Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best solder free electrical connection



Michael A. said:
My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

Do you think that they made a short-sighted decision then ?


Michael A. said:
How's your space agency doing? How do they like the US built
communications systems that i built?

All by yourself, big boi ?

or was that just the solder joints ?


In message said:
The 747 (on a bad day) moves more passenger-miles per hour on less
than 1/4 the lbs of fuel per passenger mile than the concorde could
dream of on it's best day

You could say more or less the same comparing a ford fiesta and a rolls


Michael A. said:
Yawn. US SS military jets were banned from populated areas long
before the first Concord was pieced together from British and french

Because falling out of the sky and killing people is not a vote winner


Michael A. said:
Yes, you are. Yet you keep trolling.

Do you even know who Sir Frank Whittle was ?

(without sneaking off and looking it up in google, of course)
I think you'll find that a Rolls will move more passenger-miles per hour than
a Ford Fiesta. ;-)
But more passenger miles per hour per GALLON? Perhaps, but i somehow
doubt it, having actually driven and fed both. . . . . .


Michael A. said:
Is that your best attempt at an insult? The only solder work I did
was to troubleshoot some boards. There were two complete ground
stations. One fixed, one mobile. They were shipped to Italy. The last
I heard, they wanted a second mobile ground station because the ESA
facility was so small. That caused front end overload at launch for the
fixed station. A good +60 dB above what they specified in their
purchase order.

I worked in production test & engineering on that project.
So, not design, a back end boi then

Daniel Mandic

Michael said:
Yet you can find both sitting on the side of the road, with steam
pouring out from under the hood. :)

Aah, both are outfitted with a wood-carburettor....
but the Fiesta will drive sooner, and longer ;-)

Daniel Mandic

Michael said:
Really? You have the Fiesta, when you scrap the Ford. :(

I don't remember a time when Ford was good in eu. In the seventies they
had nice looking cars and comfy, but the fuel consumption was too high
and they had rust problems. People drove 20l/100KM Fords in the
seventies, with a price of 11.7 Schilling per liter gasoline, that is
approximately a dollar today.
Today Fords are ugly and crappy (cheap though).

I go well with a II Golf/Jetta (built 1983-92). Affordable parts,
well-grounded design makes repair easy, light chassis and an
unbelieveable life-span.... not to mention the overdose of wax they
spent to the cavities. But only from 88-92, before they had also rust
Mine (1990 Jetta, 90HP, 1.8litres) is similar looking to the america
edition, but 200 Kilo lighter and some HP less. 6.4litres/100KM
minimum; 7 to 7.5 litres nominally ;-).