Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What Are These Parts Called- Where Can I Get Them?

Actually many of these systems have been converted to PLC, where practical.
It also makes trouble shooting a breeze for maintenance personnel.
This is why GM instigated the introduction of such a device in the first place..
I would like to convert our system to a purely software based application (touch screens and computers) but it would cost WAY too much (because of the fiber optic cabling that would have to replace the hundreds of thousands of feet of wiring that is a part of the buildings that we're in), so instead they want us to do a project where we either just rebuild the control panels using the same parts (but newer) or make a few upgrades to cut down on future costs and power bills, etc.
I would like to convert our system to a purely software based application (touch screens and computers) but it would cost WAY too much (because of the fiber optic cabling that would have to replace the hundreds of thousands of feet of wiring that is a part of the buildings that we're in
Maybe not. Fiber is not mandatory. If your field wiring terminates in the panel you could retrofit a Plc into it.
Btw, They have remote I/O modules that only use one serial com cable.
You also potentially have big money recycling the copper you have.
Yes, the way with PLC, most are able to use something called Modbus, for communication the remote I/O devices, via 2 wire communication.
Maybe not. Fiber is not mandatory. If your field wiring terminates in the panel you could retrofit a Plc into it.
Btw, They have remote I/O modules that only use one serial com cable.
You also potentially have big money recycling the copper you have.
@Minder You guys are freaking awesome... All this information and ideas... I'll have a lot to go over with my supervisors and team... Honestly, I'm glad the internet has people like you on it. I really appreciate all the help guys.