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John Devereux wrote:
rickman wrote:
                        ... Here you have to wait six weeks to get
the appointment where you are told of the risks about the procedure and
another four weeks to get the procedure!  Sounds to me like the UK gets
the job done more quickly than here.
You are joking?
You know .ie (republic of Ireland) is not the UK, right?
I know, but AFAIK the health system is comparable.
Well, don't worry, I am sure you can find plenty of negative articles
about the NHS (UK public health service). But there are very few here
who would want it scrapped in favour of an american / private type
Likewise, you might consider that most of the hype you hear about the
American system is...hype.
The president constantly repeating falsehoods doesn't help.  For
example, doctors don't amputate feet because it pays better than
preventive care, and insurance companies can't cancel your insurance
because you're sick--that's illegal and always has been.  Neither of
those was true.

They don't cancel your insurance because you are sick, they raise your
rates to the point you can't pay.  I know this happens because I know
people it has happened to.  It has also been documented on TV.
Naturally.  I'd just rather have my options strengthened by free
market competition among smart people striving to please me, not dim-
witted federal bureaucrats who get paid excessively no matter what.

Obamacare gives you that free market competition for the medical care.
It simply makes it possible for (and mandates) everyone to have insurance..

Um, no it doesn't give you a free market for medical care--you're
completely, utterly mistaken. Obamacare is the exact opposite of free
markets--it's totally controlled. It offers no care whatsoever,
merely forces you into the gov't database and to buy mandatory,
expanded, more-expensive insurance.

At the consumer level, Obamacare tells everyone that everything's
free--just watch the commercials. (Or ask Sandra Fluke.) That makes
people consume more.

The very basis of Obamacare is to artificially create a lead-plated,
more expensive system, then hide the costs through subsidies and taxes
on everyone. If you think it's cheaper, on top of all the other
insults there's a 3% surtax on your insurance! (That's more than the
existing industry average net profit all by itself.)

As far as insurance and medical care, the players are selected at HHS'
Secretary's pleasure (she's already threatened to kill any insurer who
blames cost increases on O/C); players have to offer whatever she
wants, she decides who has to buy what, who can sell what, what must
be offered, and even who can own the hospitals. She can change her
requirements at her pleasure and her decisions may not be appealed;
participants have no recourse.

HHS dictates your advertising, the content, specifies that you have to
cater to various victim groups in "culturally and linguistically
appropriate" language (multi-lingual & multi-cultural), and more.

Believe me, I've barely scratched the surface. It's a total,
totalitarian, government take-over.

If you've got the interest, I can quote the law chapter and verse.
I looked up the primary report behind these stories from the Harvard Law
School.  Yes, in the 2001 study one of several criteria that would
qualify a bankruptcy as "medically bankrupt" is having more than $1000
of uncovered medical expenses in the prior two years.  I agree that this
is a bit too open and the authors do too.  They changed the criterion to
 >$5000 for 2007 other than for the time trend analysis.  This only
changed the 2007 numbers 7%.  Just as importantly, the number rose from
46% to 69%.

The numbers will never be exact and will always be disputed.  But I
think the result of this study is still valid.

That report, by the infamous now-Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), is
absurd on its face. Their criterion is anyone who went bankrupt, and
owed $5k in medical expense over two years.

Her solution is to burden them with four times that, /per annum/[*],
every single year, for a mandatory bottom-tier Obama plan.

[*] average cost of an Obamacare bronze plan for a family of four.
rickman wrote:

With Obamacare it sure can. That is one of very many reasons I am
against Obamacare. Not against all aspects of it but against most of them..

Your smart move under Obamacare will be to cancel any insurance and
just pay the penalty--it's wayyyy cheaper.

If you get sick, buy insurance for as long as you need it, then
cancel. That's legal now, and they're not allowed to charge you more
for doing it.

OTOH that's what they're doing in MA,and that's why their system's
crashing. Obamacare will too.

For employers, dumping coverage will make sense in a great many cases.
That simply is a bad mis-interperation of the actual text of the law, sold
to you by Obummer, Pelosi and Reid.  Try reading the actual law.

