Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best books/websites/magazines for newbie?


Steve Spence

well, that's a theory, but not a working one. Wayne actually lives
off-grid, so he knows something about what he's doing, as do I. Neither
of us are trying to steal folks money with poor advice and plagiarized
materials. You don't get the difference between a Environmental
Non-Profit doing fundraising and begging? We offer something in return
for donations, research, for which the donator gets to put the value on,
not us. If folks don't think what we offer is worth much, or anything,
they don't send us anything. No biggy, they are free to use it anyway.

You charge for, well, what service do you really provide again, george?
Can't tell from here.

Steve Spence
Dir., Green Trust

Contributing Editor

Gymmie Bob

Trolls abound here.

My PV system is bigger than your PV system!

Yeah? but do you have a chrome carburetor on it?

What a bunch of bored children...LOL


Just can't seem to help himself. EH.

It is you who cannot help himself. Make an honest assessment if you
dare, it's as easy as asking yourself how you managed to raise the ire
of imperturbable Anthony. His sarcasm should be your undeniable clue
that you're out of control. But don't take the group's word for it -
you could get an instant expert-opinion simply by showing any
mental-health professional the post in which you told a transparent
lie in order to cover up a spelling blunder. That is not normal
behavior, except perhaps in DC or Canberra. Face it George, most
everything you write makes your situation worse. Why not try acting
normal for a while to see if that improves things?



Trolls abound here.

My PV system is bigger than your PV system!

Yeah? but do you have a chrome carburetor on it?

Should the subject turn to who has the widest butt, I'm sure you'll
finally get your chance to show everybody else up.
What a bunch of bored children...LOL You were saying? And it looks like you intend
to surpass that today. Seems like you're getting all over everything
in these newsgroups... sort of like roofing tar.

Really man, you should stop trying to usurp Ghio's nitwit crown, and
join forces with him instead. Separately you're just two BS artists,
but as a team you could make a top and bottom posted sandwich around
your opponents comments, and eventually become as respected as one of
those men's room cold-air hand dryers.


George Ghio

wmbjk said:
It is you who cannot help himself. Make an honest assessment if you
dare, it's as easy as asking yourself how you managed to raise the ire
of imperturbable Anthony. His sarcasm should be your undeniable clue
that you're out of control. But don't take the group's word for it -
you could get an instant expert-opinion simply by showing any
mental-health professional the post in which you told a transparent
lie in order to cover up a spelling blunder. That is not normal
behavior, except perhaps in DC or Canberra. Face it George, most
everything you write makes your situation worse. Why not try acting
normal for a while to see if that improves things?


Spell check with a British spell checker. The British, you could say,
wrote the book on the subject.

And you still show your yellow streak at the hint of real numbers.

Gymmie Bob

You're so smart! I can tell from you font usage and big words.

bye troll boy


Spell check with a British spell checker. The British, you could say,
wrote the book on the subject.

Which book is that, the one on needless lying? You're having trouble
keeping track of your "stories" again. Here's the exchange -

GG - "Think of it this way: You reap as you sew."

wmbjk - "Captain Hemily strikes again! Here's a much better quote
you should take to heart - "He whe sews therns sheuld not ge

GG - "Don't you like my mixed metaphor. The meaning is that you are
about to be stiched up."

wmbjk - "So you're claiming you did that on purpose. Just how stupid
do you think we are? You might as well claim that fairies live in your
keyboard. And I suppose "stiched" is *another* of your mixed

And now the British spelling BS is what exactly? This one perhaps?

You're like the chocolate-faced kid standing next to the empty cookie
jar, claiming that you don't know where the cookies are, and believing
that nobody else can figure it out.



You're so smart! I can tell from you font usage and big words.

bye troll boy

Heck, that was too easy, and fun besides. Gives me an idea for a
lucrative career - writing flames for the legions who'd pay to be
plonked by GB. Special introductory offer - free to all customers.

