Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best books/websites/magazines for newbie?


George Ghio

wmbjk said:
You shouldn't be thinking about *asking* anything. Instead you should
concentrate on getting your own home up to the level of the one you've
been bashing. Either that or get to work on a better smokescreen,
because most of us can see right through the one you've been putting
up thus far.


Got it in one

George Ghio

wmbjk said:
On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 19:38:35 +1100, George Ghio

You've never seen a working tracker, but you like the one whose design
you were in on? Oh man! So basically you intend to just pile the BS up
even deeper. Well then, be my guest, tell us all exactly what
"renewable" refrigerant Zomeworks uses that you're so fond of. Is this
by any chance the "wayne's autonomy" refrigerant?

Who said I was in on it. I "SAW" it when it was first released. No
motor. Nice idea.
By all means, and best if one of those current users has a couple of
different models, and multiple samples... say, someone who has 27
tracker-years experience. Know anyone like that George?

Yeah, a couple.
It is possible to be honest but terribly misguided, particularly if
they've been misled. Do they realize that you're using their good name
in a pathetic attempt to dig yourself out of a hole of exaggerations,
bogus information, bad advice, and outright lies?

Another lie base on no fatual information.
Thought you were going to weasel away by posting something irrelevant
didn't you? :-( So sorry.

Excellent. When will we be reading progress reports? Perhaps I could
donate some steel-toed boots for the project.

No, *you* said I didn't like your lifestyle.* I* said your lifestyle
was irrelevant.

Ah, then your lifestyle is as well. So about those two days autonomy.
Reduced to what form what?
No, I said that the solar component of your "design" was but 8% of the
total, without even counting the wood heat. I also said that you've
hauled 27,000 pounds of fuel, and can't manage to build something as
simple as a solar water-heating system, despite numerous claims of
being some sort of master fabricator. And I said that you're too
ashamed of your own stuff to show photos, yet are quick to criticize

So you said.
That's only part of it. It simply isn't possible for any real
workshop to run on 80 minutes per week of generator time, especially
if it's supposed to be concurrent with speed-laundry and vacuuming.

Didn't claim workshop. My workshop covers 14 acres. My fuel use for
house, bike, two gen sets, tractor, chainsaw and line trimmers is still
20L per 14 days average per year. Make what you want of it.
Regardless, it is a big deal in the context of your criticism of my
place, which uses a fraction of the fuel to operate much more
equipment. It's also a big deal in the context of a guy who claims
that his knowledge and experience entitles him to milk the newbies,
while at the same time blubbering excuses for not making his book
available for review. And it's an especially big deal in the context
of a quack who offers bogus advice based on bogus experience.

Then you should not offer the bogus advice such as that on your site.

Anthony Matonak

George said:
Then you should not offer the bogus advice such as that on your site.

George, He doesn't offer advice of any kind on his site.
His site (to the best of my knowledge) does not exist.


George Ghio

Anthony Matonak said:
George said:
George, He doesn't offer advice of any kind on his site.
His site (to the best of my knowledge) does not exist.


Have a search. The comedy is still available to any one who wants to see
a total lack of planning criteria.

Anthony Matonak

George said:
Have a search. The comedy is still available to any one who wants to see
a total lack of planning criteria.

Perhaps my search skills are not as good as yours. Enlighten us and
please post the URL.



On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 09:40:34 +1100, George Ghio
Who said I was in on it. I "SAW" it when it was first released. No
motor. Nice idea.

So the only reason for preferring Zomeworks is that you saw a picture,
and think it's a nice idea? Have you seen any reports on time travel?
Does your book cover that subject as well?

But what about that renewable refrigerant? Could it be that after
shooting your yap off, "your lost" on yet another subject?
Yeah, a couple.

What happened to "never seen a working tracker"? Now you suddenly know
a couple of people with multiple samples of a *particular* make of
trackers that don't work? Or is it that you suddenly know a couple of
people with multiple samples of a particular make of trackers that do
work, but you just haven't actually seen them in person? Are these the
same phantom "people in the industry" that you mentioned previously?
Another lie base on no fatual information.

There can be no lie, because there is no statement (about the
magazine). And as usual, you didn't answer the question. Does the
magazine know that you're using their name on Usenet to cover up your
Ah, then your lifestyle is as well.

Exactly. What *is* relevant is that you insist on criticizing someone
who's very close to energy self-sufficiency (in the context of home
power), while you consider hauling 27,000 pounds of fuel to be a
shining example of good "design".
So you said.