I recommend just watching the commercials, then re-listening to "the
Recovery Summer speeches," "Laser-like focus on jobs 2009, 2010, 2011,
2012," and other top-hits. They've got such a snappy beat...
On 3/8/2013 2:02 PM, [email protected] wrote:
John Devereux wrote:
rickman wrote:
                        ... Here you have to wait six weeks to get
the appointment where you are told of the risks about the procedure and
another four weeks to get the procedure!  Sounds to me like the UK gets
the job done more quickly than here.
You are joking?
You know .ie (republic of Ireland) is not the UK, right?
I know, but AFAIK the health system is comparable.
Well, don't worry, I am sure you can find plenty of negative articles
about the NHS (UK public health service). But there are very few here
who would want it scrapped in favour of an american / private type
Likewise, you might consider that most of the hype you hear about the
American system is...hype.
The president constantly repeating falsehoods doesn't help.  For
example, doctors don't amputate feet because it pays better than
preventive care, and insurance companies can't cancel your insurance
because you're sick--that's illegal and always has been.  Neither of
those was true.
They don't cancel your insurance because you are sick, they raise your
rates to the point you can't pay.  I know this happens because I know
people it has happened to.  It has also been documented on TV.
Obamacare gives you that free market competition for the medical care.
It simply makes it possible for (and mandates) everyone to have insurance.

Um, no it doesn't give you a free market for medical care--you're
completely, utterly mistaken.  Obamacare is the exact opposite of free
markets--it's totally controlled.  It offers no care whatsoever,
merely forces you into the gov't database and to buy mandatory,
expanded, more-expensive insurance.

At the consumer level, Obamacare tells everyone that everything's
free--just watch the commercials.  (Or ask Sandra Fluke.)  That makes
people consume more.

The very basis of Obamacare is to artificially create a lead-plated,
more expensive system, then hide the costs through subsidies and taxes
on everyone.  If you think it's cheaper, on top of all the other
insults there's a 3% surtax on your insurance!  (That's more than the
existing industry average net profit all by itself.)

As far as insurance and medical care, the players are selected at HHS'
Secretary's pleasure (she's already threatened to kill any insurer who
blames cost increases on O/C);  players have to offer whatever she
wants, she decides who has to buy what, who can sell what, what must
be offered, and even who can own the hospitals.  She can change her
requirements at her pleasure and her decisions may not be appealed;
participants have no recourse.

HHS dictates your advertising, the content, specifies that you have to
cater to various victim groups in "culturally and linguistically
appropriate" language (multi-lingual & multi-cultural), and more.

Believe me, I've barely scratched the surface.  It's a total,
totalitarian, government take-over.

If you've got the interest, I can quote the law chapter and verse.

Sorry, that post was a bit long-winded.

Suffice it to say that if you think Obamacare's a free market you're
deeply mistaken. It's fundamentally a sweeping, strict, complete
government takeover. The HHS Secretary has pretty well total,
arbitrary personal control over the whole system, citizens, insurance,
doctors, hospitals, and 20% of the economy.


Sorry, that post was a bit long-winded.

Actually, more of a rant.

Suffice it to say that if you think Obamacare's a free market you're
deeply mistaken. It's fundamentally a sweeping, strict, complete
government takeover. The HHS Secretary has pretty well total,
arbitrary personal control over the whole system, citizens, insurance,
doctors, hospitals, and 20% of the economy.

I don't believe that is true because it has no (or very little) impact
on everyone who already has insurance. They do mandate a few things
that are currently optional, but mostly the law simply provides for an
insurance pool that anyone will be able to participate in. Obamacare
does *not* provide any medical care. That is still up to the doctors
and facilities. Obamacare deals with the insurance so everyone can pay
for it.

You mentioned a 3% fee. What is that for exactly? I suspect that is to
cover those who can't afford the insurance premiums.

I know most people in this group have already formed their opinions on
the matter and will reject anything that contradicts what they have
accepted as "truth". But this country is already in an health care
crisis. I have met any number of people who simply don't get medical
care because they can't afford it. I was happy paying some $370 a month
premium when I was covered. Then I lost my insurance and was talking to
a fellow who had been laid off and lost his coverage. He couldn't
afford the premium for the COBRA coverage. I asked how much thinking it
was some many hundred per month, $300 he said, less than what I was very
happy paying and wished I could continue to pay. This was an
unreachable expense for him.

I don't believe a system that just tosses aside people like this is
working. My long discussion with Joerg came down to the issue of the UK
system having long waits for colonoscopies which may cost lives from
missed cancer detection. Our system looses lives though people not
having access to medical care at all!

