Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RS485 reverse engineering

I am stuck on a RS485 Problem and I am looking for some help.

Currently I have a sensor that outputs serial data to a 78971108 type chip then to 485 via a MAX485 down a pair of wires to an another MAX485, a 8051 and
as1108wl to drive and LED display

I want to build my own display using the existing sensor. I was going to use a LASCAR DDM4, or DMX973B or a MDM-1 display. Obviously I require a MAX485 (Although a MDM-1 has an option to have one fitted), but I am confused as to what else I may require.

Which display would be best?
Do I need a 8051 or similar with these displays?
How to I work out what is being transmited by the RS485 in order to program a MCU or similar?
Is it possible to copy the code from one 8051 / eprom to another?

Thanks in advance,

Cheers, Ben
OK- Your post kind of left my head spinning - but I'll jump in long enough to figure out what you are trying to accomplish. You have mentioned a series of 7 or 8 chips - and I don't believe it's reasonable to expect anyone to work through all the datasheets to try to clarify your perceived circuit. You have an RS485 bus input - and you want to output some kind of display. Can you please describe the nature of the data on the bus - and what kind of data you want to display?

BTW - The statement "Obviously I require a MAX485" is not necessarily obvious, to everyone who has worked with MAX parts. I do use some of their ICs when I need to - but I have found their support a bit underwhelming - and will go with an alternate part, whenever possible.