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William Sommerwerck

The Concorde was not successful.
By *no* measure was it successful. It was a money pit.

Being a working supersonic transport IS NOT a measure of success? Profit is
the only valid measure of success?

William Sommerwerck

Come to think of it a lot of USoA technology was
borrowed from others (light bulbs, telephones,
computers, WWW, space flight, etc).

Where do you get this "information"?

light bulbs: The British love to point out that Swann had an incandescent
lamp before Edison. True. But it used an expensive platinum filament. Edison
came up with a cheap carbon filament -- and the electrical generation and
distribution system to back it up. (And let's not forget that the AC system
in use today was designed by a naturalized American citizen.)

telephones: The telephone is unquestionably an American invention.

computers: Although work was done in a number of countries (eg, Konrad Zuse
in Switzerland), the first large-scale electrical and electronic computers
were built in the US.

WWW: The Internet -- which the WWW is built over -- is an American

space flight: If you mean simply getting a rocket above the atmosphere, it
was likely first done by 'murcans. (I don't think the Germans got high

The Natural Philosopher

William said:
Chuck Yeager would likely disagree. Got some proof of that?
Many wartime planes went supersonic in a dive. Few survived to tell of
it though.

The plane that finally did it in peace time was the Miles M52, well it
WOULD have been the Miles, except the total plans for it were handed to
the USA and UK government funding withdrawn from the Miles company. It
appeared virtually unchanged as the Bell X-1 , with American stickers
all over it. But it was in essence the Miles plane. A smaller unmanned
version of which had reached Mach 1.38 in about 1946/7.

The key thing that allowed the X-1 to maintain control in transonic
flight was the Miles' all moving tailplane. This got around the control
reversal that plagued transonic aircraft fitted with conventional elevators.

The USA was about 5 years behind everyone else in jet engines and high
speed flight, till they lifted what they could from the UK and Germany
to make up for the ideas and research they didn't have. Of course
staying out of the war as long as possible, lending money to the winning
side, finally joining it, and not actually ever getting bombed proved
excellent business, and they were then the only country in the world
with enough money left to spend on waving a supersonic dick around.

The Natural Philosopher

tony said:
Nuclear scientists 'n all....

Look at all the stuff America crows about.

The steam engine, Invented here.
Steel. Invented here.
Electronic Computers. Invented here.
Radar, especially the magnetron, invented here.
The jet engine, invented here and in Germany almost simultaneously.
The all moving tailplane for supersonic flight, invented here.
Motherhood, invented in Africa
Apple Pie, invented here.
God, invented in the Middle East, Reinvented in Rome..
Democracy, Invented in Greece (and much good it did them)
The Mafia, invented in Sicily (and much good it did them)
Americans are pretty carp at inventing anything: Mostly its a ripoff of
someone else's idea made successful through selling in vast quantities
to a gullible nation.

I think they maty be credited with fast food, and obesity, and the coca
cola however. And spurious tailfins on cars. And drag racing. But really
that's about it.

Oh, the Blues, I guess the black slaves invented that, and jazz,

Says it all really.

Really the only significant US contributions of any value to modern life
have been the semiconductor, the integrated circuit, and the high level
programming language, courtesy of COBOL.

Though even there high level languages go back a bit further. To Europe.

What the USA is superb at is business. Taking something from someone
else, and pretending they thought of it first, and selling it in vast
quantities backed by a flood of syrupy marketing that pretends its is

They are without doubt, the greatest LIARS the world has ever known.

The Natural Philosopher

William said:
Being a working supersonic transport IS NOT a measure of success? Profit is
the only valid measure of success?
It is, in America.

john hamilton

Paul said:
And pay three times the value in shipping and taxes


Many thanks to all. The push on brass connectors are a welcome solution,
many thanks. I can easily buy those at Maplins.

To throw a little light on this unnecessary rudeness to our American
cousins. The expression Amearkin came up because in the U.S. they could say
American so quickly it sounded like Amearkin. So across the pond they became
Amearkins...quite harmless.

However some low lifes changed this to Merkins. A few hundred years ago in
order to deal with body lice, ladies would shave their lower private parts.
Since this was deamed un-attractive, they could buy small triangular wigs
which were guessed it Merkins. Please dont let the low-lifes
get you down, we have as many here as you have there. And they just love the
Even their lightbulbs.

Many years ago in a previous life, radio host Don Imus brought me his
Triumph Motorcycle to look at because the headlight as in fact,
leaking oil!

Long story short: Bad oil pressure sending unit had it's wire lead
encased in a plastic spaghetti tube that ran up along the frame to the
headlight housing. Oil was running up through the spaghetti tubing and
collecting in the headlight housing. When he parked, it would drip

The Natural Philosopher

Many years ago in a previous life, radio host Don Imus brought me his
Triumph Motorcycle to look at because the headlight as in fact,
leaking oil!

Long story short: Bad oil pressure sending unit had it's wire lead
encased in a plastic spaghetti tube that ran up along the frame to the
headlight housing. Oil was running up through the spaghetti tubing and
collecting in the headlight housing. When he parked, it would drip
Now if that had been an American Hog, it would have been a cunning
feature to prevent the headlight corroding.

You guys cant even get a sub zero O-ring to work.

And no one in their right minds not doing pork barrel politics would
glue a rocket together with an O ring anyway.

An engineer, it has been said, is someone who can do for sixpence what
any damned fool can do for a quid.

Or any American company for $10,000 of course.

William Sommerwerck

However the Russians did have significantly more advanced
rocket engines. NASA have been using the designs to make
their rockets better.

Where do you get this?

The Saturn was unusual, possibly unique, in that it was (apparently) the
only rocket that never failed.


And yet you poor, mindless blokes haven't launched anything to the
moon, let alone get it back.

I cant understand you peeps on the west side of the pond bragging about
being technically superior to Europeans.
Since the US was originally colonized by a mix of either Spanish, French,
Portuguese, Dutch or English, your all of European descent anyway.

You've just developed funny ways and attitudes since!
Concord was successful, it met its design goals.

No, it didn't. It didn't have the range originally intended. I believe it
was supposed to super-cruise, too, and it didn't.
However it failed commercially as the goal was moved.

....and the SST was cancelled when the goal was moved. The Concorde was
continued for ego reasons.
We had several political changes and an oil crisis that made it too

It was too expensive when it was DESIGNED.
Pretty much the same as the 747 should feel when the A380 takes all its

In your dreams.
Which it won't as the USoA doesn't allow a level playing field and will
prevent it from getting landing slots when its a threat.

They have the space shuttle, the only thing faster than that was Apollo but
that's old technology borrowed from the Germans.

More bullshit.
Chuck Yeager, Bell X-1, Muroc Dry Lake, Mojave desert, California,
USA, October 14, 1947
The first successfull manned supersonic flight in history.

First supersonic airplane in level flight. Several broke the sound barrier,
in dives, before the X-1.
I cant understand you peeps on the west side of the pond bragging about
being technically superior to Europeans.
Since the US was originally colonized by a mix of either Spanish, French,
Portuguese, Dutch or English, your all of European descent anyway.

Yes, all the smart ones left.
You've just developed funny ways and attitudes since!

Wrong, the attitude came first. There was a reason people left that hell