If we have to choose between everyone having to wait a little longer for
procedures or some portion of us not getting the procedure at all, which
do we choose? Is that what it is about, those who have the medical care
don't want to share that with everyone else because there can't be
enough to go around?

Bill Sloman

Actually, more of a rant.

I don't believe that is true because it has no (or very little) impact
on everyone who already has insurance.  They do mandate a few things
that are currently optional, but mostly the law simply provides for an
insurance pool that anyone will be able to participate in.  Obamacare
does *not* provide any medical care.  That is still up to the doctors
and facilities.  Obamacare deals with the insurance so everyone can pay
for it.

You mentioned a 3% fee.  What is that for exactly?  I suspect that isto
cover those who can't afford the insurance premiums.

I know most people in this group have already formed their opinions on
the matter and will reject anything that contradicts what they have
accepted as "truth".  But this country is already in an health care
crisis.  I have met any number of people who simply don't get medical
care because they can't afford it.  I was happy paying some $370 a month
premium when I was covered.  Then I lost my insurance and was talking to
a fellow who had been laid off and lost his coverage.  He couldn't
afford the premium for the COBRA coverage.  I asked how much thinking it
was some many hundred per month, $300 he said, less than what I was very
happy paying and wished I could continue to pay.  This was an
unreachable expense for him.

I don't believe a system that just tosses aside people like this is
working.  My long discussion with Joerg came down to the issue of the UK
system having long waits for colonoscopies which may cost lives from
missed cancer detection.

The UK system is cheaper than most - it costs about half as much per
head to cover everybody as the US system costs to cover the insured
properly, and to provide scrappy cover for the rest. The French,
German and Dutch systems are a bit more up-market and equally
universal, and the cost per head is about two-thirds of the US figure.
They do tend to have some excess capacity, so long waits are unusual.

The US is richer than the UK, if not as rich as Germany, so you could
reasonably aim at French/German/Dutch quality of service, if you could
work out how to get your absurd administative costs down.


Bill Sloman, Sydney

Charlie E.

Actually, more of a rant.

I don't believe that is true because it has no (or very little) impact
on everyone who already has insurance. They do mandate a few things
that are currently optional, but mostly the law simply provides for an
insurance pool that anyone will be able to participate in. Obamacare
does *not* provide any medical care. That is still up to the doctors
and facilities. Obamacare deals with the insurance so everyone can pay
for it.

You mentioned a 3% fee. What is that for exactly? I suspect that is to
cover those who can't afford the insurance premiums.

I know most people in this group have already formed their opinions on
the matter and will reject anything that contradicts what they have
accepted as "truth". But this country is already in an health care
crisis. I have met any number of people who simply don't get medical
care because they can't afford it. I was happy paying some $370 a month
premium when I was covered. Then I lost my insurance and was talking to
a fellow who had been laid off and lost his coverage. He couldn't
afford the premium for the COBRA coverage. I asked how much thinking it
was some many hundred per month, $300 he said, less than what I was very
happy paying and wished I could continue to pay. This was an
unreachable expense for him.

I don't believe a system that just tosses aside people like this is
working. My long discussion with Joerg came down to the issue of the UK
system having long waits for colonoscopies which may cost lives from
missed cancer detection. Our system looses lives though people not
having access to medical care at all!

If we have to choose between everyone having to wait a little longer for
procedures or some portion of us not getting the procedure at all, which
do we choose? Is that what it is about, those who have the medical care
don't want to share that with everyone else because there can't be
enough to go around?

As you say, the premiums keep going up, not just because costs are
going up, but because the government is forcing them up. You say you
would be happy to pay $370 a month. For me, that means I just give up
eating two weeks a month over my present (too high) premium of $229.
This is for high deductible, major medical insurance. I couldn't
begin to afford an HMO or standard PPO policy.

You don't think it is OC causing this? That there are just a few
minor mandates for things? Well, I now have coverage for pregnancy
and other women's issues, mandated by the government. I now have
mandated coverage for a very odd physical exam, whether I get it or
not, that is 'free' except for additional tests, labwork, and other
things he can 'add' in that are not covered.

