Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best books/websites/magazines for newbie?



Oh, boy. Now we get to see George try to match wits with a commercial
solar consultant. This should be short and one-sided. Unfortunately,
George can't tell when he's been bested, so he keeps attacking with
pointless pieces of prose, immaterial to the discussion.

Are you trying to tell us that the inventor of the 8000 kWhr propane
bottle, a guy who personally owns *and* operates a 600 Watt inverter,
could be bested by some Johnny-come-lately pretender with $4.5 million
in annual sales? I don't THINK so Mister! The outcome cannot be in
doubt - Wind&Sun will be forced to feature George's "drop test" on
their web site as the primary criteria for module selection, and to
add his "book" at the top of their list of offerings. They'll roo :)
the day they tangled with the Mighty Blunder From Down Under!

(alternate reality) Wayne

Steve Spence

Don't forget, they might be charged with plagiarizing his spreadsheets
too .....

Did you get a load of his latest "George is a great guy, I loved his
book" quote ....

So very sad .....

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust


Don't forget, they might be charged with plagiarizing his spreadsheets
too .....

Did you get a load of his latest "George is a great guy, I loved his
book" quote ....

So very sad .....

Yeah, I liked the part where the "reviewer" claimed that his life was
sunnier after reading the "booklet". Perhaps that will translate into
fewer modules should he eventually go solar. :)


Gymmie Bob

Fucking Morphing Troll!

Whatsa' matter? Everybody got your killfiltered again? Try some writing
