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Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Doctor said:
I recall that Jonathan Porrit came under fire from Kevin Cahill who wrote
Who Owns Britain. They said that the UK is short of agricultural land. We
"pay" farmers "not" to grow crops.

Apparently 'set aside' has just been set aside. So no longer. They can now use
the land to grow biofuel perhaps ? Willow makes a good fuel crop AIUI. Shouldn't
need much in the way of cultivation, fertiliser, insecticide and the like.



Doctor said:
I recall that Jonathan Porrit came under fire from Kevin Cahill who wrote
Who Owns Britain. They said that the UK is short of agricultural land. We
"pay" farmers "not" to grow crops.

Like many of these green organisations, they have been highjacked by large
land owners who have a different agenda to saving the planet. Like keeping
people out of the countryside and retaining their lucrative acres.

'Hijacked' simply = democracy in action.

Did these landowners achieve their ends by force or something ?


Doctor Drivel

David Hansen said:
On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:57:21 +0100 someone who may be "Doctor

As I said, if I remember I will ask. I imagine it will bring some
mild amusement to those in the office.

I recall an email exchange I had with one of their top men once. It was like
talking to the Countryside Alliance, whose prime concern is not Green
matters. These people may actually believe what they are doing is right for
people and nature. The fact is, it is not. All they want to do is keep
people out of the countryside. Naive to say the least.


The obsession with the 'right to bear arms' is a truly weird American thing.

No matter how 'nice' people may appear to be, gun ownership leads to gun crime.


One word.



Eeyore wrote:

Sure, just like knife ownership leads to knife crime and car
ownership leads to running people over with cars. The reason
why so many people die when someone brings a gun to school
or hijacks a plane is because no one else has a weapon and
they have all been told to sit quietly and ...

.... wait for the Police to arrive.

The Natural Philosopher

Anthony said:
Eeyore wrote:

Sure, just like knife ownership leads to knife crime and car
ownership leads to running people over with cars.

You can do other things with cars and knives.

There is nothing a handgun is good for except killing people.
That is its primary function. It s NOT a target weapon: that is normally
restricted to specialized .22 caliber guns. It is not a hunting weapon.
It may be a humane killer f you are daily around horses or cattle, but a
captive bolt pistol is safer and more effective.

handgun is essentially a way to kill or severely maim someone at no
more than around 10 meters range.

Any one who carries one (apart from sheer vanity), does so because they
expect, rightly or wrongly, that one day they will kill someone with it.

The reason
why so many people die when someone brings a gun to school
or hijacks a plane is because no one else has a weapon and
they have all been told to sit quietly and not defend themselves.

The reason why someone brings a gun to school is they are a fucked up
human in a fucked up society, and handguns are simple to acquire.

In Africa they die of dysentry and starvation. In the USA they get shot.
We are through trying to bring civilisation to the world where its not

USA is a busted flush anyway now. It's destroyed everything that made it
worth respecting, and its flat broke, deep in debt, short of oil, and
running out of ideas.

The world doesn't need the USA. We don't care if you have shootouts at
the OK playground as a national pastime. Better than doing it over here.


Doctor said:
I recall an email exchange I had with one of their top men once. It was like
talking to the Countryside Alliance, whose prime concern is not Green
matters. These people may actually believe what they are doing is right for
people and nature. The fact is, it is not.

That's merely your opinion. They clearly don't agree.



Huge said:

One word.


Gun ownership in Switzerland is not as widespread as the gun lobby likes to make out. A lot
of them are militrary rifles too, not handguns.

Sigh !



Anthony said:
Eeyore wrote:

Sure, just like knife ownership leads to knife crime and car
ownership leads to running people over with cars.

Utterly different.
The reason
why so many people die when someone brings a gun to school
or hijacks a plane is because no one else has a weapon and
they have all been told to sit quietly and not defend themselves.

So, you'd have all the schoolkids running around with handguns ?

What do you reckon, one murder a week in the playground, probably over trivia.




Peter said:
I should also mention that incandescent bulbs, contrary to popular
propaganda, will not be taken off the market by the EU Directive
(Wedgie Benn's son doesn't get a say in the matter). What will be
taken off are the cheap incandescent bulbs all of which are long out
of patent and which Osram and Philips can no longer sell at a profit.
Replacing them will be the new greenwashed EU approved not
incandescent (Osram patent) lamp which looks the same as an
incandescent bulb but has a halogen capsule built in and is between
10% and 50% more energy efficient than the bulb it replaces. It also
looks as if its going to cost 10 times as much as a standard

You know this for a fact ?

I've been watching this development. Philips call it CHi or somesuch and it
seemed at one point that the proposed EU law would end up banning new enhanced
efficiency lighbulbs even before they made it to market.



