Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: lateral mosfets vs. bjts in audio amplifier design



Michael A. Terrell said:
Once again you have gone beyond ignorant, right to stupid. You have
been told, over and over that there are three parts to the US
government, and that the US President does not have the power to force
any religion or religious issue on the country by themselves. It was
one of the worthless British royals who did it to you, because your form
of government is so weak.

No wonder the you keep striking out with women, constantly harping
about things that don't concern you.

Ideally you would mind your own damn business.

So you're a lover of incompetents too ?



Michael A. Terrell said:
You have
been told, over and over that there are three parts to the US
government, and that the US President does not have the power to force
any religion or religious issue on the country by themselves.

Teaching creationism sounds pretty much like forcing a single religion on children,
not to mention diminishing the value of science.

It was one of the worthless British royals who did it to you, because your form
of government is so weak.

Did what to whom ?

We have religious freedom here including the freedom to worship none (most people).



Michael A. Terrell said:
Only to small minds like yours. People of strong conviction left
Europe for America, to build the life they wanted, away from the forced
religions of Europe even though they knew there was a good chance they
wouldn't survive the trip, and that there weren't homes and jobs waiting
for them.

The Pilgrims weren't being forced to worship a religion they didn't agree
with. They were merely a sect.



Michael A. Terrell said:
The Book of Genesis - Chapter 1

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And you believe this literally ?



Kevin said:
You can argue any way you like, but believing in imaginary supreme beings,
and taking action on such pathetic beliefs, is a recipe for disaster.

I would argue that with GWB in power and 'talking to God', that disaster is
already well upon us.



Jan said:
On a sunny day it happened "Michael A.

I have heard this version:
In the beginning there was nothing.
Then God said: Let there be light.
There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.

I like that one.



John said:
Religious people accomplish more real-world work
than unbelievers.


Russia changed from a peasant society to an industrialised one in a previously
unheard of short length of time.

Peasant society 1918
One powerful enough to beat the Nazis 1944



John said:
How utterly lame. Religious people accomplish more real-world work
than unbelievers. That's why we had Muslim and British empires,

The British Empire was based on TRADE, and things like port facilities not
and why the USA is now the only superpower,

God help us !



John said:
So, where did the universe come from?

Does it really matter in the overall scheme of daily things and what reason is
there to believe that an old bloke in a cloak with a long beard did it ?



John said:
Creationism can be a valid scientific theory

Where's the science ? The study, the development of a hypothesis and then a theory ?



John said:
The idea that life on Earth happened from inorganic sources is
absolute dogma, without a shread of proof, or even any decent

It's certainly been shown in the lab that amino acids, the basic building blocks of life, can be
formed under conditions that were likely to exist on Earth zillions of years ago.

This is indisputable.

Give it those zillion years and here we are.

Show me the same for Creationism. And of course Christian zealots therefore insist the earth must
be only 5000-7000 years old or so. How could you be so STUPID as to fall for this utter bunkum ?
I thought you had a brain and a good one at that !



John said:
The idea that life on Earth happened from inorganic sources is
absolute dogma, without a shread of proof, or even any decent

Exogenesis is, in my opinion, much more likely, but it's rarely
mentioned because of fear of getting too close to "Creationism." There
are directions in which most scientists don't allow themselves to
look. I know circuit designers like that.

The real tiebreaker, aside from some SETI type of discovery, must lie
in our DNA itself. "Junk DNA" was dismissed as useless artifacts of
evolution, but are likely to be a lot more important than anyone cared
to consider.,2933,435184,00.html

csmonitor <sigh>

Junk DNA would merely prove randomness in the evolution of life. Any scientist would EXPECT that.



John said:
If it means spreading democracy and health and security around the
world, yes, absolutely.

Except you're doing EXACTLY the OPPOSITE. You have destroyed democracy, damaged
health and brought war and destruction around the world.

At least the British Empire did achieve those things which is why over 50
independent nations are happy of their own free will to be part of our
Commonwealth of Nations. Even FRANCE wanted to join at one time ! There is also a
small member nation (Mozambique) that was never ever under British Rule but wanted
to join the club and we agreed.

It is the largest 'club of nations' outside the United Nations and I for one am
proud both of it and the story it tells.


p.s. the USA is an eligible candidate.


John said:
The USA invented modern democracy

What fucking crap.

The Island's parliament is Tynwald, which dates from at least AD 979 and is said
to be the oldest continuously existing parliament in the world. Tynwald is a
bicameral legislature, comprising the House of Keys (directly elected by universal
suffrage) and the Legislative Council (consisting of indirectly elected and
ex-officio members). These two bodies meet together in joint session as Tynwald.

The executive branch of government is the Council of Ministers, which is composed
of members of Tynwald. It is headed by the Chief Minister, currently Tony Brown
