Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?


Jasen Betts

When talking pipelines in and
through Canada, you have to take into consideration that your economy needs
to continue to be the largest oil supplier to the US.

sounds something like like putting all one's eggs in one basket.

anyone who needs the USA to do anything is relying on something that is
beyond their control.
Many people don't know
that you ARE the largest importer of oil we currently have. US companies DO
purchase your oil, but by no means OWN it. Your producers do. Any pipeline
from Alaska or anywhere is a positive for your economy by giving another
conduit for shipping your petroleum to the US or to ports to export

only if it passes through a convenient location in Canada (like an oilfield)
_and_ has excess capacity available. or maybe the canadian government could
tax the stuff as it flows across the border ?



Damn. I thought I was THE troll. Are these trophies
awarded by the Bank of Nigeria? If so, I have not yet
received fax instructions where to send my $1000 to cover
trophy shipping charges.

How many have been awarded Troll of the Year by John Doe?
Just wondering how large the stadium will be to hold all this
year's recipients.

David Maynard

If I didn't know better I'd have been tempted to imagine your post was some
sort of joke, but I suppose not.
Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same old tired
rhetoric, time after time, post after post.

As opposed to your diverse and multivariate contributions of greed, greed,
and greed plus, of course the highly innovative and intellectually
simulating variation GREED, greed, and greed, or greed, GREED, and greed,
as the universal explanations of just about everything.

It would seem that your idea of supplying 'something' is only if it
conforms to your arguments of greed, greed, or GREED, one or the other.
You "seem" as though you
don't live in the real world at all. All you ever offer the other side
of a discussion are your points of view

All I can say is you have a strange notion of what constitutes a "point of
view" and, as but one example, I point to my explanation that price
generally goes down as a result of "profit taking" and of the mechanism
why, that supply increases as the profit takers attempt to sell. That is
not a "point of view." It's an observable phenomenon.

However, opposing 'points of view' is often what a 'discussion' is about
and the value of it is how well one supports their position.
while trying to the discredit
the other party with accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a
whiner, irrational, conspiracy buff and so on and so on.
You take a totally off-hand discussion of views, on a given subject, and
turn it into a personal thing where you try to discredit a point of
view with personal slurs. Then you have the audacity to say?

*When attempting to work with someone else it's never 'all' one or the
other and that you seem to think so is likely one of the problems.*

I didn't say that and I don't even believe that.
I would think *that* would likely be *your* major problem though
because, as I see it, some of the things I said were "spot-on" and some
of the things you said were "spot-on". However, you have indicated
clearly, on more than one occasion, that you believe you were
*absolutely correct* and I was *absolutely incorrect*.

A beautiful example of taking a perfectly good quote out of context and
misrepresenting it. You might want to consider politics where some treasure
that sort of thing, although, IMO there's too much of it already.

The discussion there was Canada/U.S. oil company negotiations and your
comment "Of course we decide everything in this case, It's still our
country." I presumed you believed it.

Now, I don't know of anything that could be even remotely called
'negotiation' when one side, or the other, takes the position they're going
to "decide everything" and that is what my reply you quote addressed.

The reason I mentioned you is, first, it was your opinion and, second, I
presume Canada is still some form of representative government where the
opinions of the people have at least a modicum of influence so 'it matters'.

Thank you for the sometimes "spot on" bone. I'd have never guessed from
your text.
Man, you have no idea what debate or discussion is.

It would be unwise to place a bet on that.
I *could* play your
I could be saying I think you're nothing but a goddam troll who doesn't
have a life who spends his time in the NGs looking for arguments and
trying to impress people with the thickness of his black book of useless
information. But I won't.
I could also say, I believe you're a condescending lecturer type filled
with a sense of wonder at what you perceive to be *your* wealth of
accumulated knowledge and wisdom. But I won't.

Anyone, including me, can play that stupidly useless "personal card" as
well. Useless because, as I said somewhere far back in these bullshit
meanderings, I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, not
what your life is and sure as hell not what your knowledge base or
acquired level of wisdom is. So, how can I, in good conscience, make
personal remarks and/or observations about you without, "logically" (a
word you like to use a lot) having those facts. I can't.

A wonderful speech that, unfortunately, does not comport with experience as
exemplified by your opening salvo in the 'John Doe' exchange saying nothing
of fact or substance on the topic but simply that my remarks were "naive"
and I'd learn better after being "bitten on the ass a few times." And in
various other tirades you've accused me of 'wanting to kiss ass', being
'another amateur psychologist', "Stupid a**hole", unable to read or
understand, and other less than laudatory "personal remarks," none of which
addressed any part of the topic then at hand either.

Your halo needs adjusting.

I must say, though, that your new "I could... but won't" method of personal
attack is much more clever than the old direct outburst style.
One thing I am sure of though and that is the fact that you're one of
the nastiest assholes I've ever been unfortunate enough to come across.
Further communication between us is definitely *not* in the cards.