If the only negative was a slight delay in getting some treatments,
that would be acceptable, but that is not, and will not, be the case.
Instead, it just requires everyone to be basically a slave to the
insurance companies in preperation for the day when the government is
the only legal insurer... ;-)


As you say, the premiums keep going up, not just because costs are
going up, but because the government is forcing them up. You say you
would be happy to pay $370 a month. For me, that means I just give up
eating two weeks a month over my present (too high) premium of $229.
This is for high deductible, major medical insurance. I couldn't
begin to afford an HMO or standard PPO policy.

You don't think it is OC causing this?

Medical insurance has been going up for over a decade. How could OC
have been causing the costs to go up 10 years before it was enacted?

That there are just a few
minor mandates for things? Well, I now have coverage for pregnancy
and other women's issues, mandated by the government. I now have
mandated coverage for a very odd physical exam, whether I get it or
not, that is 'free' except for additional tests, labwork, and other
things he can 'add' in that are not covered.

My insurance has always covered "preventive care" as free, meaning no
deductable, no copay. The only question is what does "preventive care"
mean? OB just tries to nail that down.

If the only negative was a slight delay in getting some treatments,
that would be acceptable, but that is not, and will not, be the case.
Instead, it just requires everyone to be basically a slave to the
insurance companies in preperation for the day when the government is
the only legal insurer... ;-)

Are you not a "slave" to the insurance companies now? I don't get your
Actually, more of a rant.

It was actually a summary of just some of the impacts, from someone
with in-depth knowledge on the topic.
I don't believe that is true because it has no (or very little) impact
on everyone who already has insurance.  They do mandate a few things
that are currently optional, but mostly the law simply provides for an
insurance pool that anyone will be able to participate in.

You're operating on incorrect assumptions. I didn't write what I
wrote for effect, but as a matter of objective fact.
does *not* provide any medical care.  That is still up to the doctors
and facilities.  Obamacare deals with the insurance so everyone can pay
for it.

Obamacare does nothing to reduce the cost of insurance. Nothing.
You mentioned a 3% fee.  What is that for exactly?  I suspect that isto
cover those who can't afford the insurance premiums.

Wrong again. That particular fee is extra overhead on the sale of
insurance. That's not including extra costs of the insurance itself,
nor the O/C tax on insurance.
I know most people in this group have already formed their opinions on
the matter and will reject anything that contradicts what they have
accepted as "truth".  But this country is already in an health care
crisis.  I have met any number of people who simply don't get medical
care because they can't afford it.  I was happy paying some $370 a month
premium when I was covered.  Then I lost my insurance and was talking to
a fellow who had been laid off and lost his coverage.  He couldn't
afford the premium for the COBRA coverage.  I asked how much thinking it
was some many hundred per month, $300 he said, less than what I was very
happy paying and wished I could continue to pay.  This was an
unreachable expense for him.

The average Obamacare premium is considerably more because of the
extra costs, features, and requirements. That stuff isn't free.

Obamacare also removes the competitive and other feedbacks that keep
prices lower over the long haul.
I don't believe a system that just tosses aside people like this is
working.  My long discussion with Joerg came down to the issue of the UK
system having long waits for colonoscopies which may cost lives from
missed cancer detection.  Our system looses lives though people not
having access to medical care at all!

If we have to choose between everyone having to wait a little longer for
procedures or some portion of us not getting the procedure at all, which
do we choose?

I spoke to an old lady today, sickly. Her doctor--whom she praised as
selfless and charitable--had just told her that he has to cut her
consultations from every 6 weeks to every 12, courtesy of new
Obamacare rules.
 Is that what it is about, those who have the medical care
don't want to share that with everyone else because there can't be
enough to go around?

No, you have an inferior way that's less affordable and hurts people.
I don't want that.

I understand that you promise it'll be better and cheaper--even as you
plainly do not understand the law's most basic fundamentals--but I
don't understand the mindset. I don't want to force you to do

I don't understand why you feel comfortable taking other people's
things and choices and why you think that's okay. I don't understand
the obsession with forcing them to do things the way you think they
should. I don't understand that.

And if you feel that way, why shouldn't I try to get the government to
take things from you and give them to me?

Charlie E.

Medical insurance has been going up for over a decade. How could OC
have been causing the costs to go up 10 years before it was enacted?

My insurance has always covered "preventive care" as free, meaning no
deductable, no copay. The only question is what does "preventive care"
mean? OB just tries to nail that down.

