Maker Pro
Maker Pro

replacement for SAMSUNG S3C7544X ?




I'm not a specialist, so my vocabulary may be not appropriate to explain
this :

I'm looking for a replacement of this microcontroller (SAMSUNG S3C7544X).
It does not seem to be available on the market anymore, and the programming
tools are not widely available.

The intended purpose is to take the absolute code of an encoder (6 pins go
to the chip, 0 or 1). From this, I want to emit a pulse from the chip, on a
time basis. The duration between two pulse is a function of the encoder
binary code (6 bits code). (think, for instance, of a metronome).
There is a quartz giving a clock base to the chip.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.
Why did you pick that particular chip?

It may be simpler to write new software for a chip that is
easy to program.  Both PIC (Microchip) and AVR (Atmel) are
popular and hobbiest friendly.  Various 8051 chips are also
popular but I haven't used them.  All come in many packages
with all sorts of ram/rom and I/O configurations.

Assuming you want to build a metronome that runs at audio
frequencies, the code is simple:
  read input pins
  lookup X in table
  wait X cycles
  make a click

You need 2 pins for pwr/ground, 2 for an xtal, 1 output,
and 6 inputs.  That's 11 pins.
You will probably end up with a 14 pin package.

Digikey has the PICKit-1 for $36.  I think that has everything you
need.  (But check for yourself.)

Thanks very much, Hal, for this.
This confirms more or less what I thought, but it's easier when it
comes from someone knowledgeable.




eb said:
I'm looking for a replacement of this microcontroller (SAMSUNG S3C7544X).
It does not seem to be available on the market anymore,
and the programming tools are not widely available.
The fact that you pickled a device that is not only obscure
but is obsolete is a good clue how out of your depth you are.

There is a large number of extant, supported microcontrollers:

WRT Hal's comment, many people despise the PIC's architecture
(but the mailing list *is* a good support source).
Atmel (the Nordic company who produce the AVR family)
constantly looks like they may go belly-up at any moment
but their stuff has a nicer core.
Texas instruments' MSP430 is also popular,
but you will likely hear reports of support difficulties
(especially for hobbyists).
ARM-based devices (e.g. Freescale's) are gaining popularity
(if you plan to continue doing uC projects).

Finding a dedicated (Yahoo?) group is a good first step
before committing to a device.

I also suggest you go over to comp.arch.embedded
(the group for microcontrollers) and look over several weeks of posts.

Another good source:
I want to emit a pulse from the chip, on a time basis.
This is based on an AVR:*-*-non-programmers+uu+*-Arduino-spirit


Thanks very much for those infos and links. i'll explore that.

The fact that you pickled a device that is not only obscure
but is obsolete is a good clue how out of your depth you are.

There is a large number of extant, supported microcontrollers:

WRT Hal's comment, many people despise the PIC's architecture
(but the mailing list *is* a good support source).
Atmel (the Nordic company who produce the AVR family)
constantly looks like they may go belly-up at any moment
but their stuff has a nicer core.
Texas instruments' MSP430 is also popular,
but you will likely hear reports of support difficulties
(especially for hobbyists).
ARM-based devices (e.g. Freescale's) are gaining popularity
(if you plan to continue doing uC projects).

Finding a dedicated (Yahoo?) group is a good first step
before committing to a device.

I also suggest you go over to comp.arch.embedded
(the group for microcontrollers) and look over several weeks of posts.

Another good source:

This is based on an AVR:*-*-non-programmers+uu+*-Arduino-spirit

Franc Zabkar


I'm not a specialist, so my vocabulary may be not appropriate to explain
this :

I'm looking for a replacement of this microcontroller (SAMSUNG S3C7544X).
It does not seem to be available on the market anymore, and the programming
tools are not widely available.

The intended purpose is to take the absolute code of an encoder (6 pins go
to the chip, 0 or 1). From this, I want to emit a pulse from the chip, on a
time basis. The duration between two pulse is a function of the encoder
binary code (6 bits code). (think, for instance, of a metronome).
There is a quartz giving a clock base to the chip.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

In your part of the world, try the PICAXE range of PIC micros. These
can be programmed in PIC BASIC.

For example, the PICAXE-20M microcontroller chip costs 2 UKP and
"supports 8 input / 8 outputs including 4 analogue inputs".


- Franc Zabkar


Thanks Frank.
I'm also considering options where I could have a device produced in
China ...