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Maker Pro

Where to get Magnavox flyback transformers


Adam Preble

Awhile back, it was diagnosed on the newsgroup that I have a bag flyback
transform on my Magnavox projection TV. I have been trying to get the
part from They will report it in inventory, but then I
get an email that they're out and on national backorder; it could take
more than a month for them to get new ones. While I want to trust them,
the fact that they said they had it on stock even when I changed the
order over the phone doesn't give me much faith in the company.

I've been been trying to get one of these two from them:

Jerry G.

You will be extremely lucky to find someone who has stock on these, if
they can still find them!

Most people are trying to dispose of these sets rather than fix them.
If you look at the value for the time involved, plus the cost of the
parts, these sets are not worth servicing.

Since the FB is bad, chances are that there are other problems to also
be serviced. Considering the age of the set, I would not be confident
in its rerliability.

If you want a newer CRT set, there are many deals around t'll they run
out of them.

Jerry G.

Leonard Caillouet

Jerry G. said:
You will be extremely lucky to find someone who has stock on these, if
they can still find them!

Most people are trying to dispose of these sets rather than fix them.
If you look at the value for the time involved, plus the cost of the
parts, these sets are not worth servicing.

Since the FB is bad, chances are that there are other problems to also
be serviced. Considering the age of the set, I would not be confident
in its rerliability.

If you want a newer CRT set, there are many deals around t'll they run
out of them.

Jerry G.

Why do you say "Since the FB is bad, chances are that there are other
problems to also be serviced?"

The vast majority of flybacks that are bad, IME, are the sole problem. Now
some of the Philips products hav been known to have concurrent failures of
the flyback oand other parts, so is this one of those?

I like how the flyback being bad was diagnosed on the newsgroups. LOL
I guess the set is not worth having it properly diagnosed by a
technician given its age and known additional issues, cloudy coolant.

Yes, in many more cheaper designed sets, like Philips, when the flyback
fails it does usually require some additional parts. Not often much
more than the HOT, but sometimes much more, NAP D7 chassis comes to
mind for one.

Jerry G.

Many times when replacing the flyback, I also found the HOT to be
damaged. On some occasions, I found that I had to replace a number of
high ESR caps. When considering the labour alone, the customer can
almost buy a newer set with newer technology, and have a full warranty.


Jerry G.

Jerry G. said:
You will be extremely lucky to find someone who has stock on these, if
they can still find them!

Most people are trying to dispose of these sets rather than fix them.
If you look at the value for the time involved, plus the cost of the
parts, these sets are not worth servicing.

Since the FB is bad, chances are that there are other problems to also
be serviced. Considering the age of the set, I would not be confident
in its rerliability.

If you want a newer CRT set, there are many deals around t'll they run
out of them.

Jerry G.

Why do you say "Since the FB is bad, chances are that there are other
problems to also be serviced?"

The vast majority of flybacks that are bad, IME, are the sole problem.
some of the Philips products hav been known to have concurrent failures
the flyback oand other parts, so is this one of those?


Leonard Caillouet

The D7 chassis was exactly the one that I was thinking of. Other than that,
and the Sony BA5 ABL resistor, I have found it to be rare to have to replace
other parts.

I think the point is that a consumer or weekend mechanic trying to fix
anything that he is not familiar with should be aware that there are
infinite possibilities for complications.


Adam Preble

Jerry said:
Since the FB is bad, chances are that there are other problems to also
be serviced. Considering the age of the set, I would not be confident
in its rerliability.
Well, a fusible resistor is open, and one of the transistors shorted on
the collector and emitter. I don't have a resistor yet, but I got the
transistor. I figured I'd pick up a resistor in spec somewhere in town.

I've had the transistor for a few weeks now, waiting for the
transformer. So something else did go with it, but that transformer is
the problem right now.


I would agree that there maybe something else wrong with this set that
you have. I have had people bring me in sets that are dead claiming
the picture tube died so that is why there set is not working and
wanting to know what the picture tube will cost. All because they
look on the internet to what you call these newsgroups and do it
yourself electronics forums which is a bunch of crock. I would take
this set to a qualified repairshop to have it checked properly if it
means so much to you to track down a flyback for it. If not, then I
would have to agree with the other guys is to go out and get yourself
a new set.