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Theoretical type of electric shock



tadchem said:
In physics the best answers always reference empirical data.
Have you done the experiment?

Sadly no. This experiment requires exponentialy more time, energy,
money, patience than even all the scientists in the world have, put

Phineas T Puddleduck

Radium said:

Do you know why they are called electromagnetic waves, troll?

Relf's Law? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
"Bullshit repeated to the limit of infinity asymptotically approaches
the odour of roses."
Corollary -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
³It approaches the asymptote faster, the more Œpseduos¹ you throw in
your formulas.²

Michael A. Terrell

Radium said:

It'll have to wait till we can get a copy of that special IQ test
with negative numbers.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee

What symptoms would I experience if an AC electric current of 1,000
amps, 50-60 Hz was applied directly to the adipose tissue of my abdomen
via insertion of an extremely sharp electric needle that is only one
iron-atom wide at the end, and which -- for some unknown reason -- also
has a resistance of only 10^-500 ohm? Thermal injuries are out of the
question because of the extremely low resistance.


Are you the same loon that posts to the sci.electronics hierarchy
periodically, complaining that your neighbors are attacking you with
lasers and various types of "death rays?"
My guess is that the pressure of the electric current would rupture the
adipose tissue covering my stomach. Am I right?

Give it a try and see.


Dr. Anton T. Squeegee

It'll have to wait till we can get a copy of that special IQ test
with negative numbers.

If his IQ ever hits 50, he should sell...

operator jay

So you read (or just as likely misread) the following somewhere and you
thought it was interesting but instead of just posting it on Usenet for
interest's sake you go through this whole song and dance. Take a guess why
I am replying to jimp's post and not yours.

fatality would result from the pressure of the


Radium said:
tadchem wrote:

Sadly no. This experiment requires exponentialy more time, energy,
money, patience than even all the scientists in the world have, put

You could start small and test the concept. Try braided copper wire
(AWG #14 to #10), and about 10 amps at 120 VAC. Don't forget to weigh
yourself before and after to see if any adipose tissue evaporates.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA


One more time, Google "exploding wires".

The wire will explode due to energy density, not resistive heating.

the energy content of a current flowing through a perfect conductor is zero.
or are you meaning some sort of magnetic effect?


Michael A. Terrell

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee said:
If his IQ ever hits 50, he should sell...

It'll never happen. He'll run out of fingers and toes to count on,
and I doubt he understands binary.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rich Grise

Its the magnetism that would cause the wire to explode. In my
hypothetical case, magnetism plays no role in the electricity.

Then your hypothetical case has no connection whatsoever with any kind of
plausible reality.


Don Kelly

John Fields said:
You're a fucking idiot. (DUH)

How's the shock going to occur?

You've gone to all this trouble to dream up an impossible scenario
which doesn't even provide for the current's return, and then you
want to waste everyone's time pretending that you know what you're
talking about?

You don't, and since there are no stupid questions on seb, I suggest
that the proper place for you to present your asinine hypotheses is


No one but you has mentioned a perfect conductor

sorry, my mistake, it was 10^-500ohms. (and 1000A)

10^-494 Watts isn't a great deal of energy.
and you are confusing current flow with energy dissipation.

no, I'm saying what is "energy density" and how does it apply to this scenario.

sorry, my mistake, it was 10^-500ohms. (and 1000A)
10^-494 Watts isn't a great deal of energy.

It isn't energy at all, it is power.
no, I'm saying what is "energy density" and how does it apply to this scenario.

Energy density is how a laser with an average power of a few watts cuts
through steel and what makes wires explode.

It is the energy per unit volume or area in a material.

Google "exploding wires".