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Where are some applications of disc shaped heatsinks?

I am a Bsc student in mechanical engineering and i want to work on heatsinks as my honors project,I need to know where are some uses and applications of disc shaped heatsinks such as this one:

flow enters from center of disc and exits from radial channels that are embedded inside the disc.It is really important for me to know where these kind of heatsinks are used and any help is of great appreciation.
Thanks in advance


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Cooling round things?

Is this like a "name this object" game that you're instructors are playing on you?

You may need to help us help you.
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No! it is not a game:) it is really going to be my honors project,The point is this kind of heatsinks in micro scales are used for cooling chips for example,but i can't work on micro scales cooling because there are money problems and more important in my country there is no place that can build microchannel heatsinks,i consulted some guy and he told me these heatsinks have applications in bigger scales(disc shaped heatsinks of diameter about 8 cm or more) too, but he didn't know exactly where! so i came here to ask if you know some applications of these disc shaped heatsinks in bigger scales.if you want to know the source of this picture it was in this article:

Constructal Microchannel Network for Flow Boiling in a Disc-Shaped Body


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
That additional information may be helpful.

That channel layout is new to me. Everything I've seen has a single serpentine channel, probably because it minimises the number of fluid connections and therefore potential leaks in the system.

However I'm certainly no heatsink specialist. Maybe someone else can help
Heatsinks can be made to anyshape and any size and are used in more applications than is possible to mention here. Therfore it is unlikely that unless somebody has specifically worked on the design of the heatsink you have here they will not be able to diagnose its use.

However if you are hoping to undertake heatsink design as a project i would sujest finned heatsinks. Encased heatsinks which work with refrigerator fluids are for high precision uses (for instance cooling the Solar Pannels on satelites).

You may wish to look into both finned heatsinks made from extrusion and Bonded heat sinks (the difference in use is actually quite interesting) and also heatsinks with built in heat pipes.

Have you thort of a project yet??

Sorry i could not be much help on the mystery heat sink..

I work pretty regularly with liquid-cooled heat sinks – mostly DI water, oil, various glycol mixes and PAO – but large scale refrigerant-cooled heat sinks are kind of a specialized field. A limited number of military applications use this kind of technology – but I would hesitate to list specifics, even if I knew them.

Cooling of “hockey puck” thyristor stacks and high-power rectifier piles comes to mind. Beyond that – you need to get on Google, and start clicking.