Wayne (font usage? and big word? specialist)

George Ghio

wmbjk said:
Which book is that, the one on needless lying? You're having trouble
keeping track of your "stories" again. Here's the exchange -

GG - "Think of it this way: You reap as you sew."

wmbjk - "Captain Hemily strikes again! Here's a much better quote
you should take to heart - "He whe sews therns sheuld not ge

GG - "Don't you like my mixed metaphor. The meaning is that you are
about to be stiched up."

wmbjk - "So you're claiming you did that on purpose. Just how stupid
do you think we are? You might as well claim that fairies live in your
keyboard. And I suppose "stiched" is *another* of your mixed

As usual you have edited the exchange.

I said yes I did the "Sew" on purposeand to use your excuse Stitched was
the spellcheck letting me down

And now the British spelling BS is what exactly? This one perhaps?

You're like the chocolate-faced kid standing next to the empty cookie
jar, claiming that you don't know where the cookies are, and believing
that nobody else can figure it out.

Ah more TV.

m II

wmbjk wrote:

Heck, that was too easy, and fun besides. Gives me an idea for a
lucrative career - writing flames for the legions who'd pay to be
plonked by GB. Special introductory offer - free to all customers.

Wayne (font usage? and big word? specialist)

I can honestly say that I am impressed. Mind you, anything longer than
monosyllabic word structure impresses the guy, so it may be damnation by
faint praise.

He hasn't really plonked you either. His curiosity would kill him if he did.
You'll continue to see indirect replies through an intermediary who may well be one of his sock puppets.

Let me now produce a public domain composition, suitable for .sig files

"GymmyBob: Never has so much been so misunderstood by so few"


Gymmie Bob

Well the troll has morphedone more time (once a troll, always a troll)..

Last chance idiot. Try to buy friends someplace else. We don't need your
garbage. This is a PV group in case you haven't noticed. try googling it to
find out.

Bye again


m II

Gymmie said:
Well the troll has morphedone more time (once a troll, always a troll)..

Last chance idiot. Try to buy friends someplace else. We don't need your
garbage. This is a PV group in case you haven't noticed. try googling it to
find out.

Bye again


You seem to be the expert in 'buying friends', pervert.

Another GymmyBobism:
I find most Americans likeable and they find me likeable after they
open their wallets far enough to make me that way.

How many american dollars will it take to make you suck their dicks?
## in, ##

Lets not get started on your promotion of anal sex, you deviant..or
the drugging of your children.



wmbjk said:
As usual you have edited the exchange.

I left off the last lie, where you claimed you weren't lying.
Apparently you believe that repeating it helps you. Be my guest...
I said yes I did the "Sew" on purpose

And my original point stands - that it's obvious you lie at the
Ah more TV.

TV has nothing to do with it. It's a scene that has played out in
every kitchen since kids were invented. Most kids grow up and learn,
but a few Ghiniuses spend the rest of their lives trying to BS their
way out of every situation. Those who are good enough at it earn a
living as politicians, used car salesmen, etc. The ones who aren't
good enough end up lying for free, and in your case here, for no
useful purpose whatsoever.


George Ghio

Poor Wayne.

You can bleat and blather, rant and rage or cry to your mommy about the
injustice of it all, but what ever tatters of credibility you had left
were blowen away with your micro hydro example and subsequent turn-tail
exit in the face of real numbers.


Poor Wayne.

You can bleat and blather, rant and rage or cry to your mommy about the
injustice of it all, but what ever tatters of credibility you had left
were blowen away with your micro hydro example and subsequent turn-tail
exit in the face of real numbers.

I have to hand it to you George, you're the only guy I know who's
turned denial into a lifestyle. I do foresee a problem you might not
have anticipated though. Here, a little "design" help for you -



Why don't you keep your stupid off topic and personal attacks out of this
newgroup. It is getting really old by now.

George Ghio

Windsun said:
Why don't you keep your stupid off topic and personal attacks out of this
newgroup. It is getting really old by now.
