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How to work with RS485 ?

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Hello, I want to work with rs485. But before that I want to know all the applications of it. Also provide the schematics design and programming related to it. If there are any projects on rs485, then do provide me the link.

Overall, after reading your answers I should be able to work with it effortlessly.
Thank You!!!

Harald Kapp

Hello, I want to work with rs485.
Why do you want to work with RS485 when you don't have the slightest idea what RS485 is?
I want to know all the applications of it
Everywhere where serial communication is required.
Also provide the schematics design and programming related to it.
You don't mean that literally, do you? Every RS485 capable component will come with at least one application showing how to use it.
If there are any projects on rs485, then do provide me the link.
Yes there are. Many. Google!
Overall, after reading your answers I should be able to work with it effortlessly.
Read @dorke 's reply. You'll have to work your way through the topic. It will not come effortlessly.

This is not kindergarten. We'll gladly help you with concrete questions or problems, but we are not a human replacement for Google and we certainly cannot substitute your doing some work of your own.
Before asking this question, I have read enough of rs485 and sn62hvd1782. I thought you would know more than what I read. So I tried my luck. Sorry, if I asked the wrong question!
that's good :)
so you should be used to doing research ;)

It was my first research on any IC and its crazy!
I just discovered a plenty of such things which were not taught in academics.
So being an electronics engineer is interesting but tough too.


Hop - AC8NS
It was my first research on any IC and its crazy!
I just discovered a plenty of such things which were not taught in academics.
So being an electronics engineer is interesting but tough too.
Oh, you think? The purpose of college is to teach you how to learn. Your path, if you choose it, to becoming a real engineer has just begun.

I am in my final year of Bachelors in electronics engineering, so please don't mind.
Sounds like you think that "paper ticket" you get at graduation makes you an electronics engineer. Prepare to be surprised.

Among other traits, an engineer is intelligent, possesses good moral values, and is passionate. I have never met a good engineer who was not passionate about their profession. You do not show passion by deciding in your last year of formal education to finally investigate one integrated circuit, and not even a modern one at that. Was this an assignment given to you by one of your teachers? What do you hope to accomplish?
Was this an assignment given to you by one of your teachers? What do you hope to accomplish?
I am working as a summer intern & my training teacher have asked me to know all the details of RS485 through internet because we are going work on it later!
Yes it was a task!

Harald Kapp

It was my first research on any IC and its crazy!

Hello, I want to work with rs485. But before that I want to know all the applications of it. Also provide the schematics design and programming related to it. If there are any projects on rs485, then do provide me the link.
That's not research, that's asking others to do your work.

my training teacher have asked me to know all the details of RS485
Reading an IC datasheet is in my opinion the wrong starting point. The IC is a physical implementation of an interface standard, in this case RS485. Start by understanding what RS485 is about, how it operates, what it is used for, what its limitations are etc. One point (not the only one and some would even say not the best one) to get you started is the Wikipedia. In the 'references' section follow the links to more informations and details.
Once you understand what RS485 is about, it will be much easier to understand a datasheet for a specific component.
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