Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The Ultimate Tube RIAA-Amplifier?


150kB is a tiny file size ... what sort of camera is it ?

my current main camera produces jpg file sizes ranging from 4.5MB to ~ 8MB (depending on the amount of light and dark regions in the photo) yes, megabytes
the RAW files range from ~ 24 to 28 MB for each pic (image)

@ rogerk8

I'm now 67 years of age, left school at fifteen and started working as an apprentice radio and tv bod. The dealer I worked for sold HiFi sound systems most of the amplification used valves of course... EF86, ECC83, EL84, KT66, KT88's etc were popular. Wonderful days. Nice to see dedicated enthusiasts still around designing but what also impresses me is the attention to detail you have put into your work in the finished designs. The natural wood finish certainly did justice and the visual layout superb. Nice work, kind regards.
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Hi Roger
you totally misunderstand ;)

I'm not talking about zipping files for storage like ARJ or winzip do
I'm talking about the actual editing of files ... now for the pro's they use photoshop etc etc.
but there are other pieces if software for file editing that are free and do a great job
one really simple one is IrfanView do a google search and download it

A note ... you should ALWAYS set your camera for doing the best (highest quality) images. you should store ALL those images in a folder that they are your permanent original copies. You then take a copy of them into another folder to work on .... resizing, compressing, colour corrections etc
One day you will learn this and realise that if you are not currently doing that, you will live to regret it, as I and other did in years gone bye


Hi again Dave!

My resoning is such:

1) I mainly (say 99% of the time) post my pictures to different kinds of forums including yours and fb.
2) Memory (4GB) is limited so small jpg-sizes is appreciated even in the long run.
3) I have not owned this camera for long but I have never felt that I should want to make a say 2X2m poster to hang on my wall.
4) I do not own a single program that actually can compress jpg but your suggestion is nice and duely noted.

Thanks for you comment but I will continue taking photos with this size as well as only make videos in the more than satisfactory file size of VGA.

Best regards, Roger
I think that one problem with today's amazing processors is that they have to chew such much unneccesary data. Which only slows them down.
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@ rogerk8

I'm now 67 years of age, left school at fifteen and started working as an apprentice radio and tv bod. The dealer I worked for sold HiFi sound systems most of the amplification used valves of course... EF86, ECC83, EL84, KT66, KT88's etc were popular. Wonderful days. Nice to see dedicated enthusiasts still around designing but what also impresses me is the attention to detail you have put into your work in the finished designs. The natural wood finish certainly did justice and the visual layout superb. Nice work, kind regards.

Thank you nepow!

Your reply made me very happy!

But guess if I regret painting them black?


Best regards, Roger


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150kB is a tiny file size ... what sort of camera is it ?

my current main camera produces jpg file sizes ranging from 4.5MB to ~ 8MB (depending on the amount of light and dark regions in the photo) yes, megabytes
the RAW files range from ~ 24 to 28 MB for each pic (image)


Hi Dave!

It is a compact Nikon (Coolpix S6150).

I have set it to this small file size because I have noticed they are enough on the web.

And I am not that found of deleting files...

Best regards, Roger
By default the pictures are some 3,5MB.
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Thank you nepow!

Your reply made me very happy!

But guess if I regret painting them black?


Best regards, Roger

Thank you Dave for compressing my picture!

It made me very happy!

I also wonder how you managed to display the picture in such a perfect way (not even needing to click on the thumb nail)

Best regards, Roger


Chris, what is UCP?

have a look in the line of drop down menu's just below the Electronics Point banner

you have Home, User CP, Search ..... etc

have you looked in the tutorials section up there yet ?
there's a wealth of info for the learner and even the "been at it for many years" electronics fan

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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Look at the corner at top of the page. You'll see a Home tab and the next tab is User CP, That's were you edit your preferences.



lol we posted at the same time Chris ;)


just also keeping on the photo's and storage theme .... just for your learning :)

It is a compact Nikon (Coolpix S6150).

nice little camera :)

2) Memory (4GB) is limited so small jpg-sizes is appreciated even in the long run. ..... And I am not that found of deleting files...

That's a nice thought BUT realise that you should not just be keeping your pic on the camera card else yes eventually you will have to delete some for room for others
not a good plan

follow the ways of the force young skywalker ;)

You NEVER have to delete pic files unless they are crappy blurry etc ones
REMEMBER Computer hard drive space is dirt cheap - a terabyte drive for ~ $100 give or take a little
you could spend several life times trying to fill that with your top quality pic setting
ALWAYS take pics with the best quality setting
ALWAYS download your pics to your computer, that means you never run out of room on the camera storage card ( well unless you go on holiday and take 100's of pix)
camera cards are not the most reliable ... DONT use them for permanent storage
And on this note I even backup the original pics I store to harddrive. Now you may have 2 drives back up the originals folder on the second drive -----
hey you should be backing up all you important files anyway !!! Harddrives also, as we all know, fail !
ALWAYS download the pic files to a folder named Originals --- These NEVER get altered/edited they are your top quality originals from the camera
ALWAYS move to another folder, call it what you like, eg My Photos, whatever the pic's you want to alter/edit, resize etc etc
DOWNLOAD that IrfanView prog I told you about, I will teach you the basics on how to use it

3) I have not owned this camera for long but I have never felt that I should want to make a say 2X2m poster to hang on my wall.

well in general nor do I, but on occasions I do want to print pics, even if its the standard 6x4 or a bit bigger, of a good holiday pic, stormchase photo etc
But if all the pics have been taken in low resolution as you are currently doing, even a standard 6x4 print may not look the best

