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Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Huge said:
Whoosh! Just *look* at those goalposts move!

Rifles are a whole different story. For one thing they can't be concealed. They also have
perfectly legitimate uses in vermin control, hunting and the like.



John said:
What's absurdly simple about devising 'containment' for radioactively and
thermally hot chemicals, that must remain hermetically sealed for the order
of millions of years?

They don't need to be *hermetically* sealed. Just kept in a cool dry
environment. We fret excessively over used reactor rods.



Anthony said:
Nothing in this world, people, animals, pianos, cell phones, is so
completely safe that they can never, ever, under any weird set of
bizarre circumstances, harm you.

Guns are unique in the above that their sole PURPOSE is to harm people. They
have no other function.



Anthony said:
They don't have to remain sealed for millions of years. I think most of
the stuff only needs to be stored for a few thousand years at most and
the worst stuff is pretty safe after a few hundred.

I think even a few tens of years calms the stuff down quite a lot.



Huge said:
An argument so circular that I'm surprised it isn't in a vault in Paris
somewhere, along with the standard kilogram and metre.

It's not an argument, circular or otherwise. It's a FACT.

Besides, gun ownership has never been a popular desire for educated civilised
people anyway. Besides, what would I want one for ?

There was a documentary I saw about a teenage ? girl who moved from the USA to
live with her family on an air base in Britain. She was frightened out in public
because our police don't carry guns. It apparently had never ocurred to her that
there can be a society where the public don't go around in daily fear of armed
criminals and that the police don't NEED guns in their normal everday work !
It's a sad reflection on the violence endemic in US society.



Arnold said:
"Eeyore" wrote

So much for your opinion of cops.

Strange comment but yes, that sheriff's deputy went on a gun rampage recently too. That
was jealousy wasn't it ?



Mark said:
Shotguns can easily be used as "anti-person" weapons. The
modification is simple.

Shotguns are rather less readily concealed thankfully.

Ownership (or even possession of) of a 'modified' shotgun (or any illegal firearm imho) ought
to carry an automatic 20+ year jail sentence. A second offence resulting in life. That might


Balanced View

Huge said:
Why is it that the moment the subject of guns comes up, so many people lose the
power of rational thought?
Because maybe most sane people know irrational people feel the need to
carry them.


Arnold said:
Actually was a small part of a bigger problem in New Orleans,that had folks
bailing like rats off a sinking ship.
For 25 years,before the straw that broke the camels back....Kitrina.
Never seen any storm victims like the folks we housed from New Orleans.
Most other storm victims, in times past were thankful for what they could
And fairly peaceful .
That was not the case with New Orlean victims.......drugs ,vandalism,you
name it to the point .
That you were seeing schools,churches ,and even home security throwing them
Some at the time ,had stayed in motels for 6months without getting a job or
much of anything.
When the government started clearing out motel rooms, that needed remodeling
after they left.
Some of them victims would probaly still be living in them motel rooms and
collecting food stamps
,if we let them.The thought never occured to that group ,that when things
happen someone other than the government does something.Like you making at
least a token effort at fixing your own life.
The damage from vandalism by the 500 victims staying here was $250,000 ,by
the time the chuches,schools ($43,000
of it was done to schoolclass rooms in two weeks while the schools sorted
them out to other shelter locations), and motels repaired the damage. And we
are talking just vanadalism expense ,not food,clothing ,and shelter like a
"normal" victims would have. By the time it was over, more than a few of us,
were wondering at the definition of victim.

Sorry to hear that.

Dare I ask if it was the vandalistic behaviour was colour/race related or maybe simply
a 'social class' issue ?



The said:
No, but it costs something. A typical sales rep will do up to 60,000
miles in a year.

Often the cars are sold after one year, never having even had the oil

Are you suggesting they don't get any servicing at all ? That would void any warranty
and not be in the owner's (company's) interest.

All the company cars I've known about have standard routine service interval attention.

I dare say an engine would sieze on 60,000 mile old oil. At least the way the reps drive
them !


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
The sole purpose of a handgun is to kill or main people.

They have no legitimate role, least of all being carried on the person, in
a civilised society.

Also wrong.

This country used to be a regular Olympic Gold winner in the pistol
shooting events until brain dead fuckwits like you ensured that it is
impossible to train for the sport in the UK. It's also amusing that
every entrant in the pistol shooting events at the 2012 Olypics will be
breaking the law.

They hypocrites in the government will, no doubt, arrange for a blind
eye to be turned.

Hansard 18 Jul 2005 : Column WA196

Lord Moynihan asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will revoke the ban which prevents licensed and
supervised .22 pistol shooters from training in the United Kingdom so
that British sport shooters will be able to prepare for the London
Olympic Games in 2012 without having to travel abroad. [HL1078]

Lord Davies of Oldham: The Home Office does not propose to repeal the
ban on the private possession of handguns. Special arrangements will be
put in place to allow pistol shooting events at the 2012 Olympics as
happened at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. These arrangements will include
a warm up event if this is deemed necessary.


The said:
There is a chance that by the weekend, we may have an F1 world champion

Don't speak too soon after the screw-up in China ! It would be great if Lewis
could do it though. After his outrageous behaviour, Alonso doesn't even deserve



The said:
Why even UK football is slightly better
since the bullshitting swede vanished.

It'll be better still when they get paid 10% or less of the insane salaries they
get now.



John said:
In the UK we have had an unarmed man shot dead by armed police on an
underground railway station, an unarmed and naked man shot dead by armed
police in his bedroom, an elderly man recovering from a cancer operation
shot dead by armed police who decided that the table leg he was carrying
was a firearm, and other similar cases.

Under tense situations, mistakes are easily made. With a gun, those mistakes may
be terminal. Anguish won't bring back the dead.


Doctor Drivel

Anthony Matonak said:
Nothing in this world, people, animals, pianos, cell phones, is so
completely safe that they can never, ever, under any weird set of
bizarre circumstances, harm you.

If complete safety is your desire in life then you need to lock
yourself away in a padded cell right now because you're probably
your own worst enemy.

The vast majority of gun owners, like car drivers, are fairly
responsible and not considered to be a threat to others. Your
world view may not accept this but then that's your problem.

Sounds like a brainwashed American obsessed with guns. They are beyond
redemption. We don't have them, even the police are not armed here. Look
at the death rate through gunshot here and in the US then it is clear we are
doing the right thing by banning the things and even tightening up laws to
keep them off the streets. You can get 5 years for just being in possession
of a gun. You can get jail if you have a replica too. Guns are meant to
"kill" people.

Steve Firth

Doctor Drivel said:
We don't have them, even the police are not armed here.

That is of course bollocks, as the family of Jean Charles de Menezes
will testify.

Not to mention Dorothy Groce, Gail Kinchin and Ann Sanderson all shot
dead by police, how can they do that if they are "not armed", eh Drivel?
Look at the death rate through gunshot here

Yes, it's terrible and since the government banned legally owned and
licenced guns, the death rate has risen. That is, the ban has served no
purpose and has not restricted the numbers of illegal guns available to

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Under tense situations, mistakes are easily made. With a gun, those
mistakes may be terminal.

Three women shot dead by police since 1985.
Anguish won't bring back the dead.

Oh, so by your book it's OK for the police to gun down unarmed civilians
but it's folly for citizens to enjoy the hobby of shooting at targets
under controlled and regulated conditions?


Eeyore said:
Rifles are a whole different story. For one thing they can't be concealed.

Of course they can, otherwise snipers wouldn't get very far.
