Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solid State Lighting - New Inventors, ABC, 11 July 2007


John Tserkezis

Mr.T said:
So what happens if one of the string fails?

Er, you'd better hope you have more than one, otherwise you'll be left
wondering what happened - in the darkness.

Franc Zabkar

So what happens if one of the string fails?


You could have several parallel strings. Perhaps LED traffic lights
have this kind of redundancy built in ???

I wonder if the LEDs in each string could be arranged to spell out a
message in case of failure. That would make it very easy to identify a
faulty driver.

- Franc Zabkar


Phil said:

** A CRI of 80 is actually rather good - better by far than most
fluoro lighting.

As I mentioned, the better fluoros using "triphosphor" coatings achieve a
CRI of 90, and the best I've seen claim a CRI of 95 (Kino Flos).

The extent to which on regards variations in CRI as significant is entirely
subjective, but to my mind, a CRI of 80 does not make for a particularly
pleasant light, but I can appreciate that others might find it completely

Phil Allison

" Poxy the Piss Head "
As I mentioned, the better fluoros using "triphosphor" coatings achieve a
CRI of 90, and the best I've seen claim a CRI of 95 (Kino Flos).

** What you ACTUALLY wrote was this:

" ... the CRI (Colour Rendering Index) quoted is 80, which makes for
pretty horrible light compared to the better
fluorescents. "

Typical tri-phosphor tubes are rated at CRI = 85 and they are regarded as
possessing EXCELLENT colour quality by commercial and home users alike.

The extent to which on regards variations in CRI as significant is entirely
subjective, but to my mind, a CRI of 80 does not make for a particularly
pleasant light,

** What mind ????

Deadshit parrots have no minds.

but I can appreciate that others might find it completely adequate.

** Piss off - you posturing old FOOL !!!!

........ Phil


Phil said:
" Poxy the Piss Head "

** What you ACTUALLY wrote was this:

" ... the CRI (Colour Rendering Index) quoted is 80, which makes for
pretty horrible light compared to the better
fluorescents. "

And that's my opinion. I regard "better fluorescents" as being those with a
CRI of 90 or better. There are plenty available that claim that figure.
Typical tri-phosphor tubes are rated at CRI = 85 and they are
regarded as possessing EXCELLENT colour quality by commercial and
home users alike.

I don't know where this "excellent" superlative came from, but, as I said,
it's subjective. I don't regard a CRI of 80 as being a a pleasant light.
** What mind ????

Deadshit parrots have no minds.

** Piss off - you posturing old FOOL !!!!

My suggestion, Phil, is to confine yourself to posting coherent, rational
arguments, or go shout at traffic.

David L. Jones

You could have several parallel strings. Perhaps LED traffic lights
have this kind of redundancy built in ???

Anyone actually seen one of the new LED traffic lights with a bung LED
Can't say I've spotted a single one yet.


Phil Allison

" Poxy the Piss Head "
And that's my opinion.

** But it certainly ain't FACT - which IS how you stated it.

Colossal, asinine PITA jerks like "Poxy the Piss Head" think this NG is
a chat room for mental retards.

No it ain't.

I don't know where this "excellent" superlative came from,

** Because Poxy - YOU know SFA about any damn thing.

Piss the HELL off

- you FUCKWIT bullshitting old FOOL !!!!

......... Phil

John Tserkezis

David said:
Anyone actually seen one of the new LED traffic lights with a bung LED
Can't say I've spotted a single one yet.

I have! The things were in service for several months before I had seen it,
and remember commenting on their "reliability" (or lack thereof).
That said, it's the only failure so far I've seen.

It does narrow down the question of how they're driven though, probably not
in a string unless that one led went short.

The only failure mode I've seen with LEDs was O/C. And I don't remember
seeing more than two of those in my career.

Not counting the ones we intentionally cooked of course... Surprisingly
hardy little buggers. Seen many melt and burn their resin casing to bits
before finally failing...
Yes, yes, we had nothing better to do.

Phil Allison

"John the Jerk Off "


.......... Phil

John Tserkezis

Phil said:
"John the Jerk Off "

Is that fact or opinion?

Is it quoted on some Wiki or blog somewhere?
I can't find it anywhere except within your claims on Google Groups.

Where your ramblings are archived forever. Welcome to the real world.


Phil said:
" Poxy the Piss Head "

** But it certainly ain't FACT - which IS how you stated it.

I think most intelligent people can discern a subjective opinion like
"horrible" and make their own judgement as to how to interpret it. I think a
CRI of 80 is unpleasant, a CRI of 95 to my eyes is pretty good, that the
index only allows 15 points between the two is a function of the index, not
my opinion.
** Because Poxy - YOU know SFA about any damn thing.

Piss the HELL off

- you FUCKWIT bullshitting old FOOL !!!!

Now again, you failed to address my point with a coherent, rational
response. My advice is, again, to confine your comments in this group to
rational and hopefully informative argument (we all know you're capable of
it during your good hours), and save the irrational ranting for shouting at
the traffic.

