Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The HP Way Lives on, At Agilent

That other thread got me reminiscing about my 3 years at

Finding old equipment that still had the Advantek
inventory stickers on them. The pretty decent corporate
structure, albiet a bit hierarchical, top-down, chain-of-command
mentality...but still enough mobility for the individual.

And a lot of mention about how vestiges of the old HP way
were still living on at Agilent, but certainly not under Carly
version of HP.

I'm not sure if we had too much "management by walking
around", but it was a fine institute to work for, and I'd do it
again if i ever got another chance.


Richard Henry

That other thread got me reminiscing about my 3 years at

Finding old equipment that still had the Advantek
inventory stickers on them. The pretty decent corporate
structure, albiet a bit hierarchical, top-down, chain-of-command
mentality...but still enough mobility for the individual.

And a lot of mention about how vestiges of the old HP way
were still living on at Agilent, but certainly not under Carly
version of HP.

I'm not sure if we had too much "management by walking
around", but it was a fine institute to work for, and I'd do it
again if i ever got another chance.

Do I remember correctly that one of Carly's first acts to improve
corporate efficiency was to reduce the cubicle size?


Richard Henry said:
Do I remember correctly that one of Carly's first acts to improve
corporate efficiency was to reduce the cubicle size?

Is Carly that bitch who looks like what's her face after she's taken the
ugly suit off.....
That's her, Conga Eel Basmati, I knew it would come to me.

Excellent. You don't have to be good you just need appropriate support from
your mates as you suck the money out. Then you go find another one.



That other thread got me reminiscing about my 3 years at

Finding old equipment that still had the Advantek
inventory stickers on them. The pretty decent corporate
structure, albiet a bit hierarchical, top-down, chain-of-command
mentality...but still enough mobility for the individual.
And a lot of mention about how vestiges of the old HP way
were still living on at Agilent, but certainly not under Carly
version of HP.
again right
I'm not sure if we had too much "management by walking
around", but it was a fine institute to work for, and I'd do it
again if i ever got another chance.

same here.


That other thread got me reminiscing about my 3 years at

Finding old equipment that still had the Advantek
inventory stickers on them. The pretty decent corporate
structure, albiet a bit hierarchical, top-down, chain-of-command
mentality...but still enough mobility for the individual.
And a lot of mention about how vestiges of the old HP way
were still living on at Agilent, but certainly not under Carly
version of HP.
again right
I'm not sure if we had too much "management by walking
around", but it was a fine institute to work for, and I'd do it
again if i ever got another chance.

same here.

John Woodgate

dated said:
I'm not sure if we had too much "management by walking around", but it
was a fine institute to work for, and I'd do it again if i ever got
another chance.

Management by walking around is quite OK if the managers limit
themselves to giving encouragement and NEVER stop walking.

Michael A. Terrell

John said:
Management by walking around is quite OK if the managers limit
themselves to giving encouragement and NEVER stop walking.

I agree. I was busy working on something that had to be ready to
ship the next day, when someone walks up behind me and starts asking a
lot of questions. I asked who he was, and why he wanted to know. When he
didn't answer, I told him to leave, or I would go get my boss because I
had work to do, and he was stopping me from getting it done. He came
back a few minutes later with my boss, and the production manager, with
a shit eating grin on his face. My boss started to tear into me, for
telling the guy to leave. I asked, What did yo want me to do? Someone
I don't know walks up and starts asking questions. He is interfering
with my work, and wouldn't tell me who he was. I don't know who he is,
or where he works, so why should I give out any information about what
I'm working on?

All of a sudden their attitudes changed. You really don't know who I
am? I'm the VP in charge of manufacturing. I shrugged and told him I
had worked there for two weeks, and as far as I knew, I had never seen
him before. I pointed out that he wasn't wearing an ID badge, and
hadn't introduced himself, so I had no reason to answer his questions.
I also pointed out in the employee manual that we were told not to waste
time with idle chatter, or to discuss anything to do with our jobs to
anyone who didn't need to know. After that, the people in the front
office were required to wear their ID at all times. ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


I agree. I was busy working on something that had to be ready to
ship the next day, when someone walks up behind me and starts asking a
lot of questions. I asked who he was, and why he wanted to know. When he
didn't answer, I told him to leave, or I would go get my boss because I
had work to do, and he was stopping me from getting it done. He came
back a few minutes later with my boss, and the production manager, with
a shit eating grin on his face. My boss started to tear into me, for
telling the guy to leave. I asked, What did yo want me to do? Someone
I don't know walks up and starts asking questions. He is interfering
with my work, and wouldn't tell me who he was. I don't know who he is,
or where he works, so why should I give out any information about what
I'm working on?

All of a sudden their attitudes changed. You really don't know who I
am? I'm the VP in charge of manufacturing. I shrugged and told him I
had worked there for two weeks, and as far as I knew, I had never seen
him before. I pointed out that he wasn't wearing an ID badge, and
hadn't introduced himself, so I had no reason to answer his questions.
I also pointed out in the employee manual that we were told not to waste
time with idle chatter, or to discuss anything to do with our jobs to
anyone who didn't need to know. After that, the people in the front
office were required to wear their ID at all times. ;-)

Name tags have always struck me as a good way to help new employees
learn names of people they may have to deal with occassionaly. Nothing
to do with security.

I've never worked in a company that used them, though, in spite of
increasing use of coded access cards and the like. That's pretty
backwards thinking, in my view.


Michael A. Terrell

legg said:
Name tags have always struck me as a good way to help new employees
learn names of people they may have to deal with occassionaly. Nothing
to do with security.

I've never worked in a company that used them, though, in spite of
increasing use of coded access cards and the like. That's pretty
backwards thinking, in my view.


there had been an incident a year before where an employee let
someone in without proper ID, and he nearly beat the maintenance man to
death. Most of our customers were government agencies, as well.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Name tags have always struck me as a good way to help new employees
learn names of people they may have to deal with occassionaly. Nothing
to do with security.

I've never worked in a company that used them, though, in spite of
increasing use of coded access cards and the like. That's pretty
backwards thinking, in my view.

My badge IS my coded access card, and it is not backward at all.


My badge IS my coded access card, and it is not backward at all.

Same here, and has been for >30 years. It's also my ID for car
rentals and such.


On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:15:08 -0700, JoeBloe

My badge IS my coded access card, and it is not backward at all.

Usually, I see these hanging on dongles, or bulging up wallets.

I'm just talking about little papae cards that say:

" hello my name is .........."


Michael A. Terrell

legg said:
On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:15:08 -0700, JoeBloe

Usually, I see these hanging on dongles, or bulging up wallets.

I'm just talking about little papae cards that say:

" hello my name is .........."


Ours had your picture, employee number and department on them. The
back side had a mag stripe for the time clocks, for the hourly
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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