Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Theoretical type of electric shock


Michael A. Terrell

Bob said:
In your case, abject stupidity. It's 100% fatal.

Bob M.

Not only that, but some victims suffer long enough to go into
politics. :(

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rich Grise

Die from what?

As soon as you magically transform your adipose tissue into practically a
superconductor, [that's ten to the minus five hundred, right?] it will
short out all of the neuro- and myoelectric signals in your body, which
would then simply cease to function.

Good Luck!


Radium said:

Lets say that the electrical resistance of my adipose tissue was -- for
some mysterious reason -- decreased from what it is right now to about
10 ^ -500 ohm.

What symptoms would I experience if an AC electric current of 1,000
amps, 50-60 Hz was applied directly to the adipose tissue of my abdomen
via insertion of an extremely sharp electric needle that is only one
iron-atom wide at the end, and which -- for some unknown reason -- also
has a resistance of only 10^-500 ohm? Thermal injuries are out of the
question because of the extremely low resistance.

My guess is that the pressure of the electric current would rupture the
adipose tissue covering my stomach. Am I right?

In physics the best answers always reference empirical data.

Have you done the experiment?

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA

Phineas T Puddleduck

Radium said: quote:

"the current is sufficiently high that the resulting plasma implodes
upon itself due to the magnetic forces"


Are you a troll, or just naturally clue-resistant?

Relf's Law? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
"Bullshit repeated to the limit of infinity asymptotically approaches
the odour of roses."
Corollary -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
³It approaches the asymptote faster, the more Œpseduos¹ you throw in
your formulas.²


As soon as you magically transform your adipose tissue into practically a
[that's ten to the minus five hundred, right?]

it will
short out all of the neuro- and myoelectric signals in your body, which
would then simply cease to function.

What if the muscles and nerve signals were shielded from the
superconductivity of the adipose tissue? IOW, the adipose's low
resistance would have no effect on the nerves and muscles.

My guess is the fatality would result from the pressure of the
electrons running through the adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is
rich in blood vessels and pain-sensitive nerve ending. The pressure
would cause the adipose and its blood vessels to rupture, resulting is
massive hemorrhaging. In addition, there would be extreme stimulation
of the A-delta pain-receptors due to the massive tearing of the adipose

The blood loss combined with the autonomic nervous system's response to
the SHARP SHARP pain would kill. Sharp pain can cause the autonomic
nervous system to go awry, the breathing can stop, heart beat can get
dangerously fast, vasculature may constrict/dilate abnormally.

In this type of electric injury, about more than half the body's blood
would be lost in around 5 seconds. Electric shock can also cause
metabolic exhaustion by overstimulating cells in its path. In addition,
the electrons can tear through cells via electroporation.


Are you a troll, or just naturally clue-resistant?

Its the magnetism that would cause the wire to explode. In my
hypothetical case, magnetism plays no role in the electricity.
Its the magnetism that would cause the wire to explode. In my
hypothetical case, magnetism plays no role in the electricity.

My god, you are blindingly, earth shakingly, stupid.

I want to hear where you think the X-rays come from.

This should be good...
What if the muscles and nerve signals were shielded from the
superconductivity of the adipose tissue? IOW, the adipose's low
resistance would have no effect on the nerves and muscles.
My guess is the fatality would result from the pressure of the
electrons running through the adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is
rich in blood vessels and pain-sensitive nerve ending. The pressure
would cause the adipose and its blood vessels to rupture, resulting is
massive hemorrhaging. In addition, there would be extreme stimulation
of the A-delta pain-receptors due to the massive tearing of the adipose
The blood loss combined with the autonomic nervous system's response to
the SHARP SHARP pain would kill. Sharp pain can cause the autonomic
nervous system to go awry, the breathing can stop, heart beat can get
dangerously fast, vasculature may constrict/dilate abnormally.
In this type of electric injury, about more than half the body's blood
would be lost in around 5 seconds. Electric shock can also cause
metabolic exhaustion by overstimulating cells in its path. In addition,
the electrons can tear through cells via electroporation.

Look at that!

He learned a bunch of big words.

Too bad he hasn't a clue what any of them mean.

Bob Myers

Radium said:
Its the magnetism that would cause the wire to explode. In my
hypothetical case, magnetism plays no role in the electricity.

Then you're even more ignorant than we first imagined.

Bob M.

John Fields

What if the muscles and nerve signals were shielded from the
superconductivity of the adipose tissue? IOW, the adipose's low
resistance would have no effect on the nerves and muscles.

My guess is the fatality would result from the pressure of the
electrons running through the adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is
rich in blood vessels and pain-sensitive nerve ending. The pressure
would cause the adipose and its blood vessels to rupture, resulting is
massive hemorrhaging. In addition, there would be extreme stimulation
of the A-delta pain-receptors due to the massive tearing of the adipose

The blood loss combined with the autonomic nervous system's response to
the SHARP SHARP pain would kill. Sharp pain can cause the autonomic
nervous system to go awry, the breathing can stop, heart beat can get
dangerously fast, vasculature may constrict/dilate abnormally.

In this type of electric injury, about more than half the body's blood
would be lost in around 5 seconds. Electric shock can also cause
metabolic exhaustion by overstimulating cells in its path. In addition,
the electrons can tear through cells via electroporation.

You're a fucking idiot. (DUH)

How's the shock going to occur?

You've gone to all this trouble to dream up an impossible scenario
which doesn't even provide for the current's return, and then you
want to waste everyone's time pretending that you know what you're
talking about?

You don't, and since there are no stupid questions on seb, I suggest
that the proper place for you to present your asinine hypotheses is

Phineas T Puddleduck

Radium said:
Its the magnetism that would cause the wire to explode. In my
hypothetical case, magnetism plays no role in the electricity.

You're a troll.

Relf's Law? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
"Bullshit repeated to the limit of infinity asymptotically approaches
the odour of roses."
Corollary -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
³It approaches the asymptote faster, the more Œpseduos¹ you throw in
your formulas.²


Radium said:
In my hypothetical case, magnetism plays no role in the electricity.

Look, Faraday discovered the connection between current and magnetism aeons
ago. Do you plan to re-invent physics for your 'experiment' ?


Phineas T Puddleduck

Eeyore said:
Or just magificently stupid.


Its the magnetism thing that convinced me. I just cannot believe
someone can come up the sort of thought experiments he does and be
totally unaware of the meaning of EM ;-)

Relf's Law? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
"Bullshit repeated to the limit of infinity asymptotically approaches
the odour of roses."
Corollary -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
³It approaches the asymptote faster, the more Œpseduos¹ you throw in
your formulas.²


Phineas said:
Its the magnetism thing that convinced me. I just cannot believe
someone can come up the sort of thought experiments he does and be
totally unaware of the meaning of EM ;-)

Oh I can !



Eeyore said:
Look, Faraday discovered the connection between current and magnetism aeons

The resulting magnetic field can be canceled by an equal and opposite
magnetic field. Its just VERY VERY difficult at the levels I am
describing [i.e. 1,000 amps]


How's the shock going to occur?

By passing the electric current through that adipose.
You've gone to all this trouble to dream up an impossible scenario
which doesn't even provide for the current's return,

How doesn't it provide for the current's return?