If I'm the "nastiest" you've run across then you've had a very sheltered
internet experience, indeed.
Have a good "Holiday season"

In all sincerity, you too.

John Doe

Because David Maynard doesn't have a real argument.
Name one.

One example is your opinion that Microsoft doesn't hold monopoly
power. That's some serious denial.

From: David Maynard <nospam>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:36:55 -0600
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <11q4dinhcik0g84>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.>
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Xref: sci.electronics.basics:230192 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:452828

John Doe

Gary H said:
David Maynard wrote:

That is very funny.
Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same old
tired rhetoric, time after time, post after post.

Without ever snipping anything.
You "seem" as though you don't live in the real world at all. All
you ever offer the other side of a discussion are your points of
view while trying to the discredit the other party with
accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner, irrational,
conspiracy buff and so on and so on. You take a totally off-hand
discussion of views, on a given subject, and turn it into a
personal thing where you try to discredit a point of view with
personal slurs.

Definitely, at least when it comes to his defense of Microsoft.

David Maynard

John said:
Because David Maynard doesn't have a real argument.

That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was ever a
consideration for you.
One example is your opinion that Microsoft doesn't hold monopoly
power. That's some serious denial.

Considering that I have refused to even discuss the topic with you, have
never said such a thing, and have reminded you of these facts uncounted
times you're not only incorrect but a bald face liar, or demented.

Which, as I have also told you numerous times, is one reason why I won't
discuss it with you.

Let's see, the other message you reached back into February for and this
one you went back to Dec 15 of last year.

David Maynard

John said:
That is very funny.

I'm not surprised you find logic and reasoning "funny."

Without ever snipping anything.

Unlike you who snip everything out of context in order to misrepresent what
was said and this message is an excellent example as you, just below, try
to turn this into you favorite hair on fire bugaboo, Microsoft, when the
topic under discussion was Canada/U.S. oil company negotiations.

And, of course, in the best yellow journalism character assassination
attempt style you snipped everything I said in reply.
Definitely, at least when it comes to his defense of Microsoft.

If the truth is a 'defense' then so be it.

John Doe

David said:
That was Pig Bladder speaking to Mxsmanic, not that accuracy was
ever a consideration for you.

In fact, Bozo, that was Gary H replying to Mxsmanic.

But even if the attributes were important to you, Bozo, why did you
reply as if you were Mxsmanic?

Message-ID: <11poboptnt4tr14>
Considering that I have refused to even discuss the topic with
you, have never said such a thing, and have reminded you of these
facts uncounted times you're not only incorrect but a bald face
liar, or demented.

Speaking of bold face liars. I've never seen anybody write so many
distortions and lies in front of everybody else and act like there's
nothing wrong with it. You act like you have no conscience, you will
say anything in an argument no matter how obviously false. I would
hesitate to accept any advice you give that I do not know or cannot

You are a libertarian who believes the government does good only by

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Message-ID: <114ms0birte795d>

That's your basis for defending Microsoft against antitrust
litigation. You began backtracking on Microsoft after I started
laying down the facts in response to your nonsense.

"The fallacy there is that you only consider a 'Microsoft O.S.' to
be competition for Microsoft and that's as if I complained there are
no sources for "Barba Streisand songs" other than Barbra Streisand
so she enjoys a monopoly over them."

Message-ID: <114fptc8unq0h45>
Which, as I have also told you numerous times, is one reason why I
won't discuss it with you.

The reason you won't discuss it now is because you know I will show
that your opinion isn't acceptable to anybody except another freak

From: David Maynard <nospam>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 00:48:41 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1236mhpisqqbva9>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.> <11q4dinhcik0g84> <eTuYf.44596$_S7.43973>
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Xref: sci.electronics.basics:240083 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:463061

John Doe

That is true in just about any debate with David Maynard. It's as if
he can't cope with dissension. When someone disagrees with him, he
immediately resorts to attacking their character.

David Maynard

John said:
In fact, Bozo, that was Gary H replying to Mxsmanic.

But even if the attributes were important to you, Bozo, why did you
reply as if you were Mxsmanic?

I didn't, your inability to follow quote indents notwithstanding, 'Bozo'.
Speaking of bold face liars. I've never seen anybody write so many
distortions and lies in front of everybody else and act like there's
nothing wrong with it. You act like you have no conscience, you will
say anything in an argument no matter how obviously false. I would
hesitate to accept any advice you give that I do not know or cannot

You've given a fairly decent description of yourself.

You are a libertarian who believes the government does good only by

You haven't got the slightest idea what I 'believe' and, as I've told you
nigh onto a thousand times by now, I'm not going to discuss them with you

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Taken out of context and misrepresented, as usual, not to mention you can't
even quote one sentence without inserting your own 'rewording' of it.

The reason you won't discuss it now is because you know I will show
that your opinion isn't acceptable to anybody except another freak

I won't discuss it with you because you're demented, and a liar.

