Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: UK RICS report says solar takes 208 years to repay...nonsense! Help needed!



Arnold said:
Not totally ,some areas they have bombs for that purpose and even strap them
on or leave them in British subways.

That doesn't change what I said about guns.


Arnold Walker

Anthony Matonak said:
I suppose there are places, like Russia, that have large areas already
contaminated with lots of radioactive material. One method to deal with
nuclear waste would be to ship it there and just dump it on the ground.
Maybe put up a warning sign.

This is still off topic for all of these newsgroups.

Yes and no,since the nuts and bolts of solar energy and wind is the nuke
energy from the sun.
Which would make nuke alternate energy......give or take the bean counters
realizing that.
And this is an alternative energy group.


Arnold said:
If you are talking tritium or stromium 90 totally decayed is more like it.
One other thing wonders about is talking about sealing everything
in sight.
Not recycling or the eco impact of the unmined nuke material ....many speak
of a grain
creating mass disaster at every corner.What about the tons in the ground
unmined on mass disaster?
Are we to believe that we have naturally occuring toxic waste sites?
Dating back before the pyamids,etc.,etc......
Maybe moses should have been arranging a super fund to clean up Nevada and
And Noah checking his ark insurance policy for radiation poisoning from
uranium fields in Libya.
(Sort of unclear on whether he knew where he was ...much less if he cruised
over Libya)

In certain parts of the UK for sure (notably area where the bedrock is granite IIRC)
you may have your life shortened by exposure to naturally occurring radioactive radon
gas. It can accumulate in homes.



Steve said:
He's doing no such thing, he's doing the usual Drivel tactic of talking
crap and being too stupid to admit that he made a mistake. He certainly
has not argued that these are "specially trained units" as you allege.

Are you arguing that US police officers have no weapons training?

Are you claiming that the UK training is somehow infinitely superior to the
US training?

No, it's significantly superior.

You're wrong on both counts if you are.

No, I'm right.

And both of you are wrong if you think that police officers don't go
onto British streets, armed, on a regular basis.

Mostly in their ARVs. You're being disingenuous there.



Steve said:
That is as much utter baloney as anything you have said so far. Murder,
rape, arson, child abduction and burglary are serious problems in the
UK, committed by strangers on innocents. To attempt to claim otherwise
if absolute hokum.

No, he was talking about a single person having all those things happen to them.

And if you think the answer to dealing with them on an individual basis is gun
ownership, then you're a damn fool.


Doctor Drivel

Jim said:

Not that drivel about Switzerland. I find drivel all the time. I did a
Google and found this non-drivel:


Here it cut and pasted. ......

Gun control in Switzerland

1. The Swiss militia

Military service in Switzerland is compulsory and all male Swiss citizens
incorporated in combatant militia units are taught how to shoot, beginning
at age 20 with basic military training. Rifle clubs teach younger men how
to shoot in voluntary preparatory courses.

All combatant militia troops (ages 20 to 50) are obliged to keep their
personal weapon, normally an automatic assault rifle and ammunition at home.
The army takes effective possession of some secure storage space for the
draftee's equipment, including the gun, in the latter's home.

Every male over 18 fit for military service is issued a type of M16 gun with
rounds of ammnuition to be used in the event of war, that same gun must be
presented twice annually to the inspection station with all sealed

It is strictly forbidden to use the military weapons for any non-authorized
prposes. While each militiaman keeps some sealed ammunition at home, he is
under no circumstances allowed to use the ammunition for any private use.

A militiaman who uses his military weapon for unauthorized and improper
purposes may, under military criminal law, be sentenced to prison or, if the
offense is of small gravity, be punished by disciplinary action.

2. The purchasing of private firearms

The purchase of firearms and ammunition is subject to cantonal (State)
legislation, and the regulations vary from Canton to Canton. Some minimal
rules have, however, been agreed upon in a so-called "Concordat" which binds
all Cantons.

In this "Concordat" in its latest revision of 1970 it is stated

a) that whoever sells firearms and ammunition commercially must have an
authorization (firearm-sale permit) issued by the competent authority of the
canton where the business is domiciled;

b) commercial sales of firearms are only allowed to persons presenting a
duly signed "firearms purchase certificate" issued by the competent
authorities of the canton where the purchaser is domiciled;

c) such purchase certificates are not issued to persons under 18 years of
age, to mentally ill people, to persons under guardianship, to alcoholics,
as well as to persons with a criminal record, or if reasonable suspicion of
doing harm with a weapon to themselves or third parties exists.

d) persons authorized to sell firearms are required to keep detailed
records containing the date of sale, the exact personal data of the
purchaser, the number, issuing authority and date of the "purchase
certificate", as well as the type and serial number of the firearm.

The purchase of a firearm requires a permit in all Swiss cantons. The
carrying and transportation of firearms and other weapons to is subject to
the issuance of a special permit in the following cantons:

Zurich, Lucerne, Schwyz, Obwalden, Freiburg, Solothurn, Basel City,
Schaffhausen, Appenzell Interior Rhodes, St. Gallen, Thurgau, Ticino,
Neuchatel, Geneva.

