Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best solder free electrical connection


The Daring Dufas


Many thanks to all. The push on brass connectors are a welcome solution,
many thanks. I can easily buy those at Maplins.

To throw a little light on this unnecessary rudeness to our American
cousins. The expression Amearkin came up because in the U.S. they could say
American so quickly it sounded like Amearkin. So across the pond they became
Amearkins...quite harmless.

However some low lifes changed this to Merkins. A few hundred years ago in
order to deal with body lice, ladies would shave their lower private parts.
Since this was deamed un-attractive, they could buy small triangular wigs
which were guessed it Merkins. Please dont let the low-lifes
get you down, we have as many here as you have there. And they just love the

Teasing is part of the Usenet experience, if we didn't like you we
wouldn't even respond to you. You get a bunch of guys together and
they are going to throw jabs at each other and kid around. It's
basically what we call horseplay. It's like those celebrity roasts
that are shown on TV, some of the most horrible and vile insults
are thrown about by friends. :cool:


The Daring Dufas

Where do you get this?

The Saturn was unusual, possibly unique, in that it was (apparently) the
only rocket that never failed.

I remember reading something about it written by Wernher von Braun.
He wrote that they checked and rechecked those rockets over and over
again more than they had ever tested any of them before. They wanted
zero defects. Apollo 13 was a bit of a fail and the tragic fire on
the pad that killed three astronauts led to an extensive redesign and
stringent quality control measures for the whole program. Gosh, I have
to wonder if we're up to the task to accomplish the same thing today?


The Daring Dufas

And if the 'friends' go too far, you throw them out! ;-)

The only time I've seen that happen is when someone attacks the family
or children of a nasty poster. I'll pounce and tell them to leave the
uninvolved folks out of it. One particularly foul individual posted a
farewell to his grandmother who had just passed away and a rival started
making fun of the late old woman. I let him know real quick it was in
bad taste and to direct his anger at Mr. Nasty and not someone who was
defenseless. There is such a thing as propriety.


Steve Firth

john hamilton said:
To throw a little light on this unnecessary rudeness to our American
cousins. The expression Amearkin came up because in the U.S. they could say
American so quickly it sounded like Amearkin. So across the pond they became
Amearkins...quite harmless.

However some low lifes changed this to Merkins.

Well no, they were known as Merkins long before the the term "amearkin"
and you seem to be a tedious, humourless twot.

Go off and play with the Shermans they seem your sort of people.

john hamilton

Steve Firth said:
Well no, they were known as Merkins long before the the term "amearkin"
and you seem to be a tedious, humourless twot.

Go off and play with the Shermans they seem your sort of people.

you're wrong as usual

The Natural Philosopher

No. The Edsel was a working automobile, but it was hardly a success.

For products designed for the market, yes.
So, how much money has the space shuttle made?

The Natural Philosopher

Michael said:
Sure, if you consider a strong drive to do what others won't, or
can't. Freedoms you never had in Europe. No overbearing and antiquated
royal families.

I always find it so amusing when a bunch of convicts, black sheep and
discarded gentry whose morals made them unacceptable in their own
country, plus a bunch of people who were either starving, or whose
religious attitudes were so uptight that they couldn't be tolerated ,
arrive in a place teeming with natural resources (and virtually empty
apart from a few asiatics, who treat them very nicely and help stop them
dying of stupidity), and then proceed to breed like rabbits, commit
genocide on the natives, rape the resources and turn it into the
tackiest example of vulgar ostentation since Eve discovered bling, have
the nerve to assert that the only thing they actually know, making
money, is somehow indicative of superior religious political and moral

Or that a tradition of racism, genocide and slavery is somehow liberating.

Oh well. It's all over now, baby blue. The resources have run out, and
china wants its cash back.

And those who confuse being in the right place at the right time with
innate superiority, are in for a rude awakening.
But not with oil. He used white, dry, "lubricant". THat was when he was

He was drinking copious quantities of vodka in those days, and he
wasn't all that funny in person. In fact, he was quite rude and
unpleasant. His then wife, Harriet, however was a sweetheart, and some
of his friends were fun to be around.

The Natural Philosopher

Michael said:
More mindless ranting from the burnt out hippie alcoholic. You might
as well stop setting followup-to: to alt.flame, asshole. I know you
think you're smart, but you've burnt out too many neurons with the pot
and other drugs.
At least I had some to burn out...

The Natural Philosopher

Michael said:
Sigh. Why do you think NASA wouldn't use that turbine powered pump?
The US space program was a lot more safety conscious than Russia's.
Shame it didn't stop them killing more people then,.

The Daring Dufas

I've had online and real life stalkers, and one ass who posted some
lies about my long dead mother. So I asked why he was online, when he
was supposed to be picking up his hooker wife. He was furious, and got
even madder when not one of his cronies agreed with him. Sometimes you
have to hit them with a six foot 2"*4", right between the eyes before
they get the message. He had been making fun of the fact that I'm a
disabled US Army Veteran and bragged that he was exempt from military
service, because he was diabetic. He harped anout it for months, with
others reminding him that he started it. I had dumped him into the bit
bucket, so I only saw it in replies.

Let it roll off your back because words can never hurt you unless
followed by the banging of a gavel in a courtroom. :cool:

Oh yea, thanks for your service. Both my parents, my older brother
and paternal great uncle were regular army. I was in college during
The Vietnam War and joined up and was turned down even though I was
in the greatest shape of my life. I didn't know that I had stumbled
upon the secret of avoiding being drafted into the military until
30 years later when I befriended a former Army recruiter. It was my
allergies, I had told the military doctor about my allergies causing
me breathing problems. All of these guys were shooting off a toe,
claiming to be queer or running off to Canada to avoid the draft
when all they had to do was tell the doctor they had allergies. I was
trying to join up! My recruiter friend told me that turning down a
potential recruit for allergies was one of the biggest secrets of the
war. That's been my luck, I find it by accident.


The Daring Dufas

I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks
