Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best books/websites/magazines for newbie?



So, Scott (you all remember Scott, the OP), does this answer your

Or does it merely cause you to run away screaming. "Those people in are like 3 year old kids in a sandbox!"?

LOL Scott got an answer about two hours after he posted, so he's
probably been busy reading *useful* stuff. I didn't see any help from
you though. Did I miss it?


Scott Loupin

Yep, I lurked for awhile before posting, and saw a trend regarding
posters... ;-)


George Ghio

wmbjk <> wrotte

Drivel removed.

Choose! Cowardice or honour. And the sillieness ends


OMG, a command from the desk of King Nitwit! George, are you sure you
have your mind control machine on the right setting? Because I'm
getting a sudden craving for a grilled cheese sandwich. You might
practice wielding your authority a little more... perhaps by
marshalling kangaroos or some such.
Cowardice or honour. And the sillieness ends

Oh please. If you couldn't control your obsession even though your
credibility and book sales depended on it, then it just ain't gonna'
happen. But at least for once the thing you misspelled is something
that you're actually qualified at.


Gymmie Bob

Evene the whiners and flame throwers have some good things to say once in a

Stay tuned and get a thicker skin. Take the medication though...LOL

George Ghio

Drivel removed.

Choose! Cowardice or honour. And the sillieness ends

George Ghio

Scott Loupin said:
LOL, I'm fascinated how my few innocent posts devolve into flame wars, and
probably into mother-mentioning, or at least into "Sez You!", with a "Prove
it!" followup.

Is it always like this?

Many thanks to the posters who gave me good input!

So, Scott (you all remember Scott, the OP), does this answer your

Or does it merely cause you to run away screaming. "Those people in are like 3 year old kids in a sandbox!"?

Welcome to street theater on the net.


Choose! Cowardice or honour. And the sillieness ends

A second commandment from the throne? You might check the "Monarchy
For Dummies" handbook, as I imagine you're supposed to use a lot more
than a single exclamation point to ensure compliance. But what if I
disobey your commands? Will you then continue to write yourself into a
deeper and deeper hole, the equivalent of "do as I say, or I'll keep
stabbing myself in the eye with a screwdriver"? Anyway, you've
apparently chosen a new strategy - the nitwit's stutter. The only
question now is whether you'll keep repeating it with the same
spelling mistake each time, or without.


George Ghio

What's the problem Wayne?

It's a simple choice. And it ends the waste of band width.

I say you can't provide the numbers for your system because if you do
they will show that your system and claims are a sham.


1) Either we agree to not comment on each others posts


2) You post the full and complete numbers for your system and I show
them to be either nonsense or correct.

Either way this nonsense is finished.

You choose

Of course the first option will forever leave your system suspect and is
the cowards way out.

The second option will show the truth.

Your choice

Coward who does not have confidence in his design


Take the chance that you did in fact get it right.

Choice one should come easy to you. It has been you standard operating
procedure all along. Turn tail and run when real numbers are mentioned.

Started with you pulling your site and ended with;

wmbjk said:
Your answer isn't even coherent, much less correct. Seven tries and

There isn't any need for anybody to know anything about micro hydro to
answer the question. Just a little bit of common sense and
forthrighness, two things you don't have, and can't fake. But keep
trying, perhaps you're just misunderstood.

Common sense says that in your second example the system does not have
the power to start the grinder. And in the first example my answer is
also valid even if it is not the answer you want. Thats the trouble with
a lack of information.

This is what it is to design and work out whether or not additional
storage is required for a micro hydro system.

Site Specifications

Flow Rate - 10 L/s

Gross Head - 30 metres

Allowable Head Loss - 5%

Generator efficiency - 0.6

Delivery Pipe Length - 250 metres

Pipe Fittings - 5 x 45 Drgree Elbows and 1 x gate valve 3/4 open.

Now all you have to do is calculate whether or not this scenario will
support a 40.3 kWh /day load with a peak power requirement of 3.2 kW and
how much additional storge is required if any.

This is real. A true to life example. This example, unlike your's, will
not suddenly change. There is no phantom element. No bullshit. Just the
information needed to answer the question.

If you get it wrong first go you will have to stay after class and
calculate the pipe size and equivalent pipe length.

We have already seen you reject two correct answers to two scenarios
from your childish dreamings.

So just choose the first option and keep telling yourself that no one
has noticed your cowardice when faced with the truth.

You don'thave the balls for the second solution.

Anthony Matonak

George said:
What's the problem Wayne?
It's a simple choice. And it ends the waste of band width.

The only thing simple about it is the author.
I say you can't provide the numbers for your system because if you do
they will show that your system and claims are a sham.

You're the only one who things this is relevant to anything.

You've already established that he isn't making any claims
and if he was then they would be on his website which is
1) Either we agree to not comment on each others posts

You could start. Killfile him and do not read or respond to anything
he posts. This will show good faith on your end of the bargain. It
will show you are willing to do your part.

In any case, why stop at Wayne? Wouldn't you also want to silence
every other person who has pointed out where you are inconsistent,
wrong and misguided in your posts?


ARGG George Ghio

Third option:

George finally admits he's a poser and couldn't design a solar powered
battery charger if his life depended on it, shuts up, turns off his
computer, and goes back to welding. Na, never happen ....

You are a lying ass, George. Admit the truth. It's the first step to
getting help.

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust

Contributing Editor

Thank you Steve. It seems that I've been missing some subtle hints
from other posters, but your comments are clear and unmistakable.
Accepting the error of my ways, I have designed the following five
point plan:

1. I will read to learn.
2. I will try my best to avoid posting mistakes.
3. When I do make mistakes, I'll admit them, and will never launch
personal attacks against those trying to teach me.
4. I will cease advertising my book until I can provide an
independent, unbiased, and easily accessible opinion of its worth.
5. I will be grateful for all suggestions on how to improve my image,
my system, my book, myself, and my new plan.

Thank you again for your advice.

Humbly yours,

(Alternate Reality) George Ghio
Propane and Generator Consulting, Solar Diddling

George Ghio


The truth, Wayne never designed his system beyond throwing money at it
until it woeked.

Steve spence is a fumble-fingered IT expert whose grip on his life is so
tenuous that at the first hard times he goes to pieces and uses these
news groups as begging bowl.

Gymmie Bob

You're just a fucking troll.

Steve Spence said:
Third option:

George finally admits he's a poser and couldn't design a solar powered
battery charger if his life depended on it, shuts up, turns off his
computer, and goes back to welding. Na, never happen ....

You are a lying ass, George. Admit the truth. It's the first step to
getting help.

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust

Contributing Editor

George Ghio

Well he did make claims. Two days autonomy not the least of them.

The biggest joke of all is the claim of nine years of data.

But who cares. He is a sham as is his site.

Anthony Matonak

Perhaps that should read "Well, he did MAKE claims". You'll note
that it's past tense. The claims were on his website, also past
tense. You've gone on to the glorified hall of fame of folks who
beat the bare patch of ground where they remember a dead horse
used to be a long, long time ago.

Who cares? You seem to be the only one who does, or who believes
Wayne and his claims or his private website have anything to do
with you. I may not agree with his methods, baiting the handicapped
is cruel in my book, but I'll agree that your messages are not highly
reasonable, accurate or helpful.


George said:
Well he did make claims. Two days autonomy not the least of them.
The biggest joke of all is the claim of nine years of data.
But who cares. He is a sham as is his site.

George Ghio

Anthony Matonak said:
Perhaps that should read "Well, he did MAKE claims". You'll note
that it's past tense. The claims were on his website, also past
tense. You've gone on to the glorified hall of fame of folks who
beat the bare patch of ground where they remember a dead horse
used to be a long, long time ago.

This argument only works if there were answers. There were not.
Who cares? You seem to be the only one who does, or who believes
Wayne and his claims or his private website have anything to do
with you. I may not agree with his methods, baiting the handicapped
is cruel in my book, but I'll agree that your messages are not highly
reasonable, accurate or helpful.

I know I shouldn't bait him . It's just so hard not to. He claims I am
wrong about his system. But I am 100% correct about it. Sorry but that
is just the way it is.

But then perhaps Wayne is the problem. i.e. Maintenance and Operation
of Stand-alone Photovoltaic (

Just can't seem to help himself. EH.

Steve Spence

Maybe. But then I'm a FT that lives off grid, lives with working PV, and
offers accurate advice and answers problems with real solutions. Hmmm...
doesn't sound like troll behavior. Now, GB's behavior indicates
trolling, as the posts have no substance, are clueless, and mostly just
plain wrong. I wonder who the real troll is (besides George, of course)

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust

Contributing Editor