I have a 1994 Whirlpool oven who's control panel display lights went dim. Thank to this website I replaced the capacitors and the lights came back. The problem now is somewhere along the line the up and down touch controls don't work now. Instead of incrementing when the screen is pushed they run so fast that they cannot be controlled. Otherwise the oven is fine. I cannot find any schematics/information on the board (oven model number RS385PCBWO, control panel number 4389366) and there are no boards to be bought anywhere. I resoldered all the pads, looked under a microscope for cracks, checked signals with o-scope (work at an engineering /manufacturing firm so I have access to tools), I am working blind since I have no idea what the 64 pin processor is under the VFD and the other major IC is a Robertshaw custom 24 pin IC that I cannot find information on either. I do see the voltage toggle low on the buttons, as expect, looking on the processor pins. I do see a 4 MHZ clock on processor and some 60 and 77 Hz clocks on the board but other than that I don't where else to look. Anyone have any ideas.I hate to buy a new oven just for up/down counters, especially now. Thanks for the help.