Yes, and thank you for the opportunity to restate the facts.
Didn't claim workshop. My workshop covers 14 acres. My fuel use for
house, bike, two gen sets, tractor, chainsaw and line trimmers is still
20L per 14 days average per year. Make what you want of it.

In the past you've denied any inconvenience in needing a generator at
your home, since you claimed using the generator concurrent with shop
use. Now that you can't think of any credible scenario that fits
everything into that same 80 minutes per week, your shop suddenly
wants a divorce. But who's going to be fooled? If we allocate most of
the 130 gallons of fuel for the string trimmer, and take some more off
for the speed-laundry, then the master craftsman hasn't much left for
shop lighting, and must work only when the sun's out. Does that tune
sound familiar by any chance? Or, if we allocate the fuel to
everything *but* the home's use, we have a "design" whose central
theme is doing-without. But no matter how we slice it, neither the
workshop or its owner is up to the simple task of building a solar
water-heating system, the single most important project a *solar*
"designer" who's hauling so much fuel, should be working on.



It exists as a private site under a new URL, which I give out on
request, but no longer post. If it's showing up on search engines
again, then that's a reflection of appreciable traffic at the new
address, which wasn't my intention, and will be fixed by the time you
read this.
Have a search. The comedy is still available to any one who wants to see
a total lack of planning criteria.

Apparently searching is something you might be good at, because I get
frequent emails from folks claiming they can't find the site. Your
obsession with searching for something you clearly resent is a matter
you might want to discuss with a mental health professional. But
there's only one thing to do about your admission that you *have* been
searching... spend another hour cranking the ass-kicking machine.


George Ghio

Anthony Matonak said:
Perhaps my search skills are not as good as yours. Enlighten us and
please post the URL.


wmbjk - leads straight to the archived site. Still there for all to see.
Have a look and see if you can find out what is run, or a daily load
that is a bit more precise than 0 to 30 kWh.

George Ghio

wmbjk said:
It exists as a private site under a new URL, which I give out on
request, but no longer post. If it's showing up on search engines
again, then that's a reflection of appreciable traffic at the new
address, which wasn't my intention, and will be fixed by the time you
read this.

Apparently searching is something you might be good at, because I get
frequent emails from folks claiming they can't find the site. Your
obsession with searching for something you clearly resent is a matter
you might want to discuss with a mental health professional. But
there's only one thing to do about your admission that you *have* been
searching... spend another hour cranking the ass-kicking machine.


Talk about preying on newbies. Your site is avaliable once the person is
vetted as a suitable subject for nonsense.

If your site is so good it should stand up to any scrutiny. The reason
it is not avaliable is that the numbers are as suspect as ever.

George Ghio

wmbjk said:
On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 09:40:34 +1100, George Ghio

So the only reason for preferring Zomeworks is that you saw a picture,
and think it's a nice idea? Have you seen any reports on time travel?
Does your book cover that subject as well?

Wear you hat when you go out, your gears are slipping.
But what about that renewable refrigerant? Could it be that after
shooting your yap off, "your lost" on yet another subject?

Well perhaps Ammonia would fit the bill as it can be extracted from piss.

Not a bad thing for a guy like you who spends his time pissing into the
What happened to "never seen a working tracker"? Now you suddenly know
a couple of people with multiple samples of a *particular* make of
trackers that don't work? Or is it that you suddenly know a couple of
people with multiple samples of a particular make of trackers that do
work, but you just haven't actually seen them in person? Are these the
same phantom "people in the industry" that you mentioned previously?

You said I have never seen a working tracker. I said that by the time I
get called the tracker is not working. Of course I don't get called to
look at working trackers.
There can be no lie, because there is no statement (about the
magazine). And as usual, you didn't answer the question. Does the
magazine know that you're using their name on Usenet to cover up your

Does your mother know you're a male pro.
Exactly. What *is* relevant is that you insist on criticizing someone
who's very close to energy self-sufficiency (in the context of home
power), while you consider hauling 27,000 pounds of fuel to be a
shining example of good "design".

What is "Relevant" is that you can not define two days Autonomy beyond
the fact that it is at a reduced rate, reduced from another unknown

If you don't know these numbers then the chances are that you did not
design your system.
Yes, and thank you for the opportunity to restate the facts.

In the past you've denied any inconvenience in needing a generator at
your home, since you claimed using the generator concurrent with shop
use. Now that you can't think of any credible scenario that fits
everything into that same 80 minutes per week, your shop suddenly
wants a divorce. But who's going to be fooled? If we allocate most of
the 130 gallons of fuel for the string trimmer, and take some more off
for the speed-laundry, then the master craftsman hasn't much left for
shop lighting, and must work only when the sun's out. Does that tune
sound familiar by any chance? Or, if we allocate the fuel to
everything *but* the home's use, we have a "design" whose central
theme is doing-without. But no matter how we slice it, neither the
workshop or its owner is up to the simple task of building a solar
water-heating system, the single most important project a *solar*
"designer" who's hauling so much fuel, should be working on.

As STATED many times in the past the generator run time for the work
shop ranges from 0 to 4-5 hours a week Some times more some times it
only ever runs the vac and washer. My fuel use (petrol) is twenty litres
every two weeks. The bulk of this goes into the motorcycle.

Your definition of a workshop is a bit different to mine. I have said
that my workshop covers 14 acres. That's a lot of wire to run, eh.

Your biggest problem is that you can't do any thing unless a motor is

You keep arguing lifestyle because if you tried to argue numbers they
would show that i pegged your system from the start.

80% of the energy used is during daylight hours.

George Ghio

I have the first 10 pages of my book as a PDF. Wayne will complain about
this but this is how the book is formatted and includes hyper-links. If
you would like to look at this just say you will accept the email. There
is no restriction on passing this file on to anyone who wants it as long
as it is presented as is. i.e. in PDF format.


Anthony Matonak

George said:
wmbjk - leads straight to the archived site. Still there for all to see.

wmbjk doesn't lead me to any current web site on my browser.

Considering the reply from Wayne saying the following,
"It exists as a private site under a new URL, which I give out
on request, but no longer post." I find it incredible that you
can read his site when the rest of the world can't.

Why not just post the URL you are using to read his site so
we can judge for ourself the "bogus advice" he is giving out
to the public?


George Ghio

Anthony Matonak said:
wmbjk doesn't lead me to any current web site on my browser.

Considering the reply from Wayne saying the following,
"It exists as a private site under a new URL, which I give out
on request, but no longer post." I find it incredible that you
can read his site when the rest of the world can't.

Why not just post the URL you are using to read his site so
we can judge for ourself the "bogus advice" he is giving out
to the public?


Ah well. Gone again. Maybe I should not have mentioned it. Google turned
it up every time.

Still it was the same old garbage, nothing new.


Well perhaps Ammonia would fit the bill as it can be extracted from piss.

Oh, *that* <snorf> definition of renewable. Let me guess.... buy your
"book" to read more about your definitions? Anyway, you wrote that you
liked the Zomeworks because of the renewable angle... so how much
"renewable" ammonia is in a Zomeworks tracker Mr. Repairman?
You said I have never seen a working tracker. I said that by the time I
get called the tracker is not working. Of course I don't get called to
look at working trackers.

No, here's what you wrote - "all the trackers I have seen were not
working." , and - "Every tracker I have seen
was not working." Seems clear enough to me.
You aren't admitting to bad writing or wild exaggeration are you?
wmbjk wrote:
Does your mother know you're a male pro.

I take it then that the magazine *doesn't* know about your reputation
here. Perhaps they vet contributors much as Bush did with Kerik.
Surely you wouldn't hide your Usenet opinions from the magazine? You
might post their email address so that anyone reading could send the
magazine the links to threads where you've mentioned their name.
If you don't know these numbers then the chances are that you did not
design your system.

Yes, that would be a true statement. However there's a wee bit of
difference between not knowing, and not being willing to explain to
the satisfaction of an obsessed quack. And that difference is
something that an accomplished prevaricator like yourself can attempt
to exploit by telling lies such as - "you do 98% of your load when the
sun is out", and - "a 200 t0 300% excess of energy". It's just another
of life's mysteries that people don't take you at your word but
respond negatively instead.
Your definition of a workshop is a bit different to mine. I have said
that my workshop covers 14 acres. That's a lot of wire to run, eh.

A lot of wire? Is that your excuse for using your "workshop" generator
to run a washing machine and vacuum cleaner, or *anything* over a few
hundred Watts? But what a cool technique you've developed here with
your uh, unique definitions... I sometimes use a portable generator,
motorcycle, chainsaw, tractor, etc. as far as 6 miles from my home. In
Ghio-speak, that's a 23,000 acre "workshop". Pretty damned impressive,
so long as readers are dumber than a sack of rocks, eh George?
Your biggest problem is that you can't do any thing unless a motor is

Given that my home power setup provides the energy, then perhaps you
know a strange definition of the word "problem" as well. But if the
new topic is "biggest problems", then yours is that you underestimate
the intelligence of readers. You might consider that most of us expect
"experts" to become knowledgeable in their field *before* they write a
book, as opposed to waiting until later to attempt to explain away
blunders with tall tales about how others know even less.
You keep arguing lifestyle because if you tried to argue numbers they
would show that i pegged your system from the start.

