Maker Pro
Maker Pro

the 100W bulb lives on....


Don Klipstein

In <[email protected]>, [email protected]

And I follow below with some musings of mine for a homebrew LED table
lamp project using 10-for-$10 eBay 70-80 lumen "1-watt" white LEDs...
Do you really get 70 lm/W LEDs for $1 ?

If you intend to build these into the same space as the 60 W bulb, you
are going to have severe heat transfer problems. Quite possibly
needing aluminum based PCBs etc. connected to heat sinks.

Without handling the heat issue properly, you end up with a LED lamp
design that does not even last as long as the ordinary incandescent
bulb :).

If this is going to be a homebrew project, with a $2 used table lamp
and a wallwart, it's starting to sound easy.

I figure, to push 350 mA through ten "1-watt" LEDs @ 1.12-1.19 watts
apiece (3.2-3.4 volts apiece), takes 11.2-11.9 watts, plus a watt or two
for a switching type LED driver - figure 12-14 watts.

The wallwart probably has loss of another 1.5-2 watts if it's a
switchmode type, 2 in the transformer and 1.5 in the rectifier if it's
the older iron core type.

Total power consumption from the wall plug - 13.5 to 17.5 watts to
produce 700-800 lumens of icy cold 6000-6500 K light whose color rendering
indexI guess from experience is probably 70-plus or around 75.

Maybe there is no need for a bulb-shape enclosure for a modification of
an entire table lamp. As for a screw base - burnt out lightbulbs are
free, unblown ones (even of kinds exempted from the upcoming ban) can be
purchased at a dollar store for $1, and I see screw-base fuses at
supermarkets, drugstores, and hardware stores.


As for temperature rise - that is a big problem with LED lighting, but I
see less of a problem in a homebrew table lamp project. Simply get the
heatsink area to 24 square inches to handle 12 watts at the 1/2 watt per
square inch mentioned elsewhere in this thread. (1.12-1.19 watts for each
of 10 LEDs dropping 3.2-3.4 volts at 350 mA)

My experience indicates this will limit temperature rise to 50 C, and
even in a 35 C ambient this means heatsink temperature of 85 C and
junction temperature of "1-watt" LEDs around 95 C - actually quite
tolerable, but expect something like 6% less light than "rated" (which
requires unrealistic junction temperature of 25 C).

I like to have lighting LEDs heatsunk enough to keep their junction
temperatures below 85 C - arbitrary, but that was the max. rated junction
temperature of LEDs back around 1980. At this rate, I like to figure
..4 watt per square inch of heatsink, or 30 square inches of heatsink.


How about a further idea: As cheap as these LEDs are, get 20 instead of
10. Drive them at 175 mA instead of 350 mA. Get 750-870 lumens instead
of 700-800, because usual white LEDs have a nonlinearity where efficiency
increases when they are moderately underpowered. (Efficiency of "1-watt"
and "3-watt" white LEDs with a roughly 1 mm square die peaks at 20-75 mA.)
And, voltage drop at half-current is less than at full current by about
..05 volt - power consumption is decreased slightly. This reduces the
heatsink temperature rise roughly 1.5% - not much, but I like to
consider this along with other minor incremental improvements.
And figure conservatively (after aging, etc) only 30 lumens light gain,
combined with a figure I have of about 300 lumens per watt of "white LED
light" - that's another .1 watt less heat, good for another .8% less
temperature rise of the heatsink. At this rate, heatsink temperature rise
is decreased ~2.2%, maybe close to 1 degree C.
Furthermore, junction temperature is reduced by 3-5 degrees C even at
the same heatsink temperature - 4 to 6 degrees C if considering reduced
heatsink temperature. Shrinking the heatsink to restore the original
junction temperature (if tolerable) is from 30 to 24 square inches, for
85 C junction temperature in a 35 C ambient, the way I see it.


Or, push only 165 mA through each of 20 of these LEDs, for about 6%
less power consumption than at 175 mA, and still get at least as much
light as from 10 of these LEDs at 350 mA each. That lets the above
heatsink be at least 2 degrees C cooler, or at least a square inch


John S

Poor people make all sorts of irresponsible choices. That's why they're poor
but it doesn't change the definition of "choice".

Perhaps. And maybe the emotional yearning to have more is just a human
trait. But, I am at a loss to argue the point due to my lack of
education in the subject.
Free will may be considered to be regressive by "progressives" but that's just
silly, like all their other "ideas".

I am not sure, but it seems that you are saying that the course I took
was presented by progressives and therefore slanted toward what I was
taught. If so, I have no tools with which to argue the point.

