Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Parts needed?

I have a friend whose son has this really bad habit of running his finger horizontally across his face just above the lip, where a moustache would sit. It is so bad, that area is always red raw. Are there a couple of components that can work together, one as a wrist band and other clipped to his shirt (possibly) so that if he lifts his hand past the clip, it sounds a striking alarm noise?
Thanks Harald. I am so new to electronics, that I can't even discern when people are beign sarcastic, and when they are being serious. lol.

I didn't see a solution on that thread, other than hauling around an amp and a
Quick answer (But I did not follow the other discussion, so maybe better there)
No easy electronic way, no.
Any solution would be expensive and/or unreliable.
Handcuffs. Tethers to belt. Smelly stuff on hands. Spiderman suit.
On the one hand you make no mention of whether he is consciously aware he is doing this or if the redness bothers him, or his parents, or just you, or if you have discussed this with them and they are ALL receptive to this type of solution.

On the other hand, this is trying to treat the effective behavior instead of the cause, which can just result in a different OCD behavior taking its place. It is possible that he needs professional counseling or perhaps the parents too, since they ultimately created the environment (unless he is over 18 but I would have thought that is past the point of reasonable intervention by someone outside of his family circle). It is probably a stress response and the most direct solution is exploring reduction of that stress.

If he is near the age of maturity or beyond, I would also wonder if he is snorting drugs, or at any age, has a substantial sinus drainage problem... too little info provided. How long has this been going on? Never mind, this is information for the health care professional to consider when formulating a treatment plan.

The problem isn't the lack of a gadget. The problem is that he has the urge in the first place.
Unless this is an adolescent, I thought (seriously), that Harald Kapp's suggestion to grow a moustache was a good one.
Guys with a 'stache seem to regularly stroke it, and nobody pays much attention to that.
All the other guys had suggestions here that also make sense. I didn't think much about the psychological/medical aspects
that might be causing this behavior that might need a different remedy.
A strip of surgical tape over the affected area would protect it, and hopefully make him aware of his action each time.