John said:
To advocate nuclear, which generates highly toxic waste which needs to
be kept out of the biosphere for orders of magnitude longer than the
pyramids have been around, while criticising the Hg in CFLs, is definitely
one for the Mote & Beam department.

Unless there is a perceived need to reprocess nuclear fuel, keeping it out of
the biosphere is absurdly simple. You just 'contain' it in a safe place !

Reprocessing was originally done in the UK to obtain the plutonium needed for
the bomb, then on a flawed belief that supplies of uranium would run out and
finally (on a profit driven basis) in order to serve an international market of
reactor users who didn't want to deal with such issues themselves.

As a result Britain did indeed become the world's 'nuclear dustbin' but it has
nothing to do with the everyday running requirements of thermal reactors !



David said:
On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:19:57 +0100 someone who may be Peter Parry

There are no poisonous metals in nuclear electricity generation?

None that anyone ever need be exposed to.


Arnold Walker

The data on concealed weapon laws in all states show the exact opposite.
Why do you think most mass shootings happen in gun free zones like
schools,not police stations and courthouseswith gunpacking guards all
around.That in most legel gun use ,the incident is not reported, because the
merchent was not robbed with shot fired.
N o robbery and no shot equals no case to report.
Why do you think that many of the auti-gunners also have a pocket pistol
like the trial lawyers doing cases for the crimials?
A state votes in a concealed weapon law and the crime rate drops
immediately. Crimials don't want to lose
thier monopoly on weapons on the street.Cops toting guns is bad enorgh for
crime business as it is.When the general
public starts toting guns a crimial might get hurt.So he starts thinking
twice about knocking over that....

Actually shotguns work out better than handguns on home defense.....
It took a little more skill to use my 30/30 pistol in doors than my shotgun
with squirrel shot.
For the squirrels crawling thru the windows or breaking in the car.
But then might be the reason most cops have that scattergun handy ,even with
a pistol on the belt.


Peter said:
Good coverage in a recent edition of "Lighting". It appears Osram
have been pushing/bribing the EU quite heavily and the new bulbs will
be allowed even at the lower end of the efficiency saving.

I didn't even know Osram were in on it. At the last count it was Philips and GE who
were making noises.


The Natural Philosopher

Anthony said:
Perhaps only the school kids who have passed gun safety and
training classes and which have proven to be responsible and
drug free. Oh, and the teachers who have done the same. Maybe
we could start with just the responsible and drug free teachers.

There are no drug free people in the world today.

We all run on drugs, even if its just testosterone and adrenaline and
oestrogen. Why do teenage kids run amok? not used to the hormones.
That's a large part of it. Makes you very moody till you adjust.

The Muslims like their tea, full of caffeine and other dross. we drink
alcohol - probably responsible for far more deaths than any other 'drug'
in the world, and nicotine.

You can walk into any drugstore and get aspirin, paracetamol, and many
many other mind altering substances.

Vegetation is full of interesting stuff. I only need go 50 yards for
plants with atropine in them..

It only takes one person out of an entire classroom shooting back
to stop a massacre.

it only takes one person out of a clssroom shooting, to start one.

Probably because they STOPPED taking the drugs..
Or he classroom is full of dickheads like which case
'justifiable homicide' would be my plea ;-)

The Natural Philosopher

John said:
To advocate nuclear, which generates highly toxic waste

True. But not much of it.
which needs to
be kept out of the biosphere for orders of magnitude longer than the
pyramids have been around,

Not really. Only a few things need to be kept that long. ND its arguable
as to wheher teh effects of levigabit lyng arud are that bad, anyway.

Windscale doused us pretty throroughly. We didn't die.

And of course CO2, which needs to be kept out of te biosphere for as
long as the coal has been underground, is a really viable alternative
waste product eh?
while criticising the Hg in CFLs,

A definie known poison, probably more posonus and dealy than most of
wahta nuclear stataion produces..
is definitely
one for the Mote & Beam department.

Not really.

I'd far rather live next door to a nuclear power station that the M25...

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
Almost nothing the US gubmint does anymore makes sense....

Not since Bush, no.
And you want them to have =more= money to spend on crap?
Are you in the US?????????

Nope. But its time to vote the bastards out and keep voting them out
until you get some PUBLIC SERVANTS in - not a bunch of oligarchs.

The Natural Philosopher

Andy said:
I draw my own conclusions from the way in which illegal handgun use has
soared since legal handgun ownership was banned.

In the same way that global warming has soared since Piracy went into

And UK sport went into decline once we had Nu Laber, and now seems to b
picking up again slightly, as they go into terminal decline?

The Natural Philosopher

Jim said:
And where legal guns exist it's

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
And no one wants that.

??? everyone wants that. They are so much easier to spot. Then they can
get arrested.

John Waynes is dead sunshine: this is the 21st century. And he was an