John S

The reason that democracy is important is not that the masses are wise,
it's that no one can be trusted with unfettered power.


Phil Hobbs

Well, there ya go, whatever that has to do with it.
Perhaps. And maybe the emotional yearning to have more is just a human
trait. But, I am at a loss to argue the point due to my lack of
education in the subject.

The solution is to make responsible choices, not a *choose* a lifetime of
dumpster-diving for a free lunch.
I am not sure, but it seems that you are saying that the course I took
was presented by progressives and therefore slanted toward what I was
taught. If so, I have no tools with which to argue the point.

I have no idea what "course you took", so I obviously can't comment about
that. The fact is that "the poor" are poor because of *their* choices in
life, as are "the rich". "The rich" didn't get there by buying lottery
tickets, dropping out of school, or having kids while in high school.

Living a comfortable life is *easy* in the US. It's a matter of making a few
The reason that democracy is important is not that the masses are wise,
it's that no one can be trusted with unfettered power.

Individuals certainly aren't always wise, but the masses *are*. That's the
beauty of capitalism (which pretty much requires a democracy).

John S

The solution is to make responsible choices, not a *choose* a lifetime of
dumpster-diving for a free lunch.

I have no idea what "course you took", so I obviously can't comment about
that. The fact is that "the poor" are poor because of *their* choices in
life, as are "the rich". "The rich" didn't get there by buying lottery
tickets, dropping out of school, or having kids while in high school.

Living a comfortable life is *easy* in the US. It's a matter of making a few

Here we disagree. Not in every case, of course, but, sometimes there are
few or no choices. Maybe it is my lack of education in these matters
that makes me less able to present my point, but I have a lifetime of
observation that tells me that your assertion is not entirely true.

Since I have no ammunition, I will concede.
Here we disagree. Not in every case, of course, but, sometimes there are
few or no choices.

Bullshit. Drinking is a choice. Dropping out of school is a choice (not
going back is another). Fucking is a choice. Life is full of choices. People
who blame others for their choices are wasting everyone's time.
Maybe it is my lack of education in these matters
that makes me less able to present my point, but I have a lifetime of
observation that tells me that your assertion is not entirely true.

Of course it's true. Does anyone force people to make the above choices?
Since I have no ammunition, I will concede.

Read more. This information isn't hard to find.
In <[email protected]>, [email protected]

And I follow below with some musings of mine for a homebrew LED table
lamp project using 10-for-$10 eBay 70-80 lumen "1-watt" white LEDs...

Has anybody actually measured those 80 lm/W no-name LEDs sold on eBay?

Are they the real thing or some rejected lots by some reputable
manufacturer ?

If they are the real thing, why would they end up in eBay in lots of
10, instead of reels through some reputable distributor ?


One of the things I remember from my macroeconomics course is that poor
people are much more likely to play the lottery than the better off
people. In that respect, it is considered a regressive "tax."

I don't have the textbook any more, so I'll just have to trust my memory
on that.

As stated previously it is a stupidity tax. Being apparently regressive
is only a coincidence. Hey, in fact its coolest characteristic is that it
"doubles" on the more aggressively stupid.



Individuals certainly aren't always wise, but the masses *are*. That's the
beauty of capitalism (which pretty much requires a democracy).

Sorry, the IQ of a mob is the lowest IQ of its members divided by the
number in the mob. MAss media has made Amerika a MAss of mobs.


Chieftain of the Carpet Crawlers

Sorry, the IQ of a mob is the lowest IQ of its members divided by the
number in the mob. MAss media has made Amerika a MAss of mobs.


It isn't America, dimwit.

Look at the Linux lunatics.

I and nearly everyone else at work uses both Linux and Windows, yet
when you get on many Linux chat boards or Usenet groups, the loons start
calling *you* a troll because you are asking about Linux (or their
distro, to be specific), but you are doing it using a Windows news app.

Are these guys so dumb that they are unaware that I can run this client
from within Linux?

Light bulbs? I use both. (back on topic) Operating Systems? I use

I think these "One OS Only" loons are a sad indictment of the "modern"
computer science "community".

And it isn't a "mob" thing either. It is a tribal mentality.

We once had, and were striving to keep a civil community. Now, we have
"It's all good" idiots roaming around EVERYWHERE, including law
enforcement, and what we end up with is veiled chaos.

I do not damage property when leaving sporting events. I do not
participate in stupid protests either, which ALL of them are in our
modern NET connected society. Street level protests are about as stupid
as it gets these days, and they are archaic, at best.

Can't tell these retarded, young, dopey fucks though.