No, in your lame attempt to insult, you made some stupid assumptions
early on because you didn't have the depth of experience to know any
better, or even the smarts to follow instructions like "click here".
You to continue to advertise that stupidity and your innately
deceptive nature with every post. And it's *you* who keeps bringing up
"lifestyle". The fact is that you're running a very modest setup, yet
using a *lot* of fuel in the process. Failing to do your best to
provide energy self-sufficiency, and denying the undeniable, while at
the same time bragging about "design" prowess, is a sure recipe for
guaranteeing that nobody will ever take you seriously. You'd be miles
ahead if you wrote about building a solar water-heating system, and
stopped blurting out statements that are contrary to established
80% of the energy used is during daylight hours.

Ahh... the pungent aroma of "intuition" wafting from yet another
freshly extracted Ghioism. But previously you claimed that we couldn't
do *anything* except when the sun was shining, which would make the
number 100%. And earlier in this very post is another of your quotes -
"you do 98% of your load when the sun is out". These three statements
can't all be correct. Since you're having trouble keeping track of
your lies, you might ponder this truism - "If you tell the truth you
don't have to remember anything"
- Mark Twain



Talk about preying on newbies. Your site is avaliable once the person is
vetted as a suitable subject for nonsense.

The only "vetting" that takes place is that the request isn't coming
from a whack job named Ghio. Although every time I get a request from
a hotmail etc. address, I wonder if it's him.
If your site is so good it should stand up to any scrutiny. The reason
it is not avaliable is that the numbers are as suspect as ever.

The reason it isn't public anymore is that it attracted a resentful
and obsessed nitwit, who claimed that the site was only about showing
off. Now that it's private, he claims it's being hidden, and spends
his time searching for it. Because in a net stalker's mind, doing all
that and writing about it makes perfect sense, and will somehow
magically return his credibility.


George Ghio

wmbjk said:
Oh, *that* <snorf> definition of renewable. Let me guess.... buy your
"book" to read more about your definitions? Anyway, you wrote that you
liked the Zomeworks because of the renewable angle... so how much
"renewable" ammonia is in a Zomeworks tracker Mr. Repairman?

No I said I liked the concept.
No, here's what you wrote - "all the trackers I have seen were not
working." , and - "Every tracker I have seen
was not working." Seems clear enough to me.
You aren't admitting to bad writing or wild exaggeration are you?

I get called to look at trackers that are not working so the ones I see
are not working. Duh.
I take it then that the magazine *doesn't* know about your reputation
here. Perhaps they vet contributors much as Bush did with Kerik.
Surely you wouldn't hide your Usenet opinions from the magazine? You
might post their email address so that anyone reading could send the
magazine the links to threads where you've mentioned their name.

Yes, that would be a true statement. However there's a wee bit of
difference between not knowing, and not being willing to explain to
the satisfaction of an obsessed quack. And that difference is
something that an accomplished prevaricator like yourself can attempt
to exploit by telling lies such as - "you do 98% of your load when the
sun is out", and - "a 200 t0 300% excess of energy". It's just another
of life's mysteries that people don't take you at your word but
respond negatively instead.

No, you just don't know.
A lot of wire? Is that your excuse for using your "workshop" generator
to run a washing machine and vacuum cleaner, or *anything* over a few
hundred Watts? But what a cool technique you've developed here with
your uh, unique definitions... I sometimes use a portable generator,
motorcycle, chainsaw, tractor, etc. as far as 6 miles from my home. In
Ghio-speak, that's a 23,000 acre "workshop". Pretty damned impressive,
so long as readers are dumber than a sack of rocks, eh George?

Try again moped boy.
Given that my home power setup provides the energy, then perhaps you
know a strange definition of the word "problem" as well. But if the
new topic is "biggest problems", then yours is that you underestimate
the intelligence of readers. You might consider that most of us expect
"experts" to become knowledgeable in their field *before* they write a
book, as opposed to waiting until later to attempt to explain away
blunders with tall tales about how others know even less.

