Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: Can twisted wire replace shielded wire?



Actually, the reptiles came first...

They did not come from eggs? Are you some sort of odd
conservative or fundie?

BTW, How did Adam manage to divorce Lilith?

J. Clarke

Cliff said:
You think so? Why?

So you are claiming that the laws of Physics change?
About that Aluminum foil ....

No, configuration of matter and energy changes. By your reasoning the
behavior of a four kilogram sphere of plutonium would be the same as that
of a four kilogram sphere of aluminum--after all they both obey the same
laws of physics.

NunYa Bidness

Man, you need to let your undies out a little.

Ever hear of this thing called "humor"?

Besides, there had to be lizards before there could be a chicken to
Oh boy. There had to be sharks before we could evolve, if you want
to nit pick about it.

NunYa Bidness

"Floyd L. Davidson"

** Piss off - cable tugger idiot.

More retarded remarks from the phil twit.

You must be one of those bastards that are related to the fucktards
that were jailed in that continent many years ago. Your mentality
sure supports this conclusion.

You piss off, you retarded bat's turd!

NunYa Bidness

"Floyd L. Davidson"
Paul Hovnanian P.E.

** Moose Stoopid and plain wrong.

It creates opposing polarity loops.

** Moose Stoopid and plain wrong.

The included loop area of the pair must always be minimised.

Take no notice of this " Floyd " idiot cable guy wanker.

Ever notice how you get no response to your utter stupidity,

F.D. has your grasp of the realm beat by orders of magnitude.

NunYa Bidness

"Fred Bloggs"

** That is both false and silly.

You're a fucking retard. LF mag fields can pass through the planet.
They most certainly can be read right though a coax shield.

Run it through a steel or mu metal pipe, and THEN things change a

YOU are both false, and retarded. Your ancestry is showing.

NunYa Bidness

And you are a lunatic.

I worked for a short time pumping figures into a VAX that "nested"
cut shapes together to minimize material losses in a sheet steel
plasma cutter setup. We had 3 machines, but the last one never
worked. It was a mere 150' feet from the VAX based machine controller

I noticed that the 9 conductor, foil shielded cable they used to
connect to the machine 150' away was draped directly over and snaked
around heavy power conduits that fed some of the high power machinery
being used in the shop (welders, shears, brakes, etc.).

I told them the reason their machine did not work was the routing of
that cable, as the spec for that particular serial line could traverse
much farther than a mere 150'. The noise introduced by the power
conduits was enough to keep the ports from handshaking/establishing a
connection for data transmission.

They bought a new cable, and routed it a bit better, and the machine
now functions.

This is why cable TV hard line runs are kept a minimum specific
distance away from power lines, both on the poles, and the soft coax
in the local installations.

LF fields can pass through both the conduits and the shields. Sure,
they attenuate some of it, but why ask for noise by nesting them right
next to each other.

Anyway... this proves your point.

NunYa Bidness

The length of a conductor in the braided shield is quite long
between two points while it may be much shorter with
a foil shield.

That's just nuts! A braided shield's conductors contact each other
throughout their length, and the electrical equivalent length is no
different than that of foil shield.
Considering the speed of the electrical field in
the conductor ..... and the distances involved ...
but the center conductor is shorter than the conductors in
the braid ...

You're nuts. If they were coated mag wire, you would be closer to
being correct, but braided shield is by design co-conductive elements.

Rich Grise

Why? Consider a superconducting loop with an induced current ...

You can stuff quite a few electrons on the surface of a
sphere .... see Van de Graff generators ...

And the return path is the air. You can see it. It looks like lightning.

Otherwise, you just have a capacitor, and it's gonna get full. There
has to be a return path, or no current will flow, period. OK, technically,
while the capacitor is charging, there's some current, but it stops, and
when there finally is a path, the charge just flows back to where it


Art Deco

NunYa Bidness said:
More retarded remarks from the phil twit.

You must be one of those bastards that are related to the fucktards
that were jailed in that continent many years ago. Your mentality
sure supports this conclusion.

