Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Source for EL34 tubes


Trevor Wilson

I have a Michaelson Audio Odysseus amplifier in for service. One of the EL34
outputs is gassy. My customer is happy to replace the entire complement of
output tubes (4 per channel). What suggestions for decent quality tubes? The
source for those tubes?


Phil Allison

Trevor Wilson said:
I have a Michaelson Audio Odysseus amplifier in for service. One of the EL34
outputs is gassy. My customer is happy to replace the entire complement of
output tubes (4 per channel). What suggestions for decent quality tubes? The
source for those tubes?

** Sovtek EL34wxts are the best around where the B+ is over 400 volts -
get 'em from Arthur at Evatco in Melbourne.

.......... Phil

Mark Harriss

Trevor said:
I have a Michaelson Audio Odysseus amplifier in for service. One of the
EL34 outputs is gassy. My customer is happy to replace the entire
complement of output tubes (4 per channel). What suggestions for decent
quality tubes? The source for those tubes?


WES have Electroharmonix and Sovtek available for a good rate, don't
think they know how to match though.


Since when did this NG become American.electronics -They are valves not
tubes !!

Phil Allison

Nah, muso's have always called them 'tubes'.

** What bullshit - only Yank musos do that.

............ Phil

( Been servicing VALVE guitar amps for over 30 years )