Maker Pro
Maker Pro

555's are terrible, no they're not, yes they are, no they're not


Sadly passed away in 2015
I'm a little late on this thread but here's my $0.02 on the 555 timer.

It's convenient for several types of applications. Astables, monostables, and Schmitt triggers, mainly. Its output is able to drive LEDs and relays directly. In some types of applications, there is no single IC that would be able to replace it.

There is nothing magical about 555s. They are a fairly versatile IC with many simple applications and some useful characteristics. They're not the answer to every problem, but there's no good reason to shun them or hate them. They have their place and they do a lot of simple things that electronics newbies like to do, such as flashing LEDs and generating timed pulses on relays.

Because they tend to be used by newbies who may not understand principles of electronics very well, there are many 555-based designs with minor or major flaws. That is not the 555's fault, and it should not be judged guilty by association.

I've designed dozens of products for commercial manufacture, and I have never designed in a 555. I would though, if there was a need for one. I have designed many circuits for people on Electronics Point and several of the designs have used 555s or 556es.