David Maynard

John said:
That is true in just about any debate with David Maynard. It's as if
he can't cope with dissension. When someone disagrees with him, he
immediately resorts to attacking their character.

What's the matter? Your first three troll attempts on this one too

John Doe

David said:
I didn't, your inability to follow quote indents notwithstanding,

I provided the message ID, Bozo. Mxsmanic asked the question. Gary H
replied. And you replied to Gary H as if you were Mxsmanic. It's
right here, Bozo.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies?

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.
You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this
"denial" you so glibly bandy about, however.

[David Maynard is] a libertarian who believes the government does
good only by chance.

You haven't got the slightest idea what I 'believe'

I know what you have written, which is more than you know.
"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Taken out of context and misrepresented,

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies? I provided the message ID, Bozo,
it's right here.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.
The reason you won't discuss [whether Microsoft holds monopoly
power] now is because you know I will show that your opinion
isn't acceptable to anybody except another freak libertarian.

From: David Maynard <nospam>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:04:17 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1237g2j7uufn796>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.> <11q4dinhcik0g84> <eTuYf.44596$_S7.43973> <1236mhpisqqbva9> <YcMYf.8520$4L1.3361>
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Lines: 91
Xref: sci.electronics.basics:240094 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:463081

David Maynard

John said:
I provided the message ID, Bozo. Mxsmanic asked the question. Gary H
replied. And you replied to Gary H as if you were Mxsmanic. It's
right here, Bozo.

I replied under my name, you idiot, and your stupidity is not my problem.

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies?

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.

What they'll see is you're an idiot who can't read and then tries to blame
others for your own incompetence.

You certainly are showing a lot of the symptoms of this
"denial" you so glibly bandy about, however.
[David Maynard is] a libertarian who believes the government does
good only by chance.

You haven't got the slightest idea what I 'believe'

I know what you have written, which is more than you know.

From the idiot who can't read the names quoted in a message.

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [the government has done good], yes."

Taken out of context and misrepresented,

Do you think the people reading your messages are so stupid that
they can't see your blatant lies? I provided the message ID, Bozo,
it's right here.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into
question any advice you give on USENET.

What they'll see is you snip, hack, and take quotes out of context to
misrepresent and lie, not to mention just plain ass inventing things never


When you lie in plain sight like that, I think it brings into

Says John Doe the Merry Old troll, while loosening his belt cause he's over
fed ;^)

John Doe

A top posting troll who's been corrected for giving bad advice more
than once, and just can't handle it.

John Doe

David said:
John Doe wrote:

What they'll see is you snip, hack, and take quotes out of context
to misrepresent and lie, not to mention just plain ass inventing
things never said.

They were said, you are just afraid to defend them (for some strange
reason) you always run away when confronted. You just deny you
expressed them. Weird IMO but true.

Here again is your libertarian freak opinion about government doing
good only by chance.

Message-ID: <[email protected]

"The law of averages and random chance dictate there's almost
certainly something [government has done good], yes."

Here are two examples of your libertarian freak opinion about
Microsoft Windows not being a monopoly.

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

"The fallacy there is that you only consider a 'Microsoft O.S.' to
be competition for Microsoft and that's as if I complained there are
no sources for "Barba Streisand songs" other than Barbra Streisand
so she enjoys a monopoly over them."

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

"[Saying that there's no competition to windows] is like
saying there's no competition to ABC, and please don't say NBC
because they don't show the same programs."

From: David Maynard <nospam>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!! [Re: Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?]
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 21:07:42 -0500
Organization: Posted via Supernews,
Message-ID: <1238tvfc6isusd0>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: <Xns970147786A91Bfollydom> <8EL9f.4374$8W.18> <Xns9701B9F44C436follydom> <8a1hm11b7cdbko4f1ds8ee8d5s1daispbl> <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <YIKmf.5730$PX2.473113> <11pn5mpiojisd91> <c7Nmf.10704$kt5.1054266> <edvnp1hsoen1vit2ct08fgiatb6lq22nt8> <fkVmf.343$PQ3.8126> <11poboptnt4tr14> <pan.2005.> <11q4dinhcik0g84> <eTuYf.44596$_S7.43973> <1236mhpisqqbva9> <YcMYf.8520$4L1.3361> <1237g2j7uufn796> <JRVYf.8643$4L1.1836>
In-Reply-To: <JRVYf.8643$4L1.1836>
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Xref: sci.electronics.basics:240132 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:463152

David Maynard

John said:
Nothing. I was just being agreeable.

A snip to misrepresent my message added on top of the original attempt at
character assassination and this you describe as "being agreeable."

Speaks volumes.

David Maynard

John said:
They were said, you are just afraid to defend them (for some strange
reason) you always run away when confronted. You just deny you
expressed them. Weird IMO but true.

I've told you a thousand times I'm not going to discuss the topics with you
at all and I'm certainly not going to discuss your partial, reworded, and
hacked out of context supposed 'quotes' you use to misrepresent, distort,
and lie.