Are you not a "slave" to the insurance companies now? I don't get your

Yes, the premiums have kept going up, and up. It is just that a major
increase in the rate occurred with OC's passage. It is especially
problematic when the whole thing is being sold as a way to 'control'
costs. If this is controlled, then what is their target level!

As for preventitive care for free, I have never had that. Even a
simple exam has ALWAYS had the co-pay for an office visit. It is just
that OC now mandates these things be done without the copay, so then
that cost is just added into the premiums.

As to being a slave, no, I am not. I go to the dermatologist, and I
negotiate with him a cost to be paid that day. I am free to go to any
other doctor, and do the same if I wish.


Yes, the premiums have kept going up, and up. It is just that a major
increase in the rate occurred with OC's passage. It is especially
problematic when the whole thing is being sold as a way to 'control'
costs. If this is controlled, then what is their target level!

Who said anything about OC controlling costs? That is the problem,
there is *no* control on the costs. They saved some money on medicare
in order to fund the plan for the initial few years. This savings gives
lower reimbursements on many procedures. Hospitals and caregivers were
ok with that once it was pointed out that they would have more business.

As for preventitive care for free, I have never had that. Even a
simple exam has ALWAYS had the co-pay for an office visit. It is just
that OC now mandates these things be done without the copay, so then
that cost is just added into the premiums.

Ask what it costs for a flu shot. My insurance paid for that 100% long
before I met my deductible.

As to being a slave, no, I am not. I go to the dermatologist, and I
negotiate with him a cost to be paid that day. I am free to go to any
other doctor, and do the same if I wish.

So you don't have or don't use insurance? When exactly do you do this
negotiation, after you are in the exam room? I've tried negotiating and
it is not easy. I have had doctors lie to me about what they are
allowed to charge (no less than medicare, but I know what they charged
me was not near the medicare rate) and get indignant when I actually
wanted to pay the same rate as the insurance companies reimburse.

Being able to choose your doctor will not change with OC. How does it
make you a slave any more than insurance, after all, that's all it is.
What? What "knowledge"?

I'm a national panel devoted to researching and reporting Obamacare's
effects, and provide research and analysis to policymakers. I've
spent something between one and two thousand hours studying the law at
this point (I stopped keeping track). I started reading the text
before they voted on it. It's insanity. I've not only read, but
indexed and wrote a guide to the worst of it.
What are my assumptions?

That it has no or very little impact on everyone who has insurance,
for one. 2/3rds will lose their plans, and everyone in America will
pay considerably more, either financially, socially, or both.
I didn't say it did. It makes it *available* to people who currently
can't get it! It still has to be paid for and there are provisions to
provide support for those who can't afford it.

The biggest problem with medical care in America is cost--if it were
cheaper, nearly everyone could afford it. Obamacare costs more,
considerably more.

Obama told Americans O/C would save $2,500 a year & reduce the
What do you mean "overhead"? Where does the money go?

To the IRS.
There are *no* OC premiums yet because it isn't in effect until 2014.

There are mandatory features of Obamacare already in effect[*] that
are already increasing the cost of medical care, insurance, and, for
that reason, all other goods and services as well.

[*] e.g., the anti-religious strictures, and the 26-year-olds thing.
How does it remove competition?

In every possible way--setting prices, choosing who can and cannot
provide services
(e.g. the HHS Sec'y deciding who can sell insurance in the exchanges),
who can and cannot own hospitals, dictating what services must be
provided, and which must be consumed.
You mean the rules that aren't in effect yet?

No, that's not what I mean.
Likely you mean rules of
Medicare. There has been talk of cutting back on Medicare for some time
and right now it is a major sticking point of the Republicans to resolve
the current economic issues. You can blame OC for this, but it isn't
something put in place by the choice of Obama, it is a concession.

I never promised anything would be cheaper. I simply said the current
system isn't working for a large portion of the population. Right now
many are forced to suffer because they can't afford proper care. Is
that the type of force you are in favor of?

I did say the current system is run by doctors who have an interest in
maximizing their profit. Once the flaws in the economics of the current
system are made clear the system will change to deal with that. I
expect we will end up with a single payer system. But it might not come
to that. It might be that we have price controls. I don't think that
is so likely as price controls are not typically well received in this
country. But something will change. Medicine is just too expensive and
getting more expensive every year.

We agree that it's too expensive, more expensive than it needs to be.
Obamacare costs considerably more. Further, Obamacare removes the few
remaining incentives to improve cost.
They already do. We all pay taxes and we get back from the government
not according to what we have paid, but according to how we can make use
of what the government provides.

