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He was drinking copious quantities of vodka in those days, and he
wasn't all that funny in person. In fact, he was quite rude and
unpleasant. His then wife, Harriet, however was a sweetheart, and some
of his friends were fun to be around.

I don't doubt you at all. That was the scuttlebutt around NY.

The Daring Dufas

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

It must have been a different time, my vision is worse or I'm too ugly
and they just didn't want to tell me. I'm getting paranoid, I think the
whole world is out to crap on me, yea, that's it, it's a conspiracy. :cool:



He could tell you that from looking up your arse? That's one good


The Daring Dufas

He could tell you that from looking up your arse? That's one good doctor...


Military physician, they had the latest diagnostic toys. :cool:


tony sayer

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...

tony sayer

How's your space agency doing? How do they like the US built
communications systems that i built?

We weren't big enough among other things to afford a space programme
which is no shame....

tony sayer

There was also a big outcry at the time about the pollution--apparently
So, where are his flying, today?

Well thats like saying where are Stevenson's locomotives working today

Rather pointless...
I don't doubt you at all. That was the scuttlebutt around NY.

I think the cocaine was probably just to perk him up so he could drink
more. I didn't really like him very much, as he spent most of his time
scowling, and being very rude to everyone. The upside was that his
"posse" included some interesting and fun characters. Among them was a
fellow named Ben McGowan, who was in (Kawasaki Lets the Good Times
Roll) advertising. He was a real character, and always on board for
adventure. Another was a young and relatively unknown sports writer
named Mike Lupica. He's since become very well known.

The Daring Dufas

Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...

Well, we could top post! :cool:


Jeffrey Angus

Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...

It's my idiot filter.
If they're too lazy to edit, I can be to lazy to read their comment.


The Natural Philosopher

tony said:
I have a scroll wheel and its giving me a bloody sore finger scrolling
so much just because some contributors can't be arsed to trim and

What do you expect from draft dodgers..
I think the cocaine was probably just to perk him up so he could drink
more. I didn't really like him very much, as he spent most of his time
scowling, and being very rude to everyone. The upside was that his
"posse" included some interesting and fun characters. Among them was a
fellow named Ben McGowan, who was in (Kawasaki Lets the Good Times
Roll) advertising. He was a real character, and always on board for
adventure. Another was a young and relatively unknown sports writer
named Mike Lupica. He's since become very well known.

IIRC, Mike Lupika was already a sports writer for the NY Post when he was on
IitM. He went up from there, but hardly an unknown in the NY area. I always
thought Charles McCord was the brains in the outfit. Imus was too stoned. I
remember the time he, on a break, went into the janitor's closet, thinking it
was the men's room. He was so blotto never knew any better. McCord had to go
find him. I think that's when he got the "opportunity" in Cleveland.
IIRC, Mike Lupika was already a sports writer for the NY Post when he was on
IitM. He went up from there, but hardly an unknown in the NY area.

Not being a big follower of sports, I didn't think of him as well
known at all. Imus used to tease him about being somewhat short. He
was very likable and interesting.
I always
thought Charles McCord was the brains in the outfit. Imus was too stoned. I
remember the time he, on a break, went into the janitor's closet, thinking it
was the men's room. He was so blotto never knew any better. McCord had to go
find him. I think that's when he got the "opportunity" in Cleveland.

Really? You were there? LOL!