The "Weapon Rules" of the Canton of Zurich, which regulates the trade in
weapons and ammunition as well as the carrying and owning of weapons, and
are fairly representative of other cantonal rules, subject the carrying of
handguns, gasguns, pointed weapons (such as daggers, etc.), blunt weapons
(such as knuckledusters, etc.), as well as the transportation of these
weapons in public transport facilities to a personal permit (weapon permit),
valid up to 2 years, if danger to the applicant's person or property can be
substantiated. Private ownership of machine pistols, machine guns, explosive
weapons (i.e. hand grenades and bombs) as well as weapon simulating articles
of daily use, is prohibited.

Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons can only be purchased (and carried)
with a special permit issued by the Federal Military Department (Department
of Defense), after consultation with the Federal Police, and a special
cantonal authorization which generally is only granted to collectors.


The US gun lobby presents a myth of Swiss parading around the streets with
loaded automatic weapons ready to blow away criminals. In fact Swiss Army
reservists that keep weapons at home are required to have them unloaded and
locked up. The small supply of ammunition is kept sealed. Only able bodied
men between 18 and mid 40s have an army gun at home. Women are not called
up. After service the gun goes back to the army. Most Swiss do not have
military hardware at home.

American housholds are far more likely to have a firearm than Swiss.


Steve said:
Wrong on both counts, again. Military rifles in Switzerland are separate
from guns owned by the private individual.

Uh ? What do you mean 'separate from' ? Separate from what ?

So what anyway ?



Steve said:
A Swiss citizen would be shocked to hear anyone think that
would even consider using a military rifle for anything other than civil

Because they're a very law abiding lot unlike in the USA.


Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
Personal ownership (which is what's dangerous) is not required for target

You're wrong there as well, and you obviously know nothing about target

Steve Firth

Doctor Drivel said:
Hand guns were invented so officers could shoot their own men. A supposes a
man is a target of some description.

Are you going for a world record for talking bollocks?

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
There's absolutely no way of knowing that.

Utter tripe. Criminals still have guns, indeed more than at the time the
ban was instituted. Gun crime on the street is increasing.

Andy Hall

Wrong on both counts, again. Military rifles in Switzerland are separate
from guns owned by the private individual. Possession of guns for
hunting is extremely common and pistols are owned for personal
protection. A Swiss citizen would be shocked to hear anyone think that
would even consider using a military rifle for anything other than civil

And yes, I did live there for a number of years.

I'd corroborate that, having worked for a Swiss company for a while and
a frequent visitor. Military/CD service was (probably still is)
taken quite seriously. It used to be 3 weeks per year between ages

More interestingly, in large companies, a person's position in the
hierarchy would be a mirror of their military rank. That led to some
interesting incompetences.

Colleagues and friends of non-Swiss nationality who lived there felt it
to be somewhat of a police state, rather than its superficial
appearance of a very large train set.

Morris Dovey

Eeyore wrote:

| This is the usual American story. My wife will be raped, my
| children murdered in their beds etc ..... That's merely because
| you're in the USA and it's a very violent society, but even so, how
| often does that actually happen ?

I think not frequently (it's certainly an UNcommon event) but it does
happen. That it happens at all means that it happens /too/ often.

Yes, our society has been violent from the beginning (actually, from
before our beginning) and our cultural roots are in places that
considered public disembowelment and burning at the stake acceptable
treatment of those who deviated from the norm. We tend to be more
violent than some societies and less violent than others.

I'm not sure why, but individuals here seem willing to take on more
stress than people in most other places I've seen, and some handle it
less well than others. Most who can't handle it break more or less
silently. A very small proportion break explosively.

| In the UK I think I can confidently say NEVER.

It's a good brag. May you always feel so safe.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:
No, he was talking about a single person having all those things happen to

No he wasn't, he specifically mentioned his wife and children, not a
single person. And once again you have snipped the relevant material
where I proved that you were wrong.
And if you think the answer to dealing with them on an individual basis is
gun ownership, then you're a damn fool.

Ah, excellent, name calling, you lose.

Steve Firth

Eeyore said:

Then you are telling lies.
No, it's significantly superior.

Utter bullshit.
No, I'm right.

Proof by assertion, you lose again.
Mostly in their ARVs.

And to spell it out, that would be a perfectly ordinary traffic car with
two perfectly ordinary bobbies inside it. The only difference being that
these bobbies are armed and trained to kill.
You're being disingenuous there.

Oh, the irony.

Steve Firth

Morris Dovey said:
It's a good brag. May you always feel so safe.

It's also completely untrue. However it seems that "Eeyore" is unable to
admit that he is wrong, so he refuses to admit that he has seen this

28-year-old Robert Laitner was stabbed to death in his bedroom in the
Sheffield suburb of Dore. His father solicitor Basil Laitner went
upstairs to investigate the noise and was also stabbed to death.
Basil's wife, Avril was downstairs and was stabbed twenty-six times.
Returning upstairs the assailant then attacked the youngest of the
Laitners' daughters, Nicola. She was repeatedly raped by the
intruder, recently escaped criminal Arthur Hutchinson. Hutchinson had
been charged with rape in a different case but escaped from custody.

All it takes is one example to prove him wrong, and there is the exact
example he denies has ever happened in the UK.