To produce a THz modulated signal?
Well, let us say that we once will be at a point where we can switch
at .1ps.... Sure 2THz is a limit.
That 2THz would not be a modulation limit for _light_ I think?
I am the first one to admit I have never had anything switch that fast.
But what basic physics argument exists against switching light in the
Thz range?
Maybe you only need to inject some electrons to make the laser work.
Sort of a threshold... I can imagine some mechanism like that, but
I think there will be no need to _analog_ modulate so the driver is always
in a linear range.
Also there is the issue of static and dynamic logic design, if you can
send an data impulse and clock impulse, then you can energise very short
periods only, to flip a bit elsewhere.
You don't seem to appreciate the trade-offs involved in designing
switching transistor drives.
where the dector capacitance messes up the high frequency noise levels.
Been there, been screwd by that.
Bill, I dunno enough about that, I take your word for it, never worked
at THz speeds, photo diode, photo transistor, sure there are limits.
Limits are there to be overcome.
Research advances.
First I would expect them to make some device with optical on chip
interface to fiber... maybe for home high speed networks....
Not that I need more then DSL, but some will want HDTV via fibre.
There is a market, there is a need, and so then there is funding
for further research.
I most certainly do _not_ believe in things like making HDMI interface
wireless and messing up the whole radio spectrum like the Intel marketing
druid seems to want?
Well, my best answer for now (10 in the evening), all I know.
Time will tell.