Now, at the risk of over-playing the man rather than the topic, I'll draw
your attention to this comment:
Colossal, asinine PITA jerks like "Poxy the Piss Head" think this NG is
a chat room for mental retards.

No it ain't.

This statement and language carries with it the implication that you are an
authority on what is permissable with respect to posts to this group. The
very nature of unmoderated newsgroups contradicts this concept, and I
strongly advise that you disabuse yourself of this notion - you are not the
moderator of this group, you have no formal authority in this group and I
doubt your sentiments and attitude are broadly supported within the group.

This forum is completely open - in the best traditions of the Internet - and
the value of your word is proportional to the value of your contribution,
which occasionally is positive, but is often blotted out by bursts of
irrational and, more often than not, vile invective that does nothing to
distinguish yourself as an informed individual.

If you disagree with a stated fact or opion, by all means respond, but spare
us the attitude - the insults, the lame capitalisation and worst (and
saddest) of all, re-naming the subject line - it's, frankly, rather

Franc Zabkar

The only failure mode I've seen with LEDs was O/C. And I don't remember
seeing more than two of those in my career.

I've seen quite a few O/C failures, although mine were confined to one
particular type of bargraph display. I never saw any shorted LEDs.
Then again, none of these were high current types.

- Franc Zabkar

Phil Allison

"John the Fuckwit Jerk Off

** **** OFF


......... Phil

Phil Allison

" Poxy the Piss Head "
" ... the CRI (Colour Rendering Index) quoted is 80, which makes

I think most intelligent people can discern a subjective opinion like
"horrible" and make their own judgement as to how to interpret it.

** Utter bollocks.

It was stated by you as a proven FACT.

Because Poxy - YOU know SFA about any damn thing.

Now again, you failed to address my point with a coherent, rational

** No point whatever in trying to reason with a posturing, anonymous pile of
brain dead shit.

That is just feeding a TROLL.

This statement and language carries with it the implication that you are
an authority on what is permissable with respect to posts to this group.

** A chat room for retarded, anonymous fuckwits like Poxy it ain't.

Continue think it is and you will have a fight on your hands.

The very nature of unmoderated newsgroups contradicts this concept,

* On the contrary - this NG is a not a stinking chat room.

Same goes for nearly all technically oriented NGs.

Moderated chat forums full of fools exist on the internet where you can have
some pathetic little graphic represent you and hide behind an even more
stupid name than " Poxy" ???

For ****'s sake - go join one NOW.

You utterly ridiculous ARSEHOLE.

........ Phil


I said:
If you disagree with a stated fact or opion, by all means respond, but
us the attitude - the insults, the lame capitalisation and worst (and
saddest) of all, re-naming the subject line - it's, frankly, rather

And there you go. Sigh.

Phil said:
" Poxy the Piss Head "

** A chat room for retarded, anonymous fuckwits like Poxy it ain't.

Continue think it is and you will have a fight on your hands.

So I'm right - you think you are the authority this group - you decide who
is allowed to post and pass ultimate judgement on what they post. What in
heaven's name gave you the idea this was the case? Was there some kind of
vote I missed?

The fundamental problem is that you can't actually *do* anything except
blather on with increasing hysteria.
* On the contrary - this NG is a not a stinking chat room.

Same goes for nearly all technically oriented NGs.

I think your fury is clouding your vision. I said, very clearly, that this
was an unmoderated newsgroup, which is precisely what it is. I never said it
was a "chat room". My point was that by it being unmoderated, nobody has the
right to demand somone stop posting.

If you really want the ability to stop people from posting, I suggest you
create your own online forum.

Phil Allison

"Poxy the Fuckwit Piss Head"

** On the contrary - this NG is a not a stinking chat room.

Same goes for nearly all technically oriented NGs.

Moderated chat forums full of fools exist on the internet where you can have
some pathetic little graphic represent you and hide behind an even more
stupid name than " Poxy" ???

For ****'s sake - go join one NOW.

You utterly ridiculous


........ Phil

John Tserkezis

Phil said:
** On the contrary - this NG is a not a stinking chat room.
Same goes for nearly all technically oriented NGs.

Oh, so ALL other non-technical groups ARE "stinking chat rooms" as you put it?
Moderated chat forums full of fools exist on the internet where you can have
some pathetic little graphic represent you and hide behind an even more
stupid name than " Poxy" ???

I grew up on BBS's, where your real name was a must.

The internet is different, and the norm is anonymity.
Deal with it.
For ****'s sake - go join one NOW.

You don't like it? YOU go to another group. No wait, you already have,
you've infested groups such as, and probably more
(didn't bother looking that far back into the archives).

They are obviously non-technical groups, and you've infested them with the
same type of response you do here. In fact, I didn't see any kind of response
other than your usual foul drivel that does nothing more than make you look
the fool.