You piss off, you retarded bat's turd!

More foam from Numby Genius!

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in alt.astronomy

"The original human being was a female hermaphrodite with
both male and female genitalia."

"Human beings CAN NOT live in a solar system without a sun
with a ferrite core and a planet without a solid iron core."

-- Alexa Cameron, Kook of the Year 2004

"I am a sean being from another planet."
-- Darla aka Dr. Why aka Dr. Yubiwan aka Silouen aka ...

Art Deco

NunYa Bidness said:
Ever notice how you get no response to your utter stupidity,

F.D. has your grasp of the realm beat by orders of magnitude.

You forgot to include "e-1" in this lame, Numby.

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in alt.astronomy

"The original human being was a female hermaphrodite with
both male and female genitalia."

"Human beings CAN NOT live in a solar system without a sun
with a ferrite core and a planet without a solid iron core."

-- Alexa Cameron, Kook of the Year 2004

"I am a sean being from another planet."
-- Darla aka Dr. Why aka Dr. Yubiwan aka Silouen aka ...

Art Deco

NunYa Bidness said:
You're a fucking retard. LF mag fields can pass through the planet.
They most certainly can be read right though a coax shield.

Run it through a steel or mu metal pipe, and THEN things change a

YOU are both false, and retarded. Your ancestry is showing.

Another "fucking retard", Numby? You sure have a knack for finding
them everywhere. I bet they hide under your bed, too.

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in alt.astronomy

"The original human being was a female hermaphrodite with
both male and female genitalia."

"Human beings CAN NOT live in a solar system without a sun
with a ferrite core and a planet without a solid iron core."

-- Alexa Cameron, Kook of the Year 2004

"I am a sean being from another planet."
-- Darla aka Dr. Why aka Dr. Yubiwan aka Silouen aka ...


I worked for a short time pumping figures into a VAX that "nested"
cut shapes together to minimize material losses in a sheet steel
plasma cutter setup.

This is not a trivial problem.
What methods were used? Software? With what economic
success, compared to perfect?


I worked for a short time pumping figures into a VAX that "nested"
cut shapes together to minimize material losses in a sheet steel
plasma cutter setup. We had 3 machines, but the last one never
worked. It was a mere 150' feet from the VAX based machine controller

I noticed that the 9 conductor, foil shielded cable they used to
connect to the machine 150' away was draped directly over and snaked
around heavy power conduits that fed some of the high power machinery
being used in the shop (welders, shears, brakes, etc.).

I told them the reason their machine did not work was the routing of
that cable, as the spec for that particular serial line could traverse
much farther than a mere 150'. The noise introduced by the power
conduits was enough to keep the ports from handshaking/establishing a
connection for data transmission.

They bought a new cable, and routed it a bit better, and the machine
now functions.

You need Mister Rogers ...

(Other good stuff at )


That's just nuts! A braided shield's conductors contact each other
throughout their length,

Nope. Little points of contact, mostly, where
the braids cross each other. Otherwise it's a spiral ...
much longer than an end-to-end conductor.

Considering those little points of contact .... sort
of a zig-zag conduction path, right?

Do you think it's actually much shorter than the spiral?

Insert calculations here:

and the electrical equivalent length is no
different than that of foil shield.

Did you compare speeds between the two? Non-wound foil BTW.
You're nuts. If they were coated mag wire, you would be closer to
being correct, but braided shield is by design co-conductive elements.

Insert calculations here:



More retarded remarks from the phil twit.

You must be one of those bastards that are related to the fucktards
that were jailed in that continent many years ago. Your mentality
sure supports this conclusion.

You piss off, you retarded bat's turd!

Sounds like a winger.
Found those "WMDs" yet?


You're a fucking retard. LF mag fields can pass through the planet.
They most certainly can be read right though a coax shield.

Please use a line or surface integral to demonstrate how a
net EMF is induced *between* the conductiors.

John Scheldroup

Perfect conservation ?

Conservation perfect ?

"Voltage changes which occur in a circuit as a result of energy dissipation"

John, designated bloody mary mixer