Maker Pro
Maker Pro

the ultimate PNP transistor


Frank Bemelman

Jim Thompson said:
Come to think of it, I _do_ remember my mother saying "sheeesh" ;-)

When she gave birth to you, and many occasions after that, no doubt.

Spehro Pefhany

Spehro Pefhany wrote...

What, a religious swear word, taking the Lord's name in vain?

Shoot, you're right.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Winfield said:
[email protected] wrote...

That's no surprise, with the 2n5771's relatively high capacitances,
3pF, compared a much lower 0.3 and 0.55pF at 5-10V reverse bias.

About 0.7pF at sensible reverse bias according to the datasheets,
just a bit higher than you've been using. But there are plenty of
lower-capacitance smaller-die-size choices if that's important.

There may be plenty (readily available? in a through-hole package?),
but judging from the replies so far there isn't plenty of knowledge
about them and their uses ... Dunno if that makes it important ...

Please take your time to recover from this shock. It's not _that_
important ...
