phone line to the
alarm yet you think you are the master technicians of the
communications world. We have hundreds of lines with various
operations on that street and they all work unless you mess with it,
now who's pulling who's leg?


Crash Gordon®

That's right I am telling you I have never made a mistake. Why? Because I check my work before I leave the client's house. Always. Sure, I've made mistakes, but since I check before I leave...the mistake is always caught before it becomes a problem.

I do understand what it takes to troubleshoot phone lines, I worked for MaBell for 2 years in NYC...or don't you consider that the phone company. That was back in the days of mechanical switches too...I hated it. Yep, its hard, and I'm really glad I don't have to do that anymore.

And no, I've never had a problem with the ONE line that goes to the alarm panel..never.

Group Moderator

Robert L. Bass said:
Michael Sabodish of Matawan, NJ blathered:

Wrong newsgroup. Besides we already assumed as much.

Mike Said:
Tell me the correct newsgroup Bobby Boy, Do you know 4 girls that were
called the Angels and sung in a church in Connecticut? They will come back
to haunt you........Very shortly.....

Mark Leuck

Group Moderator said:
Mike Said:
Tell me the correct newsgroup Bobby Boy, Do you know 4 girls that were
called the Angels and sung in a church in Connecticut? They will come back
to haunt you........Very shortly.....

Gee I think Jake was saying that ummm 3 years ago now, didn't happen then
and won't happen now

Group Moderator

Mark Leuck said:
Gee I think Jake was saying that ummm 3 years ago now, didn't happen then
and won't happen now

Mike Said:
Leuck, you are getin closer to the AssClown award again....

Robert L. Bass

Leuck, you are getin closer to the AssClown award again....

Oh, noooooo! Not that!!!!

Robert L. Bass

PS: Welcome back from Brazil. The newsgroup was almost deserted of posts
of any kind until you returned.

Here are links to picture I took in Brazil. The first three are in one of
the more famous churches in Brazil. It's called "Sao Paulo" and it's in the
historic Pelourinho district of Salvador, Bahia. The interior of the church
is covered in solid (not leaf) gold. You can't use a flash inside so this
was taken using natural light -- 1/25 second @ f2.8. The image is a little
blurred due to the exposure time. Next time I go I'll bring a tripod to get
sharper images in the low light.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures.

Sao Paulo Church 127.jpg 126.jpg 122.jpg 130.jpg

This was a nearly deserted beach on a rainy day. 111.jpg 110.jpg 109.jpg

We came upon these old boats at a turn in a river near the old city. 037.jpg 035.jpg 034.jpg

There was a monument to Christ on a hill across the street from our hotel. do Cristo com Palmeras.jpg

Walking through Pelourinho I saw this beautiful Baiana girl. 070.jpg 069.jpg

More from Pelourinho. 143.jpg 144.jpg 157-1.JPG


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
877-722-8900 Sales & Tech Support

Bob Worthy

Robert L. Bass said:
Here are links to picture I took in Brazil.


Read the book "Black Orchid". Easy reading fiction, but you'll probably
enjoy it.


Bob Worthy

Bob Worthy said:

Read the book "Black Orchid". Easy reading fiction, but you'll probably
enjoy it.


This one was written by Nicholas Meyer and Barry Jay Kaplan, by the way, if
you are interested in finding it.