No points here either.
No, in your lame attempt to insult, you made some stupid assumptions
early on because you didn't have the depth of experience to know any
better, or even the smarts to follow instructions like "click here".
You to continue to advertise that stupidity and your innately
deceptive nature with every post. And it's *you* who keeps bringing up
"lifestyle". The fact is that you're running a very modest setup, yet
using a *lot* of fuel in the process. Failing to do your best to
provide energy self-sufficiency, and denying the undeniable, while at
the same time bragging about "design" prowess, is a sure recipe for
guaranteeing that nobody will ever take you seriously. You'd be miles
ahead if you wrote about building a solar water-heating system, and
stopped blurting out statements that are contrary to established

Wankery, again.
Ahh... the pungent aroma of "intuition" wafting from yet another
freshly extracted Ghioism. But previously you claimed that we couldn't
do *anything* except when the sun was shining, which would make the
number 100%. And earlier in this very post is another of your quotes -
"you do 98% of your load when the sun is out". These three statements
can't all be correct. Since you're having trouble keeping track of
your lies, you might ponder this truism - "If you tell the truth you
don't have to remember anything"
- Mark Twain

It comes down to this Wayne

I say you can't provide the numbers for your system because if you do
they will show that your system and claims are a sham.


1) Either we agree to not comment on each others posts


2) You post the full and complete numbers for your system and I show
them to be either nonsense or correct.

Either way this nonsense is finished.

You choose

Of course the first option will forever leave your system suspect and is
the cowards way out.

The second option will show the truth.

Your choice

Coward who does not have confidence in his design


Take the chance that you did in fact get it right.



No I said I liked the concept.

I get called to look at trackers that are not working so the ones I
see are not working. Duh.

No, you just don't know.

Try again moped boy.

No points here either.

Wankery, again.

It comes down to this Wayne

I say you can't provide the numbers for your system because if you do
they will show that your system and claims are a sham.


1) Either we agree to not comment on each others posts


2) You post the full and complete numbers for your system and I show
them to be either nonsense or correct.

Either way this nonsense is finished.

You choose

Of course the first option will forever leave your system suspect and
is the cowards way out.

The second option will show the truth.

Your choice

Coward who does not have confidence in his design


Take the chance that you did in fact get it right.


So, Scott (you all remember Scott, the OP), does this answer your

Or does it merely cause you to run away screaming. "Those people in are like 3 year old kids in a sandbox!"?

Scott Loupin

LOL, I'm fascinated how my few innocent posts devolve into flame wars, and
probably into mother-mentioning, or at least into "Sez You!", with a "Prove
it!" followup.

Is it always like this?

Many thanks to the posters who gave me good input!


Anthony Matonak

Scott said:
LOL, I'm fascinated how my few innocent posts devolve into flame wars, and
probably into mother-mentioning, or at least into "Sez You!", with a "Prove
it!" followup.

Is it always like this?

You may note that there are only two or three posters who contribute
the majority of the nonsense. Once you disregard their input, the
newsgroup is somewhat reasonable. It shouldn't be hard for you to
figure out who they are.



I get called to look at trackers that are not working so the ones I see
are not working. Duh.

Unless your definition of "seen" and "see" includes some sort of
space-time limitation, then you've never seen a tracker other than the
ones you've supposedly been called to work on. Which apparently either
become invisible after you fix them, or you've never gotten one
working. I expect that sooner or later you'll finally admit having
seen some working trackers despite all the weaseling. But not until
you post a few more "clarifications" eh George?
It comes down to this Wayne

I say you can't provide the numbers for your system because if you do
they will show that your system and claims are a sham.

You've said many times that it's a nice system, and works well, albeit
"only because of your location" or some such weasel wording. Are you
having memory problems?

1) Either we agree to not comment on each others posts


2) You post the full and complete numbers for your system and I show
them to be either nonsense or correct.

In your fantasies, perhaps you get to give everyone two choices, and
they must choose one. But in this reality, I'll just continue advising
people not to buy books that haven't been independently reviewed, and
stating the facts when posters give bad advice. If that offends you,
then you might try oh, I don't know.... killfiling me, working towards
an in dependant review, staying away from topics you're not up on, or
correcting your mistakes instead of compounding them. But you march to
a different drummer, so my crystal ball says that you'll keep showing
us your kick-me signed butt on a regular basis, and that there will
always be someone who can't resist, including me. You'll show your
frustration in your usual self-destructive ways, will sell just as
many books as there are elephants in my desk drawer, and the beat goes