The thing is .... if I have taken them in top quality, then I have ability to do whatever with them, make big prints, make small prints, make no prints
have a pic that fills the computer screen perfectly and looks great. Taking them in low quality doesn't give you those options

Sorry for hijacking your thread with the photo side of things, I just feel its really important. One day you may thank me, I know many other's have
that I have had the same discussion with :)

When I got my first digital cam way back in 2001, I was doing what you are with the lower res etc. BUT my biggest mistake was copying them to the puter
and resizing them etc immediately. I didn't keep the originals. Now years later I kick myself for that as back then a 640 x 480 pic was a good size on the puter screen
with the low screen resolutions of the day. Now with screen resolution very high, those pics are horrible tiny things and I don't have the originals anymore to make decent screen sized copies :(

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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
lol we posted at the same time Chris ;)

Well Dave, I thought I typed top left corner but then I also thought a 20 year old hotty in a bikini winked at me today, as I peddled past her. We know that didn't happen either. :D

Well Dave, I thought I typed top left corner but then I also thought a 20 year old hotty in a bikini winked at me today, as I peddled past her. We know that didn't happen either. :D


I'm laughing my ass off, you are a real funny guy, Chris!

I can't believe that you compared the looks of my wooden amps with a "woody"!

That is good rating, to say the least!

Best regards, Roger
lol we posted at the same time Chris ;)


just also keeping on the photo's and storage theme .... just for your learning :)

nice little camera :)

That's a nice thought BUT realise that you should not just be keeping your pic on the camera card else yes eventually you will have to delete some for room for others
not a good plan

follow the ways of the force young skywalker ;)

You NEVER have to delete pic files unless they are crappy blurry etc ones
REMEMBER Computer hard drive space is dirt cheap - a terabyte drive for ~ $100 give or take a little
you could spend several life times trying to fill that with your top quality pic setting
ALWAYS take pics with the best quality setting
ALWAYS download your pics to your computer, that means you never run out of room on the camera storage card ( well unless you go on holiday and take 100's of pix)
camera cards are not the most reliable ... DONT use them for permanent storage
And on this note I even backup the original pics I store to harddrive. Now you may have 2 drives back up the originals folder on the second drive -----
hey you should be backing up all you important files anyway !!! Harddrives also, as we all know, fail !
ALWAYS download the pic files to a folder named Originals --- These NEVER get altered/edited they are your top quality originals from the camera
ALWAYS move to another folder, call it what you like, eg My Photos, whatever the pic's you want to alter/edit, resize etc etc
DOWNLOAD that IrfanView prog I told you about, I will teach you the basics on how to use it

well in general nor do I, but on occasions I do want to print pics, even if its the standard 6x4 or a bit bigger, of a good holiday pic, stormchase photo etc
But if all the pics have been taken in low resolution as you are currently doing, even a standard 6x4 print may not look the best

The thing is .... if I have taken them in top quality, then I have ability to do whatever with them, make big prints, make small prints, make no prints
have a pic that fills the computer screen perfectly and looks great. Taking them in low quality doesn't give you those options

Sorry for hijacking your thread with the photo side of things, I just feel its really important. One day you may thank me, I know many other's have
that I have had the same discussion with :)

When I got my first digital cam way back in 2001, I was doing what you are with the lower res etc. BUT my biggest mistake was copying them to the puter
and resizing them etc immediately. I didn't keep the originals. Now years later I kick myself for that as back then a 640 x 480 pic was a good size on the puter screen
with the low screen resolutions of the day. Now with screen resolution very high, those pics are horrible tiny things and I don't have the originals anymore to make decent screen sized copies :(


Jesus Dave, you really impress me with your helping effort!

Thank you very much!

I kind of agree with what you are saying above.

But you are missing one thing.

I do not only have my pictures on the camera SD card, I immediatelly select the ones I like and copies them to a folder on the computer (called Nikon).

So you see, I already have a backup.

And my reasoning is mainly due to laziness because reducing the taken picture resolution to an appropriate minimum would make me having to change or erase that SD card very seldom.

And I am not that found of erasing or changing stuff.

So now I am trying to erase real bad pictures as I go and only keep the ones that are interesting.

Note that the only pictures I dare to erase are blurred.

Because strangely enough my modern camera has no "shake-compensator" whatsoever.

And I usually shake quite a lot while photographing.

Finally, thanks for educating me!

Best regards, Roger
I will download that program very soon.
Blue Ridge Mountain Shine will cure that! :p


Moonshine? :D

I drink 5 litres of weak beer every day. I totally stop shaking after only two cans. But there is still some difficulty in pressing the button while keeping the camera stable...

Best regards, Roger
I have calculated that I alcohol-wise drink one and a half bottle of wine every day. But this is nothing compared to Van Gogh who legendary drank three bottles of wine everyday...
I have now finished the mechanical part of my mono RIAA-amplifiers.

I have decided to use the cute and tiny dual RF diode EAA91 tube as FW-rectifier (<3mA in my case) and also AC-heating for 12AX7 just for simplicity and fun. I have thus incorporated a centre-tapped hum-adjustment potentiometer for the AC-heating. Moreover, I have carefully chosen the 12AX7 section (pins 6-8) which is least sensible to hum.

Attached is some photos of the project where only the mechanical parts has been assembled.

Left is the enormous fun of soldering the components (hate mechanical obstacles) :D

Best regards, Roger


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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Attached is some photos of the project where only the mechanical parts has been assembled.

Best regards, Roger

Electronics porn! :D I can tell by the fine enclosure work that your wiring will be exquisite too! ;)
