Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where are folks getting parts these days?


Mr. Land


I did electronics repair in a former life - I've been out of it for
quite a while now.

Right now I have a Philips monitor that I'm trying to repair, but I
think my question is really general:

Where do folks get replacement semiconductors these days? Are there
any good online sources? What do you do when you can't find a part or
a cross-reference?

With the advent of the 'net, I kind of expected it to be a lot easier
to find parts, but I'm not having much luck. For instance, the first
part I want to replace (a BT169, a thyristor, I believe) I don't seem
to be able to find anywhere, nor a substitute.

BTW, I did search here first for this info.

Thanks for any pointers!

Mr. Land

Hey, Kip, thanks for that sub! (I like your nickname, it's mine, too!)

I wonder why NTE's online substituter would'nt tell me that.


Mr. Land

Thanks for that link, I'll be sure to get it.

So I guess from the lack of response there aren't one or two
top-of-the-line, hands-above-all-others, they-have-everything online
semiconductor stores?

Ray L. Volts

Mr. Land said:
Thanks for that link, I'll be sure to get it.

So I guess from the lack of response there aren't one or two
top-of-the-line, hands-above-all-others, they-have-everything online
semiconductor stores?

I've yet to find a single source that had _everything_ I needed when it came
time to compile an order. The following have served me well. has been a good source of original semi's in the past --
their website seems to be having probs when you try to shop as a "guest",
though. is well stocked for semi's, tools and shop
materials -- most of their stuff is priced higher than most competitors, but
their customer service is good. has a decent stock. has a good stock of tools and parts for audio. is a good source for digital/computer chips and related tools. similar to jdr above.

Then there's a myriad of suppliers of miscellaneous, surplus and
hard-to-find components, tools and supplies.

Ray L. Volts

Ray L. Volts said:
I've yet to find a single source that had _everything_ I needed when it
came time to compile an order. The following have served me well. has been a good source of original semi's in the past --
their website seems to be having probs when you try to shop as a "guest",
though. is well stocked for semi's, tools and shop
materials -- most of their stuff is priced higher than most competitors,
but their customer service is good. has a decent stock. has a good stock of tools and parts for audio. is a good source for digital/computer chips and related tools. similar to jdr above.

Then there's a myriad of suppliers of miscellaneous, surplus and
hard-to-find components, tools and supplies.

Oh, and let's not forget one of the most popular in the industry: who offers a plethora of esoteric and hard-to-find parts.

Mr. Land

Sorry for the lack of response on my part.

My thanks to all who were kind enough to take the time to reply.

I'll be adding all these URLs to my favs.

Thanks again.