Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wireless transmitter wanted


I am looking for a small wireless transmitter that only needs to transmit an ID when tripped.

Ultimately I'd like to get this ID on my website... I'm thinking that this small transmitter transmits to a programmable receiver that is connected to my router.

The receiver would get the signal and then pass it on to my site.
Lots of options all over Ebay, pros and cons to many of them with a lot of the pro/con depending on your skills and ability to use them...

If you use one of the per-addressed wireless relay boards, you can just build a frond end that monitor what relay is clicked and assign the appropriate address... As for sending it out over the Internet you will either need to write your own (find) a chip with a TCP/IP stack and code it to do that, or possibly easier write a front end for a computer that monitors a serial or parallel port and sends the info you...

I'm not really looking to become an electronics guru per se. I just want to assemble something.

I want to make two RF transmitters... say A and B.

I want to attach an encoder to a RF transmitter. The encoder is simply to provide a unique ID to each transmitter... the IDs will never change.

The transmitters would be activated by a push button.

A receiver needs to be able to determine which button was pushed.

Can anyone help with this?

Particulars? Thinking of using HT12E encoders and HT12 D or F decoders with TXM-433 transmitters and a RXM-433 receiver.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Looks like you're asking the same question. If not, the answer remains pretty much the same.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Look on ebay for some wireless remote control stuff. You should be able to pretty much buy this off the shelf and wire it up to power and voila!

You could buy 2 of these, Use button 1 on one of them, and button 2 on the other.

As a bonus you have a spare receiver and extra channels.