That's the basic problem mistake there--the government doesn't provide
ANYTHING. Anything the government gives you, it took from someone
else. As Washington put it, "Government is force."

That's necessary for any government--that's why we agree to create
governments and allow them certain powers--but the more it does, the
more it has to take from its people. That means its people have to
work harder and longer in servitude to their government. America
decided at its founding that the less we did of that, the better off
we'd all be.
Do you drive on all the highways in
the US? Yet you don't complain that "your" money is used to build them
all. Are you retired? Yet you don't complain that "your" money is
funding social security. Do you have children in school (I don't)? Yet
you don't complain that "your" money pays for teachers and schools.
This is a democracy. You get to vote on what we do as well as anyone

This isn't a democracy. Democracy is mob rule, a deplorable,
dangerous, unstable form of government,and you can't point to one in
all of history that went well. We are a representative republic, very
deliberately chosen for a bunch of very important reasons. Democracy
was rejected.
I don't like that the government spends money on parties and
celebrations. But they do it without my consent because it's not my
money anymore. I hate going into DC to see the fireworks. But every
4th of July they spend the money for others to enjoy. Clearly
*everyone* who pays taxes can't be there to experience the show. But it
is paid for by all of us just the same.

Its not a lot different from Joerg thinking the government's money is
his. It stops being his the moment he sends the check. We all get to
vote and complain to our representatives. That is the limit of our
power in a democracy. In other words, we have to live with all the
other people here. Love it or leave it!

There's a basic misunderstanding of civics here--that's not our
government at all. Our government is not allowed to wantonly do
anything it wants, ever. That's why we have a Constitution--to
prevent that.

For example, suppose we all voted for all of your money...would that
be okay?

Or suppose the Democrats re-enacted slavery...would we be bound to
respect it? I sure wouldn't.

Suppose the government said it was okay to steal from your neighbor?
And then proceeded to do it for you?

Suppose the government said it needed to monitor every citizen in real
time? Obamacare does that.

The issues of what were (and were not) valid functions of government
were carefully thought out, explained, and debated when our country
was created. They're still valid today.

Robert Baer

What? What "knowledge"?

I'm a national panel devoted to researching and reporting Obamacare's
effects, and provide research and analysis to policymakers. I've
spent something between one and two thousand hours studying the law at
this point (I stopped keeping track). I started reading the text
before they voted on it. It's insanity. I've not only read, but
indexed and wrote a guide to the worst of it.
What are my assumptions?

That it has no or very little impact on everyone who has insurance,
for one. 2/3rds will lose their plans, and everyone in America will
pay considerably more, either financially, socially, or both.
I didn't say it did. It makes it *available* to people who currently
can't get it! It still has to be paid for and there are provisions to
provide support for those who can't afford it.

The biggest problem with medical care in America is cost--if it were
cheaper, nearly everyone could afford it. Obamacare costs more,
considerably more.

Obama told Americans O/C would save $2,500 a year& reduce the
What do you mean "overhead"? Where does the money go?

To the IRS.
There are *no* OC premiums yet because it isn't in effect until 2014.

There are mandatory features of Obamacare already in effect[*] that
are already increasing the cost of medical care, insurance, and, for
that reason, all other goods and services as well.

[*] e.g., the anti-religious strictures, and the 26-year-olds thing.
How does it remove competition?

In every possible way--setting prices, choosing who can and cannot
provide services
(e.g. the HHS Sec'y deciding who can sell insurance in the exchanges),
who can and cannot own hospitals, dictating what services must be
provided, and which must be consumed.
You mean the rules that aren't in effect yet?

No, that's not what I mean.
Likely you mean rules of
Medicare. There has been talk of cutting back on Medicare for some time
and right now it is a major sticking point of the Republicans to resolve
the current economic issues. You can blame OC for this, but it isn't
something put in place by the choice of Obama, it is a concession.

I never promised anything would be cheaper. I simply said the current
system isn't working for a large portion of the population. Right now
many are forced to suffer because they can't afford proper care. Is
that the type of force you are in favor of?

I did say the current system is run by doctors who have an interest in
maximizing their profit. Once the flaws in the economics of the current
system are made clear the system will change to deal with that. I
expect we will end up with a single payer system. But it might not come
to that. It might be that we have price controls. I don't think that
is so likely as price controls are not typically well received in this
country. But something will change. Medicine is just too expensive and
getting more expensive every year.

We agree that it's too expensive, more expensive than it needs to be.
Obamacare costs considerably more. Further, Obamacare removes the few
remaining incentives to improve cost.
They already do. We all pay taxes and we get back from the government
not according to what we have paid, but according to how we can make use
of what the government provides.

That's the basic problem mistake there--the government doesn't provide
ANYTHING. Anything the government gives you, it took from someone
else. As Washington put it, "Government is force."

That's necessary for any government--that's why we agree to create
governments and allow them certain powers--but the more it does, the
more it has to take from its people. That means its people have to
work harder and longer in servitude to their government. America
decided at its founding that the less we did of that, the better off
we'd all be.
Do you drive on all the highways in
the US? Yet you don't complain that "your" money is used to build them
all. Are you retired? Yet you don't complain that "your" money is
funding social security. Do you have children in school (I don't)? Yet
you don't complain that "your" money pays for teachers and schools.
This is a democracy. You get to vote on what we do as well as anyone

This isn't a democracy. Democracy is mob rule, a deplorable,
dangerous, unstable form of government,and you can't point to one in
all of history that went well. We are a representative republic, very
deliberately chosen for a bunch of very important reasons. Democracy
was rejected.
I don't like that the government spends money on parties and
celebrations. But they do it without my consent because it's not my
money anymore. I hate going into DC to see the fireworks. But every
4th of July they spend the money for others to enjoy. Clearly
*everyone* who pays taxes can't be there to experience the show. But it
is paid for by all of us just the same.

Its not a lot different from Joerg thinking the government's money is
his. It stops being his the moment he sends the check. We all get to
vote and complain to our representatives. That is the limit of our
power in a democracy. In other words, we have to live with all the
other people here. Love it or leave it!

There's a basic misunderstanding of civics here--that's not our
government at all. Our government is not allowed to wantonly do
anything it wants, ever. That's why we have a Constitution--to
prevent that.
* Most of the "Constitution" is dead or inoperative or ignored. FDR was
the first to do that in spades by stealing our gold; income tax was
never ratified, TSA and other un-Constitutional operations put in place,
Obama destroying Corporate Law by stealing from bondholders and giving a
large percentage of a corporation to unions (Government Motors),etc and
now the so-called Obama Care...
For example, suppose we all voted for all of your money...would that
be okay?

Or suppose the Democrats re-enacted slavery...would we be bound to
respect it? I sure wouldn't.

Suppose the government said it was okay to steal from your neighbor?
And then proceeded to do it for you?
* BUT the government *HAS* been stealing from EVERYONE for years by
debasing currency!
Suppose the government said it needed to monitor every citizen in real
time? Obamacare does that.
* Yep! another case of un-Constitutional operations.
The issues of what were (and were not) valid functions of government
were carefully thought out, explained, and debated when our country
was created. They're still valid today.
* Yep! Just being STUDIOUSLY ignored..
* Yep! another case of un-Constitutional operations.

No government should have and collect the depth and breadth of
information on its citizens that Obamacare collects, and shares across
agencies. Inevitably, such information gets misused.

Obamacare makes it web-accessible. (Don't worry, they promise to
protect it.)
* Yep! Just being STUDIOUSLY ignored..

Well, at least they're being studious.


I'm a national panel devoted to researching and reporting Obamacare's
effects, and provide research and analysis to policymakers. I've
spent something between one and two thousand hours studying the law at
this point (I stopped keeping track). I started reading the text
before they voted on it. It's insanity. I've not only read, but
indexed and wrote a guide to the worst of it.

Then you shouldn't have any trouble finding evidence to support any
claims you make. I am interested in learning the truth if you can show
me supporting info.

That it has no or very little impact on everyone who has insurance,
for one. 2/3rds will lose their plans, and everyone in America will
pay considerably more, either financially, socially, or both.

Great! This is a claim that should be easily supported by evidence.
Can you point me to it?

The biggest problem with medical care in America is cost--if it were
cheaper, nearly everyone could afford it. Obamacare costs more,
considerably more.

Obama told Americans O/C would save $2,500 a year& reduce the

$2,500 a year? I don't follow.

To the IRS.

So that is a tax? Taxes are not "overhead". Like I said, this is
likely designed to cover the costs for those who can't afford to buy

There are *no* OC premiums yet because it isn't in effect until 2014.

There are mandatory features of Obamacare already in effect[*] that
are already increasing the cost of medical care, insurance, and, for
that reason, all other goods and services as well.

[*] e.g., the anti-religious strictures, and the 26-year-olds thing.

Yes, they are in effect... well the 26 year old thing anyway. But where
is the support for the claim that this is raising the premiums. In
contrast to the insurance companies just raising the premiums with this
as an excuse.

In every possible way--setting prices, choosing who can and cannot
provide services
(e.g. the HHS Sec'y deciding who can sell insurance in the exchanges),
who can and cannot own hospitals, dictating what services must be
provided, and which must be consumed.

What prices does it set?

EVERY state decides who can offer insurance! They don't just let any
bozo sell medical insurance. Each state separately regulates it so that
when you change states, you change insurance policies even if it is the
same company.

No, that's not what I mean.

Well, are you going to explain then? I'm honestly willing to accept
that some of OC is not a great idea. But I need more than some doctor
blamed something on OC or medicare or what ever. Doctors are just like
everyone else. They lie. I know this first hand.

We agree that it's too expensive, more expensive than it needs to be.
Obamacare costs considerably more. Further, Obamacare removes the few
remaining incentives to improve cost.

Ok, this is getting old. Why do you keep making claims without any
supporting info?

<ranting snipped>

I'm happy to learn, but I want to learn facts, not political opinion.
Then you shouldn't have any trouble finding evidence to support any
claims you make. I am interested in learning the truth if you can show
me supporting info.

I'm glad to oblige in part, but since you're the one trying to take my
medical options and dictate what I must do, I'd think the main burden
of proof should be yours.
Great! This is a claim that should be easily supported by evidence.
Can you point me to it?

I'll support my claim, and I'll look forward to your basis for saying
people can keep their plans.

Evidence, by definition, doesn't exist for something that hasn't
happened yet; anything I point you to will be opinion, estimation, and
analysis. Also, many of the issues are complex--this is 20% of the
American economy we're talking about. So, strap on your thinking cap!

This analysis relates to the House plan. That didn't thankfully pass--
it was worse--but many of the same considerations apply:

They estimated 83 million people would lose their private insurance
options (out of roughly 130 million employed, or about 2/3rds)

Medicare Advantage (covers a tremendous number of seniors' plans),
hurt by recently published rules:

Currently only about 60% of the people who qualify for Medicaid are on
it (in many cases because they're otherwise covered, such as through
employment, or a spouse). Obamacare pushes that to 100% (which is why
states are resisting Obamacaid, the expanded program under Obamacare.)

Under my reading of section 1311 of the law, if you go to a state
exchange to check out private insurance, the state's computerized
system--by law--examines the medical, family, employment, benefit, and
IRS tax records of everyone in your household. If it determines you
qualify for Medicaid, by law, you will be automatically enrolled in
Obamacaid. (1311(d)(4)(F))

So, you said "it has no (or very little) impact on everyone who
already has insurance." Above are three major groups in America, with
insurance, whose coverage is affected, both regarding cost and
$2,500 a year? I don't follow.

It was a promise he made, widely disseminated and repeated in his
speeches--he said Obamacare would save families $2,500 a year.

This is a pay link, but the free preview says it all...
So that is a tax? Taxes are not "overhead". Like I said, this is
likely designed to cover the costs for those who can't afford to buy

Why invent reasons and purposes for things? Why not just look them

Of course a tax is an overhead expense for Americans. Fees too--I
don't understand what you're talking about here.

But, I misspoke on the 3%--I was conflating it with the (separate) tax
on insurance itself.

The 3% is a fee on insurance sold thru the health insurance
"exchanges," to cover the cost of operating this new middle-man /
bureaucracy. That's not in, but is authorized in O/C, and has been
promulgated in the HHS Secretary's recent regulations for exchanges.

So, besides requiring coverages, lower deductibles, no caps, and
funding coverage for 10% of America with its premiums too, as the
first step in making insurance "cheaper"--in addition to all of those
added expenses--we have a 3% "fee" for the exchange, an additional tax
on the insurance itself, plus a tax on all the medical devices you buy
and / or drugs you might need.

As I keep saying, all of those cost more.

I'll address more later...I gotta run.